(OR:  Only Democrats [Jackass symbol] say so.)


                       United States Citizens  do not have a right to vote.  Those who want to change our Country demand it, but it does not exist in our Constitutions, in our law, or any place.   A right has to be established by our law, and that means our supreme law, the Federal Constitution, and our State Constitutions. 

                          No where do our Constitutions give a person a right to vote.  In the main body of the Federal Constitution there is no mention of voting power.   There was good reason too.  State law ,then and now,  was and is  the source of  who may vote.   Then Blacks  and Indians could not vote and in most States a Women could not vote, a  Felon could not vote, an under age person could not vote, the insane could not vote, the visitors could not vote, illegal occupiers could not  vote, and legal immigrants could not vote until they passed a test that they understood our Government.  The original Constitution did limit the age of persons to hold office.  For example no one could vote for a person under 25 to be a Congressman.   Maybe it can be said the Constitution did limit voting in this way. Voting ability was a State matter.   You had to look to their Constitutions.  Oh yes, and most states deny you the “right” to vote if you have not registered.  Some Right.

                        Our Bill of Rights (The first 10 Amendments)  does not mention voting ability either.

                        As time went on,  Amendments were added to the Constitution limiting how a State might condition the ability to vote.  Still no Amendment mentioned a “Right”  to vote.   It is  the law that States still prevent many citizens from voting.    Felons  can not vote, underage persons can not vote, legal immigrants can not vote, missing persons can not vote, citizens in rebellion can not vote,  the mentally insane can not vote, unregistered persons can not vote, and so forth.   It is still the US law that to become a citizen via immigration you have to go to school and pass an exam that you understand our form of government.   GET IT!!.  There is no “being born” right to vote.   The 13 amendment did not directly talk about voting.  It simply said there will be no slavery. The 14th was added to make  existing slaves  citizens.  It says,  “All persons born or naturalized in the United States …are citizens .   No mention of a right to vote.  None.

            Amendment 15 came along to make it certain that race or slavery could not limit what ever voting ability there was.   Amendment 19 added Sex to the 15th. Amendment 24 added pole taxes.  Amendment 26 declared that adulthood started at 18 and no State could prevent voting to those 18 or more.  Still  kids are forbidden  to vote. .   Ok… all the Amendments have done is declare that States can not use race, prior slavery status,  sex, pole taxes,  or age over 18 as reasons to deny a citizen the ability to vote.    NO WHERE IS THERE A MENTION OF RIGHT.  Conservatives do not claim a Right.   Leftists do.   Apparently they can not or will not read.

            Now since we know voting can be limited and is,  voting can not be a right.  It has to be something less, and that,  like the power to drive a car is called a privilege.   If you are a citizen, you may vote unless you are a felon, under the age of 18, etc.   Like all privileges you have to earn it, care for it or lose it.   States should pass laws declaring this as a fact.  They should set up tests  for voter’s rules of the road, in English.   Of course the leftists would challenge it, but the Constitutions should win so long as the rules of the road are not restrictive and reasonable.

            Treating Voting, as  a privilege, will have many good benefits for our Republic.   First of all  voters will be more savvy, and less likely to believe a lie.  Politicians who use generalities will find it hard to be elected.  There will be less need for billions of campaign funds because gloss paper and T.V time will not win the day with thinkers.   The more voters understanding the process, the more the process will work.   A simple solution, but where are the leaders who dare to find their way through the whiners, criers, and selfish people.

            Treating voting, as a privilege, is of huge importance to the continued existence of the Republic and the retention of our liberty, equality, and fidelity. We must demand that voters think and know how to think.   Today most do not. They vote with their bellies, not their brains.  This is the weakness which will bring our noble experiment down unless corrected.         

Word count 800          


Syndicators Limited. 6500 Casitas Pass Road, Ventura, CA 93001

All rights to the article are released, Use it freely.


Rooster Bradford  is a former lawyer, politician and radio show host of “The Rooster Crows”   He is the author of several books and articles.  You can obtain his most recent book,  “It is S.A.D.” from  Amazon-Kindle.    His web page, is “The Rooster “  June  19, 2012


RoosterBradford, gives up all rights to this article and seeks no compensation for its use.






                        (You say What???–Executive Privilege)


           We all need to understand what is happening to our Republic.   It is shaking,  and  trembling, and  is close to serious damage.  You need to be up to speed.

          Today, the President, declared he would not release any of the Department of Justice’s papers on Fast and Furious.   Congress has been informed that  Holder (Atty.Gen) lied to Congress, by telling them , in writing,  that his department knew nothing about Fast and Furious.  Congress subpoenaed the Department’s documents, on the issue,   to  investigate the lie.  Obama claimed “Executive Privilege” hours ago.   Kind of like saying , “You can not see in my empty box anyway”.

          We need to understand Fast and Furious and Executive Privilege.

          Fast and Furious is the code word given, by the Department, to a plan to buy, under cover, automatic(and other guns)  from American dealers and sell them, or give them to Mexican criminal gangs.  This was done.  The plan’s stated reason was to trace the traffic of guns.  We, with law enforcement experience, know that is not true, not necessary, and dangerous.  In fact the Department’s smuggled  guns killed one of ours and others.  More over an informer told Congress (pretty obvious), the plan was designed to give gun owners a bad name, and to whip up public sentiment to ban gun ownership across the Country. (A one-world goal.)  The same leaks that gave Congress this information are the same type of leaks that would make buying  guns, to trace traffic of guns,  totally unnecessary.  For all kinds of reasons people  talk.  This is especially true where gangs are running amok.  Ok, now,  Holder and Obama will not let the Public know the truth.   They refuse to give the documents which leads us to Executive Privilege.   What is it?

          Executive privilege is where a President refuses to answer a subpoena from Congress or an order from a Court to produce evidence. The President states,  it would damage national security, or adversely damage the ability of the office to carry out its Constitutional duties, i.e. expose secrets etc.    In this case Obama told Congress he will not release any Department of Justice’s documents on Fast and Furious.  His stated reasons are all those  ever used in the past.  Some might be so bold as to call it a white wash of a cover up.

          Now Executive Privilege is not a written law,  It is not in the Constitution and was not discussed by the founders.   At the beginning of World War ll, Presidents did not know they had this “privilege”.  FDR began to use it to stop Congress from questioning his authority.   He simply declared he could not produce information,  because it would damage our war effort.  Not very transparent, but then FDR was not that.    The next President was Truman and he more clearly defined the refusal.  He prevented information from going to Congress’s investigation of the Hiss- Chambers case of 1948  (Communist influence investigation).   It was a blanket order and the subject documents were moved to the White House  He blocked Congress and won the day. Then came Eisenhower and the McCarty communist investigations.   Eisenhower is supposed to have declared the privilege to block documents and records of communications, some 44 times.  He negotiated solutions.   This occurred from 1955 through 60.   Still no law and no court definition.

                    In 1974 the Supreme Court heard the first case of Executive Privilege in,  United States vs. Nixon.   The special Prosecutor, Archibald Cox subpoenaed Nixon tapes, and Nixon said no, in general terms.  Nixon should have been repetitious and inclusive like Obama.   You know the routine, say everything and maybe something will be believed, throw everything up in the air and something will stick, and  run it up the flag pole,  someone will salute it.  See!!   The Supreme Court “found” out of  thin air,  that a President did have a limited privilege to fight off investigations.  Once the Privilege is exercised then it can be tested by the Supreme Court,  if Congress wants to take it there.   What the Court really did was invent the power to exercise a privilege,  and inserted itself into the mix, as the final decider.   All very convenient.  

          So where are we?  Most commentators believe,  Obama has indirectly  admitted, by imposing the  privilege,  that the Department of Justice, did a very unjust thing and lied about it.  He has stopped Congress from  seeing the documents, but not from the facts.  The guns were bought by Government undercover types and transported to Mexican gangs.  All that is established by other means.  Remember people talk.   The reality is that, Obama has prevented this issue from effecting his campaign.   There is not enough time to kick in the door; however, something serous is amiss.  The Republic is shaking and trembling.  In the few months before the election a smoking issue will burst into fast and furious flame.  Stay aware and be ready.  Protecting your Republic is protecting every minute of your life.  Hang on.Word County 834


Syndicators Limited. 6500 Casitas Pass Road, Ventura, CA 93001

All rights to the article are released, Use it freely.


Rooster Bradford  is a former lawyer, politician and radio show host of “The Rooster Crows”   He is the author of several books and articles.  You can obtain his most recent book,  “It is S.A.D.” from  Amazon-Kindle.    His web page, is “The Rooster “ 

Rooster Bradford, gives up all rights to this article and seeks no compensation for its use.   June 20, 2012

Chinese Companies —- Are You Kidding?





                         (or Chopsticks in the Wind)

            Last week I was reading a newspaper in a forgotten hotel in a not remembered town, when I spied the following byline;

                                    “Chinese Company buys AMC, Theater owner”

            This title struck home because a week before, as an  observer,   I was witness to a  failed deal between American and  Chinese regarding milk sales intoChina.  Here was that  deal.  An American citizen,  with Chinese heritage,  was dealing with several Chinese, “business men and Women” regarding the export of milk toChina.  Our man devoted thousands of dollars and a great deal of time, taking these “business folks” from one place to another, housing them, feeding them and otherwise entertaining them.  Since he had Chinese roots he should have known better, but like so many Americans,  he was trusting.  When it got down to working a deal, he was told that if the Chinese Government could not control all aspects of the arrangement there would be no money, and therefore no deal.   No Deal is not a New Deal to the Chinese.

            Back to my newspaper byline  observation.  The byline,  quoted  above, is false, and a good example of failed journalism in theUS.

            There are no significant Chinese “Companies”.  No exceptions.   All are owned or controlled by the Chinese Government.  The only private-like companies are the small insignificant ones which are a bother to big Red Brother.  In other words names like Sinomach and Chinese National Offshore Oil corporation,  Chinese car companies .or Wanda are departments of the Communist Government.  Who is Wanda you ask?  Cute name, don’t you think?  Wanda is the name of the communist governments costume that bought AMC. The so called Chairman and President (In the western world one person should not be both.) of Wanda is a character named Jianlin.  He also happens to be a Communist Party Member and sits on the nations top advisory board.  If you think they will not control what you see in the movies, revisit “Red Dawn”, where the producer was forced to change out the invasion of the USA by Chinese troops to Russian.

             You are not dealing with officers of a corporation as we know them.  There are no true stock holders, in the Western world concept.   You are dealing  with a governmental department hiding in a   Hollywood western set.   Nothing on the other side, if you get my meaning.   You might as well play violin with the devil.  More sporting, don’t you know..   These falsie companies do not  have a semblance of the independence we even give Public Utilities, like Edison or PG & E.   The Chinese employees can make no promises, can commit to nothing with out Communist Party bosses agreeing.

            Do not be fooled by our failed journalism.   When you see or hear of a Chinese Company buying this or that, remember it is the Communist Government which is the real party in interest.  When the  “Chinese Company” bought AMC, the Chinese Communist government bought your favorite theater.  Why?  Do  you think it was to control the sale of popcorn?.   It is later than you think, brother and sister.  Mind control is in the works.


Syndicators Limited. 6500 Casitas Pass Road, Ventura, CA 93001

All rights to the article are released, Use it freely.

RoosterBradford is a former lawyer, politician and radio show host of “The Rooster Crows”   He is the author of several books and articles.  You can obtain his most recent book,  “It is S.A.D.” from  Amazon-Kindle.    His web page, is “The Rooster “ 

Rooster Bradford, gives up all rights to this article and seeks no compensation for its use.