(Or: The best counter measure, is too un-invite them.)
Let us talk about the “Horrible” illegal immigration problem in the EU. Today some 40 dead ones were found in a truck. We read many articles of 1000s arriving on the bankrupt shores of Greece and other countries. It is in our news, daily. Remember you see some of the millions of invaders in the USA, every day. Just look around. These invasions should not happen.
Some reports tell us that between 1999 and 2000 there were 3,600.000 home invasions in the U.S. Now this includes break-ins, burglaries, home rapes etc. Rooster knows two people who, were at a guest’s home for dinner, when the house was invaded, by thieves who threaten them and stole all their money, jewelry etc. That is two too many. In the US we clearly see and understand that unwanted entry into anyone’s home is illegal and scary. How come few seem to get upset if the invasion is hidden and many of the invaders are protected by their own Government? You older folks remember the 1944 movie “the Uninvited” with Ray Milland and Ruth Hussey. You younger ones recall the 2000 movie “The Uninvited” staring Mekhi Phlter and Mori Morrow. All shock movies dripping in horror. That is obvious what we think on the subject if it is within our walls. Somehow we are blasé about it if it is outside the house, but in the neighborhood.
Why is it that the U.S.A has not stopped its illegal invasion? Why is it that Europe just does not seem to be able to stop the invasion of 1000s and maybe millions of mostly Muslims from wonderful countries ruled by Muslims? Of course there are others. For example in the EU many are Christians fleeing Muslims. The question is still there. Why can these countries not stop the invasions? They call them migrations. Why?
Success is not difficult. It is time consuming and expensive, but not impossible. So why does it go on? All you have to do is gather up the invaders and deliver them back to the Country they came from. You keep doing that and pretty soon the invasion will become a random crossing. If the Country they came from, refuses to allow your boats to land, then you force the landing with war ships. You deliver them with a month’s supply of food. Point is you find a way to do it. Your Leaders should never allow it to happen. Why do they?
The answer lies in their political beliefs. Socialist/progressives/communists etc. are all one world believers. Borders are in their way for a one world happy family of home invaders. You see they do not see them as invaders, but as poor lost souls following the wrong set of beliefs. Most of Europe’s leaders are people of this belief. Even Merkel in Germany is a soap opera when it comes to these tough decisions. Clearly France, Spain, Italy etc. have no leaders who read history. If they did they would see the terrible things that happened to their countries when invaded by Muslim Armies a long time ago. Those same things will happen when this invasion takes its beach heads and moves further inland. Send them back to the Counties that born them. It is their problem and let them deal with it. It is not the problem of other Countries. If you wonder why Trump is leading in the polls, it is because he alone says he will close the borders and deport the illegals. Europe is desperately in need of someone to take Trumps example.
People with common sense understand what has to be done, but are a forgotten minority. Uninvited…. so to speak.

PROTEST: FLY THE BETSY ROSS FLAG. It is the one flag where all the States supported the Constitution.
Wc 624
Rooster Bradford, gives up all rights to this article and seeks no compensation for its use. 2015


(OR: Where & how you are born matters.)
Several Candidates for President are beginning to talk about the citizenship of babys born in the USA of parents who are here illegally. Those who argue such a baby must be citizens are the same ones who tell us the minute before a baby is born it is not human. This is just a hint that their logic may be flawed.
To understand the issue, we must know it is not solved by the Constitution. Second, we must know and understand significant court comment on it. The main body of the Constitution is silent on anchor babies. In fact it left citizenship to the States. Citizenship becomes a part of the Constitution only in its amendments. The birthright issue comes to pass only because of the existence of the 14th Amendment. Its language, which some argue says children of illegals are citizens, is as follows:

“Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States
and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United
States and of the State wherein they reside.”
Obviously the above language does not mention children of illegal trespassers. At best it’s language is ambiguous when it says “ born or naturalized… and subject to….” What does “… subject to jurisdiction…” mean? If being born and naturalized was all that was meant then why condition that event, by “…subject to the jurisdiction thereof…”. Why was this condition added? Logic tells us that if we have no jurisdiction of an illegal, then we also have no jurisdiction of its baby seconds before it is born and right after. Illegals make illegals so to speak. The word jurisdiction must have meant something other than the power to arrest and deport. Let’s step back in time to learn the reasons the 14th Amendment was created in the first place. Certainly knowing what the writers had in mind should help logic and common sense.
Winning the Civil War was its cause. With the end of slavery three Constitutional Amendments were passed to hopefully clear up the citizenship issue of slaves. They are the 13, 14, and 15th.
Amendment 13: This simply removed Slavery and Involuntary Servitude and gave Congress (Not the States.) power to enforce it.
Amendment 14: This attempted to define Citizenship (see above) and specifically said no State could deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process and equal protection of the law. This reinforced the power granted Congress in the 13th. It went on to talk about apportionment and election of members of Congress. While at it the writers added that the US Gov. could not assume any debts of the Confederate States. Clearly the intent was the slavery issue.
Amendment 15: This was the final wrap up of the slavery issue by declaring a State could not deny votes based on race, color, or servitude.
Using common sense these three focused on slavery, its destruction, and feared resurrection. The issue of birth rights of illegal trespassers was not in the intent and was not in the mind of those who approved the amendments.
How did the Anchor Babe concept get pulled out of this ambiguous language? Well the Liberal members of our Supreme Court did the deed. The case most used as the source is “United States vs Wong Kim Ark in 1898”. The issue here was the citizenship of children born to people here legally, but not citizens. By the rules of interpretation this ruling should never have been applied beyond its facts. The Court did not have before it the issue of the parent’s illegality. Another case used as the fountain head is Plyler vs Doe (1982) where a footnote seemed to say that presence here legally was not relevant. Again it was an aside. It was not an issue clearly framed by the pleadings or otherwise before the court. This being so it should not be a ruling of the court.
The result is that there is no clear Court Case, interpreting the Constitution directly on the issue. At best, if the issue had been before the Supreme Court its ruling should have said the Constitution is silent on the matter. It is akin to Presiding Justice Roberts calling Obama’s Health Care, a tax. Justices sometimes pull issues out of thin air.
This means that Congress has the power to pass a law saying birth right means both parents, or one (If it wants.) must be legal citizens. Of course the pro-aggressives will appeal it, and finally, for once, the issue will be directly put to the Court.
Oh, yes finally the stock market is acting like a real market. Good luck.

PROTEST: FLY THE BETSY ROSS FLAG. It is the one flag where all the States supported the Constitution.
Rooster Bradford, gives up all rights to this article and seeks no compensation for its use. Aug. 2015


(OR: Look behind Bernie’s large crowds and ask, why?)
This Morning it was reported that the national tax income for 2015 is estimated to be Two and a half trillion dollars. The most ever. However the national expense is ½ trillion more than that. (500 plus billion for those in Isla Vista). The current national debt is 18 and a half trillion dollars and rising. If we spent all the annual income (impossible) it would take 10 years to pay off the debt. This terrible situation is because of Socialism. Just as with all Socialist experiments, if we continue, we will implode because the giveaway mentality will crush productivity.
The above is why Bernie Sanders matters. In one respect he is honest. He tells everyone he is a true blue Socialist. This means he will continue the above debt accumulation until our cornucopia is empty, like Greece and Puerto Rico are right now.
What we can learn from Sanders Campaign is awesome. Keep in mind the Democrats have a primary candidate who is a closet socialist. She does not pull instant or big crowds. Bernie’s are like Flash Mobs. By the thousands (27.500 in L .A. Portland 28,000: Seattle 15,000} these Socialist/ Democrats just appear out of the woodwork. That they show up in such numbers is what is important. Why and who are they? The why is because they are ardent Socialists? They are those brain washed by years of education failure. The who, is that they are mostly middle age and young folks. They are rushing to listen to an old white haired man, who looks his age, and speaks poorly. When someone takes his mic he lets it go. What attracts them is not the man. It is the fact that he is a card carrying, in your face, Socialist. What does this all mean? To the Conservative, this can mean only one thing. There is a tidal wave of Socialists out there ready to continue the destruction of our Republic. Let them find an American Lenin and there will be no stopping the plunge. Do not doubt me. They already have had nearly 8 years of rampage with Barrack. Most of you did not think sane people could vote for such a disaster a second time. They did. Their sanity is in question. The Conservative must understand he or she holds the life jacket in their hands. If properly handled it will save anyone, and everyone. If not we all will sink in the same cesspool of greed and entitlement. It will not be enough to win the next election. Why? Because a win will give conservatives only 4 years. We will be beset by debt problems, which makes any more time problematical. What is required is not only a victory but a meaningful reeducation of these hordes of thieves who stand at the gates ready to demand you feed them and take care of them. This then is the challenge. Is there one of the candidates who understands this and has the guts and fortitude to do it? The beginning could be as simple as denying Federal Aid to any School System that does not teach the merits of a Republic and the failures of Socialism. The second effort would be by advertisement handed out to TV and radio that do the same. The GOP candidates, Rooster sees, do not give much hope. Which one of them has said Socialism is a cancer of peace? Which one has said the greatest killers of their own people have been socialist governments? Which one of them has said Socialism destroys productivity? Which one of them has said the old order must be changed? Which one has said it like it really is? With Socialist stupidity failures around the globe you would think it easy to point this out. You would think pointing to Nazi Germany, Soviet Union, Cuba, China, Vietnam, Greece, Spain, Ireland, Portugal, Puerto Rico Venezuela, Argentina, Brazil, etc. in your face, failures of Socialism, would be easy. No one is doing it. You would think telling people that the only thing they have to fear is free stuff, itself, would be on the lips of true leaders. It is not on the lips of those running. Trump, Cruz and maybe one other could, but will they? Think of this. China is stumbling and will fail. Germany is the strength of the EU. If it fails (Right now it is in decline.) who will bail out future members like Greece? If the USA fails there is no country or group of countries which could bail us out. Our chaos will be very personal.
PROTEST: FLY THE BETSY ROSS FLAG. It is the one flag where all the States supported the Constitution. Wc 678 Rooster Bradford, gives up all rights to this article and seeks no compensation for its use. 2015



Let us first look at the questions.  Somewhere in the Fox think tank they got it wrong.   They decided to attack the candidates rather than facilitate the poor souls up on the stage.   The stage was well done, but we could have used more meaningful questions on the burning issues of the day.  The general question of candidates non-support of the eventual Nominee was a set up.  They knew only Trump would raise his hand.  Meagan’s surprise attack on him,  about his views of women was especially wrong.   It was kind of like the question, “When did you stop beating your wife?”  Just wrong, that’s all.

Both events were pretty much the same in results.  No clear winner, but we did observe a bunch of folks who should get out of the way.   In the first debate only Perry stood out as a decent candidate. He was much improved over his poor performance when he last ran for the nomination.  Much has been said of Florina, as having done a fair job. Her answers were ok, but you should never forget that when she was head of Hewett Packard she did a poor job of leading, and was complicit in the general CEO rip off of large companies.  She also lost a major bid at election in California.  Track records are much more important than the words used in a debate.

The main event was handled about as well as can be done in a crowd.  Trump received the most screen time, and Ron Paul the least.  We could have done with a lot less screen time of the moderators.   Jeb Bush showed his true soft side personality.  His achievements in Florida were only fair on the conservative litmus test.   Carson is a good conservative and said the right things, but he to, suffers from a speaking voice that gets lost in a good wind.  Christie lost it on his response to being called for hugging Obama.  Cruz, unfortunately was avoided by the moderators and his questions did not let him shine in the small window they gave him.  Rooster likes Cruz.  His deeds are impressive as he battles the “Good Old Boy” network in the Senate.  He has the guts to go out front and do battle. Huckabee, a seasoned politician and political figure handled himself well, but Rooster is not impressed with his ability to call an ace an ace and demand performance of others.  Kasich’s answers were just what the main stream news folks love.  There was little that pleased the conservative love meter.  Ron Paul was pretty well sidelined, and out of the game.   We really did not get much information from him and the questions given him were weak.   Before the next debate he should comb his hair, and stand a little taller.  Rubio handled himself well.  Was he given a break, because of his Cuban history? Maybe.   Again however, his personality is not top-gun caliber.  Trump was Trump, the super salesman, with a big voice and larger than life handshake. The jury is still out on his conservative core beliefs.   There is a sinister campaign, being put out by the left, that he is a secret agent for the Clintons.   This could hurt him. If he does not get on it right now it will gather steam from the conspiracy types. Certainly he has some of the Reagan attributes, a voice you can hear and courage.  His donations to Democrat candidates will not sit well with the main line conservatives. It is way too early to judge him a winner.   Scott Walker did fine and his track record of standing up to the establishment and entrenched unions in Wisconsin is admirable.   Rooster just wishes he would find a capable speech coach, to help him raise his voice, open his eyes and sound like the combatant his record portrays.

Clearly this debate did not produce a dominate personality with strong conservative credentials.  The handlers and seconds have a lot of work before the next round.


PROTEST:  FLY THE BETSY ROSS FLAG.  It is the one flag where all the States supported the Constitution.

Wc  677

Rooster Bradford, gives up all rights to this article and seeks no compensation for its use.  2015


(OR: Political mistakes, repeat themselves.)

For those who recall 78 records, there was something special about the sound and clatter  when the needle ran out of recorded space and began to flop  around in the center.  Suddenly you had a strong urge to make it stop.   So it is with historians, such as the Rooster, when he feels the sound and fury, repeated in Politics.  That sound and fury occurs when a society rotates from freedom to socialism, and back again. It is a cabal of whiners, lazy people, do-nothings, and greedy who create a society which takes from others to give to “ more deserving”.  This goes on until the producing victums re- take control once again.  They then restore individual freedom which includes free enterprise, free speech, freedom of worship, dignity to the human spirit etc.  The only controls they impose are those to control the evil ones.  There are a never ending supply of them.   All along the way the producers are attacked by the Cabal.  In time the cabal, like a swarm of bees will begin to win, and the merry-go-round resumes.   In short history has been a battle between the producers and the non producers.  In all of history, only once or twice has a government come along that has lasted a long peaceful time.   Like a merry-go-round there are different rides.  There is one for socialism, one for communisim, one for conservatism, one for destroyers, one for builders and so forth. Too often the change is swift and terrible   In the mix in different ways,  is the misuse of the ability to vote.   It is fine line between having your money taken by the vote of a 45 Cal. Pistol, and the vote of the majority around you.   In the final analysis what you earned is taken from you.   One is considered illegal and the other legal. The result can be the same.   One certain change for the better would be to control the misuse of the vote so that the legal does not have the same impact as the illegal.  That is to say, control the vote so that the voters cannot vote themselves a vacation and free stuff at your expense.

The best form of government is a Republic with limited democracy.   In a Republic the people do not have a direct say.  They cannot directly vote themselves candy.  Their power is filtered through representatives, whom they select by vote. This provides debate, aging of the wine, selection, and time to reflect.   Yet, the candy taking can be regained by voting in legislators who will get the candy for you.  This is happening in the United States today.

A significant  answer would be to root out conflicts of interest in the voting process.  In American, (which is going down the drain because of conflicts of various interest), it could be done and could be done peacefully.  The odds are against the latter, however.  One political observer and teacher after another has stated that Democracy is doomed once the voters discover  they can vote themselves money they do earn.  It is true, also in a Republic.  It happens when the voter votes in the candy taker.   In America even Social Security which the socialist government should have protected has  been given away to those who did not earn it It is a huge Ponsi scheme where the current payers are paying for the users and there is not enough left for the payers when they want to become users. In the non government arena men are sent to prison for this.   Food stamps have been thrown around like cafetti.   All manner of other welfare has been dangled in the face of the freeloader and producer alike.  Any mathematician worth his or her salt knows all the free stuff has a dooms day.   Any elementary teacher will tell you, nothing will be learned if the kids have the power to vote for what is next.   If there is a possibility  a free government to last a long time it must cast out conflicts of interest in voting.

In the Republican type, it would be relatively simple.   For example if you as a voter depend on governmental money for income, you have a clear conflict of interest in voting for those who hand it out.  Such a conflict should prevent your voting for any part of that Government.  For example a federal employee, or one receivning food stamps, or one otherwise being taken care of by the Federal Government, should not be able to  vote for federal officials.  They can vote for State and local governments where they do not have the conflict of interest.  The point is they should not be able to vote for the hand that feeds them.   The payment of taxes does not overcome the conflict, however the lack of paying taxes should be a factor.   If a person does not pay taxes to the Government they are to vote for, they should not be eligible to vote.  Of course it is a conflict of interest.  It is in their best interest to continue not paying their fair share

The elimination of conflicts of interest  would  curtail greed and self enhancement.  Voting for a Senator, a Member of the House, the President etc. would be limited to those who pay for that part of government which is applicable.

Of course this is not the total answer, but it would go along way to slow down the process of legal taking, otherwise known as theft.

PROTEST:  FLY THE BETSY ROSS FLAG.  It is the one flag where all the States supported the Constitution.


Rooster Bradford, gives up all rights to this article and seeks no compensation for its use.  2015



Well! Well! Well! Finally someone had the guts to call an Ace an Ace.  Yes it was junior Senator Cruz calling the high and mighty Senate Leader, McDonald a liar.   It kind of makes one think of the Bridge term where one suit trumps another, or one might think of a trump-et. Get it?  Yes, maybe what you hear is really the Trump-effect.   Trump’s entry into the race for President, if nothing else, has embolden candidates to speak up and not be shy.  Even Christy was heard pounding sand (hard to hear sand pounded) on the Hannity show.  Candidate Huckabee accused Obama of leading the entire Jewish nation to the doors of the Ovens at some new holocaust.  Both Huckabee and Christy were ranting on Obama and the no-deal Iranian fiasco, but let us consider what Mr. Cruz did.  It was special.

For a sitting GOP Senator to call the Majority Leader, a liar, on the floor of the Senate was akin to a 7. Earth shaker.  The Statues in the halls of the great building should have fallen flat out, on to the marble floors.  The reconstruction scaffolds around the Rotunda should have shaken to the ground.  Cracks in the structure should have opened letting out the hot air.   Really?  He did that?  Almost blew Rooster off his perch high atop the Hen House.  What guts.  What absolute patriotic guts.

Those who pay attention to such things have known, for a very long time, that the Senate and to a lesser degree the House, have built protective barricades around themselves.  Certainly one of them is the unwritten rule that you shall not speak badly of another member and especially the leaders.   More than that it has become a rule that if you dare to stand up in the boat, you will capsize….. not the boat.   These protective unwritten rules of no- conduct, are worse in the Democrat party.   How many years did we put up with the lying and deceit of “good- ol- boy” Harry Reed and his frosty glasses?   If ever there was an evil man in high places, Harry, the Democrat Majority leader was it.   Any Democrat underling who pushed him the wrong way, had lunch in a homeless shelter.  Of course the common senseless types, love dictatorships, whether in the Senate or as the top dog in a kennel. Look at their voting for and re-voting for Pelosi in the house.  As Peggy Lee used to sing, “Is that all there is?”

Senator McDonald is a weak leader and should not have been elected to the position except for the unwritten rules of top kid on the mountain.  You know the rule.  If you are there long enough and do as you’re told you get promoted.   Physically he does not look good.  He speaks almost as bad as Obama.  The worst is his morality.  Like so many weak men before him, he has fallen for the belief that as a leader,  it is no sin to lie. Like so many common senseless folks, “The End Justifies the Means.”  Certainly it is a mantra of the Democrat party and, over the years, has been adopted by many in GOP leadership.

It is time for our legislatures to become places of debate.   Unlike Japan and other places it is not necessary to have road rage in the aisles.  We can be like Great Britain, where debate does not mean combat.  The English have done it for years.   They even put the opposing parties opposite each other, so they can see each other’s expressions of disapproval, head waging, and finger gestures more easily.

Many years ago Rooster, as a young attorney, was admonished by a Judge not to call a witness a liar.  Language police were exposing themselves even then.  Somehow it was ok to say something like, “The witness must be forgetful, or the Witness did not get it correct, or the overwhelming evidence contradicts the Witness.   None of the substitutes were as effective because they leave doubt.  When you call someone a liar, and your opinion is worth something, no one can have doubt about what you mean.

The point is truth and telling it like it is, should be preferred to lying, deception and silent punishment.  It is better to err in the search for truth, than not to search at all.     Hurray for Mr. Cruz.

PROTEST:  FLY THE BETSY ROSS FLAG.  It is the one flag where all the States supported the Constitution.

Wc 738

Rooster Bradford, gives up all rights to this article and seeks no compensation for its use.  2015


(Or: Destroying Icons is a rage of unstable minds.)

Do you support the destruction of history?   If not you might be sane and loaded with common sense.  If yes or say yes,  sometimes, then your brain is disabled with defective common sense.  Image bashers (iconoclasts) can be some of the most dangerous terrorists to your way of life.  They are worse than the rioters who tear down things and bash windows.   The secondary focus of this article is relating the results and lack of results from the senseless killing of innocent people in North Carolina.

Before we get there, let us look at the larger picture.  ISIS and Al-Qaida in the Middle East destroy any Jewish icon they find and have gone even further in destroying any history of a way of life different from what they believe.  They are image bashers.   In Germany, Austria, and Bavaria, the liberal IBs (Image bashers) have obliterated any physical evidence of Nazism in their areas.  Their destruction has taken many forms, but Dynamite is their favorite.  Some of the structures cannot be obliterated because they are too big.  Sub pens in France are a good example.  Both the radicals of the Middle East and Europe use explosives to destroy images of what they do not like.  As a historian this is very difficult for Rooster.   It is the same with Hitler’s burning books he did not like, and the destruction of the great library of Alexandria, by Muslims. Time after time during the entire life of man, this form of insanity has marched on.

The same intolerance is a part of liberalism in the U.S.   It is not conservatives who go about basing Images.  It is the intolerant liberal.   Certainly one of the important examples today is what they have done to “Marriage”.   The ancient image of a man and women, joining together in holy Matrimony to have and raise children, has been destroyed. The injury to the family is just now developing. The image of a Constitution that is strong and stable, and provides the written word, like a bible, has been destroyed. It is liberal’s concept of a living Constitution which has done the trick.  Another great example is their trampling upon our language.  Many words are now forbidden to even be spoken. Most words describe images.  Certainly one obvious is the word “Negro”.  Oh, it is ok for blacks to say it to each other, but another race cannot. The destruction of this image, caused O.J. Simpson to escape murder.  The government’s primary detective was so afraid to say the word, that when the black attorney asked him if he had ever mouthed the word, Mark Furman said “No”.  It had to be a lie, and the entire credibility of the prosecution when down the drain.  Another word,” Mulatto”, has been banished to the ash bin.  In their haste to put race against race, anyone with a tiny bit of black in them is called black.  Why?   Even a young liberal female in Washington State can curl her hair, call herself black, and get away with it until the one person who should know, called her on it.  Her Mother
Now let us consider the mass killing of people in the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal church in Charleston, N.C.   Obviously the church wanted to stay black, because it uses the limiting word “African”.  Isn’t that racial?  Still not the point.  The point is that the liberals scream the entire country is racist because of this senseless killing.  There is no question that the 21 year old “Dylann Roof” acted as a racist.  He said so.  However he did not wrap himself in a Confederate Battle Flag, so why the demand that it be removed and hands be cut off of anyone who flies it.   What did the historical Confederate flag have to do with it?  You cannot wipe out the history of the Civil War.  Not possible.  It is another icon being bashed by the mentally unstable. That’s all.  Now you know how many large corporations are led by the same misguided, when they remove any image of that cotton flag from their product.  No it is not just to protect sales.  They actually believe destroying history is good.

What about the real issue in the killings at “Mother Emanuel” church, in N.C.? The liberals are so heated up to destroy images they miss it, completely.  What was the real cause?   Was it hatred of race or not?  No it was not.  Rooster is absolutely certain that Dylann Roof is autistic.  His common sense, like most iconoclasts, is and was disabled. He looks the part, he dressed the part, he said things like such a person, and he lived the part.   At the killing he was an iconoclast in action.  He was trying to destroy an image for all the same reasons as other iconoclasts.  The underlying reason which pushed this young white boy over the top, is that the present electronic age is popping out weird thoughts in disabled people all the time.  No one is doing anything constructive about it.    The evidence in this case is that Roof lived, with others (probably like him), in a trailer, and played computer games all the time.   What games?  How much violence did they put into his faulty brain?  His roommates are probably the same type, also forcibly abandoned by their families. Yes it is so, because liberals have made it impossible for parents to have any effect after a son reaches 18.  Liberals refuse to realize the electronic attraction, is more invasive and persuasive than drugs.   Who is addressing these issues?  Well some conservatives are, but they cannot be heard over the screaming sounds of the running amuck iconoclasts blown by an evil liberal wind.

Our Country is being led by common sense deficient people who are blind when they look at themselves in a mirror.   Expect no help.   Do not wait to hear any of them call out to the people to stop their foolish chasing after flags and recognize the real problem here.   Not going to happen.  They are totally incapable of worthy leadership.  It is so bad that an entire swarm of conservatives are running for President. Everybody wants to be a savior, but it will never happen unless you call um like you see um. .

PROTEST:  FLY THE BETSY ROSS FLAG.  It is the one flag where all the States supported the Constitution.

Wc  1050

Rooster Bradford, gives up all rights to this article and seeks no compensation for its use.  2015


(OR; Ill winds from on high, and weird singing  in the temples)

What a couple of weeks!  Probably one of the most important civic lessons in years.   Today the President attended a memorial service for the Reverend and his parishioners who were shot by a mad man.   Did he talk of mental illness and what we must do to address the ever increasing problem of autism in our electronic world?   No.  Did he talk of conciliation by saying we are all one color under God.  NO. Did he say white folks are not to blame for the killing?  NO  What he did is start singing “Amazing Grace”.   You remember the words don’t you?  They are the words of a white former Black slave boat captain admitting his guilt and asking for forgiveness.   True!!  He was white and his name was John Newton.   In other words, by selecting this song he nailed up the cross to put white man on for being a part of slavery.  What a sad, sad saga of this ½ white/1/2 black man with a huge chip on his common senseless shoulder. Race relations are now in the pits.

Speaking of common senseless conduct the Supremes, sang a very sinister tune this week with two gut wrenching decisions.  The result was that we are now a Socialist State, run by minorities, with a living Constitution.   First the court ruled that under the Constitution same sex couples can take and destroy the ageless concept of marriage.   Keep in mind the Constitution does not mention marriage let alone same sex marriage.   Things not granted to the federal government were expressly reserved to the States.  Forget that. The Constitution is not what it says.  It is what the social activists in the Supreme Court say it is.   It lives for their fun and games.

Second hammer on the nails, was its decision that the most Socialist program ever passed by Congress, was valid on the question of Subsidies, even though the Socialist created health debacle expressly did not grant this power to the Federal Government, but reserved it to the States.  That is if the States did not create an insurance exchange then the Feds could not subsidize the individual user.  Obama did of course violate the letter of the law.   NO NO It is not what is written, even though the language was clear and unmistakable.  NO NO it is what we the Supremes want the language to say, because we know what is best for you-all.  How they do this is by violating  their oath with reservation or purpose.  That is words on paper mean nothing, when they want them to say something else.   Please do not forget that the Constitution says nothing about insurance or health.  Since it was a power not granted it was reserved to the States.  Oh, to hell with that, we must save this illegal act.  In the process they have destroyed the oath and any attempt for any of us to be able to rely on the words in a law.  Here is the oath they violate.

“I John Doe liar (sic), do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same, that I take this oath freely without any mental reservations or purpose of evasion, etc. “

They violate this oath by treating the document only as a frame work of ideas which are their ideas.  A living Constitution has no limits and no boundaries.  It has no definitions you can rely on.  It is junk.  It is meaningless. It holds back nothing. It provides no borders, no guide lines, because you cannot count on it for any stability.

So in conclusion, this week has been a hell week for those who love and worship freedom.  It has been a hell week for race relations.  It has been a major turning point in this country.   We are now at the whim and dictate of socialist philosophy.  Hang on and hide your property.  They will come after that next.  Of course we all have to survive the economic catastrophe they have created in their blindness effort to buy favor with votes.  Some wag said democracy fails when the Government hands out a lot of free stuff.  Boy howdy!

PROTEST:  FLY THE BETSY ROSS FLAG.  It is the one flag where all the States supported the Constitution.

Wc 732

Rooster Bradford, gives up all rights to this article and seeks no compensation for its use.  2015


(OR:  Will they never learn?  Yes, they never will.)

Poles apart these two places are great examples of Common Sense Disabilities running amuck.  These people live and lie in a unrealistic world.

The social liberal activists in Los Angeles City have convinced their brothers and sisters on the City Council, to pass a law mandating a minimum wage of $15.00.  All the surrounding Cities and the County are at $10.00.   As a part of their argument for the law they have assured the world that it will work, all will be good and everyone will be happy.  Common sense knows it is not so.  These wild and crazy people are so impaired that it is hard to say they lie.  Maybe it is better to simply say they are bone dumb.  The result is the same.

What is true is that business will flee, or contract out of the city (same thing) and Investors will opt for greener pastures.  People will draw out their money from the banks and move it to safer ground. In general Los Angeles will have less to tax and therefore have less to spend, and the spiral down will march on.

ACROSS THE POND the very same has been occurring in Greece.   There it is a whole country, but like Los Angeles is surrounded by other Governments in the European Union.   Before the last election semi responsible people were cutting back on liberal spending programs that had become Greece. They did this so that they would have enough money to pay the debt all the liberal spending programs had caused.   In the next election the social liberal activists ran on a campaign to stop the austerity and return all the free things.  They too lied or are bone dumb.  Same thing.   A majority of the voters bought it and the SLA (social liberal activists. Sic.) took over the government and began spending what they did not have.   This meant that they could not accumulate enough money to pay off those loans which the former Liberal idiots had incurred to give “ free” stuff.  The negotiations between the EU lenders and Greece have stumbled and failed. The primary reason is that the EU folks know the liberals in charge of Greece cannot have it both ways.  They cannot give away free stuff and have enough money to pay the debt.  As a result, with these idiots in charge, businesses have been fleeing, investment has dried up, savings have been taken out of the country and now the banks do not have enough money to pay depositors who want to flee with what money they have.   So yesterday the Wall Street Newspaper had this byline, “Greek Banks get Breathing Room” Think of it as that breathing room in the ferry that rolled over in China.  The European Central Bank has announced it will lend more money to the Banks so they can pay the fleeing depositors so that, so that, so that—The thought is hard to dwell on without crying.

Two peas in the same pod, miles and cultures apart.  A classic liberal fault line which will lead to one big destructive shake down, here and there.

PROTEST:  FLY THE BETSY ROSS FLAG.  It is the one flag where all the States supported the Constitution.

Wc 501

Rooster Bradford, gives up all rights to this article and seeks no compensation for its use.  2015


(OR: Hi- court falters on issue of Religious Freedom.)

Twice in this year the United States Supreme Court has stumbled on the question of religious freedom.  In January they sided with a Muslim Inmate who had been denied the right to grow a long beard, and just days ago they sided with a Muslim Women who alleged she had been denied a job because of her head covering, Hijab.

Both times the SUPREME’S interpreted the 1964 Civil Rights Act which forbids discrimination in the work place. As they have in the past they showed a  near sighted desire to protect religious expression. In this case, brought by Samantha Elauf, only Clarence Thomas dissented.  His position was that the act prohibited only intentional discrimination. You see the act is progressively ambiguous on the point.   Of the nine only Thomas was correct.   In both cases there was no evidence of intent to discriminate. The majority had to invent denying a head cover was simply a religious issue. In the most recent, the prospective  employer had a dress code requiring,  among other things, no head covering. This would include beanies (with or without propellers)  Gua Pimao (Chinese), Kippah or Yarmuike (Jewish), Kufi (African), Tugue, or the Zucchetto (Catholic).  Insisting employees wear clothes and not show up in the nude, is a neutral deal.  It is not religious.  So is the wearing of hats and other covers. They are clothes you know.    Wigs/toupees were probably over looked . As head covers they would make an interesting argument.   We can only guess the defense team was not that inventive, let alone talk about the religious protection of showing up nude if that is your religion.

Ok, so what is really wrong with these decisions?  In both cases there was no evidence of discrimination against a religion.  The jail and private company rules were universally applied. In the atmosphere of a jail, there are all kind of good reasons to keep a short beard.   In this case the employer’s restriction was across the board and was not focused on Muslims.  If your religion required head covers then the same result would have applied.  Again it was not religion, it was style and don’t forget the lady did not have to work there.

The SUPREME’S, gross error, is in concluding that the wearing of a head cover is a  religious issue. They did not discuss a toupee or top hat.  They just assumed that a Hijab was purely a religious symbol.   Aside from the health issues of cleanliness and not allowing air into the hair, ears, and neck, or the safety concerns with limited vision possibilities, the Hijab is more secular than religious.  It is a symbol of hatred of the Constitution and the concept of liberty it tries to protect.  When a women wears it she is declaring to the world she supports Sharia law, which is not religious, but secular. Calling an apple a pear does not make it so.   Worse than that, such a women declares herself an enemy of our Society.  She wants it torn down and replaced with a new secular structure.  Of course this secular system is demanded by a religion, but it is secular nevertheless and certainly a cancer to what we have.

We should wonder what would happen if an employer, such as a food processor, demanded that the Hijab be itself covered with a sanitary wrap of some sort.

Let’s look at a comparable.  We can all agree that Communism is anti-America Constitution.  Even the most common sense deficient voter will have to agree this is so.  Communism wants the destruction of our Constitution and our way of life.  It wants to own everything and tell us how high to jump.   All very secular.   Now suppose it adopted God as its messenger. Doing so the new communist would say God owns everything, and the commissar is simply an administrator.  It is God who tells the administrator how high we are to jump.   You would see Communism in a far different view, had they used God as a tool to demand blind faith.   Fortunately for us they did not.   But if they had and also required all men to wear a fuzzy cap that picked up lint and fleas, this could have been allowed as a religious issue, just as the SUPREME’S did in the subject case.   You see mixing secular with religion should remove “ Religion” from the table of discussion. Certainly Mrs. Elauf is wearing a Hijab for secular reasons.  You can bet your lunch she and the prisoner did not bring their lawsuits because they were angels.  After all both were allowed money damages.   The same would apply to a communist man and his fuzzy hat.  This combination then is not a civil rights issue as intended when the act was passed. Nowhere in it is there any reference to allowing a thief freedom to play their evil game with our help.    Both Islam and Communism are thieves.   They do whatever they can to steal our way of life to establish theirs.   In fact it is not civil, if that word has any meaning in a free society.

It is time to confront Islam for what it is.   It is not an innocent religion.  It is an evil secular way of life sanctioned by their version of God.   You see their Allah demands a unquestioning faith to support their secular, male dominated, women enslavement, way of life.   Let’s get real.

PROTEST:  FLY THE BETSY ROSS FLAG.  It is the one flag where all the States supported the Constitution.

Wc 907

Rooster Bradford, gives up all rights to this article and seeks no compensation for its use.  2015