Your Rooster and his side kick Winston try to avoid the prediction business, but sometimes the motivation is just too great.   Warlocks are supposed to do that, but normal average humans are not.   Well, here is proof that Rooster is not the latter.

All of us have visions, especially at sleep.  They can be wonderful or very scary.  This one occurred while wide awake.  Rooster was thinking deeply about what will happen in Europe in the foreseeable future.  Remember his knowledge of history is intense.  He spends all leisure time reading and reviewing history.  His books and articles are based on knowledge gained from History.   Here is what his common sense revealed.  He knows Muslims will not assimilate. They will always push the envelope.

The worst Global war, the earth has ever experienced will start in France or Germany.  Probably France. This will be within the next 60 years.  It will be between Muslims and everyone else.  It will start with local terrorism resulting in Mosques and Churches being targets. This violence, including large death counts, will escalate out of the control of the civil authorities.  The bigger the church or Mosque the bigger the target.  Notre Dame in Paris will be one of the first damaged.  Distant countries will be drawn in as time passes by.

The Muslims have already created safe havens for themselves and from them they will cut, burn, and slash anything that is not Muslim. The distinction between a non- aggressive Muslim and a Warrior Muslim will not be relevant.  The Christians will be weak.  (Right now few attend Churches in Europe, as a result of the progressive attacks on religion.),  however,  there are enough to strike back and this they will do.  Gun control will vanish.  What the warriors cannot immediately produce they will steal.  No quarter will be spared.  The worse the attack the worse the response.  The non-Muslims will retreat from around the Safe zones and try to find protection in outlying areas.  This will allow the Muslims to gain initial ground and support.  This war will not be of great armies and navies.  It will be of small groups attacking and defending.

The non-Muslims will be further weakened by the secularists, diverse religions, and the interference of the inept progressive governments. The E.U. will be shambles.  As the civil strife turns into street combat, trade and commerce will be turned down to a trickle.  Marauding bands of people, trying to feed themselves, will become common place.  The military, as in so many times in history, will stay together but not be too effective. Remember this is combat street by street and building by building.  Armies are not much better than a mob in street warfare.  Especially true,  when they are having trouble feeding themselves.

The chaos will spread into every major city and suburb.  The Christian Serbs, Lebanese, Armenians, and especially all those left dead on the sands of the Middle East so long ago, will stand as symbols to the new warriors. .  The Christian Crusaders astride their great horses, with their flags flying in the wind will give salute to all those who have died trying to stop Muslim hordes.   This battle is 466 years old.

The dye will be cast. It will be kill or be killed.  Do not fool yourself that super weapons will save the day.  First, the sides are blurred.  Second, as the infrastructure can not be maintained, there will be little to no social media, and drones and planes do not work well when not fed and the electricity stops.  Large navies will be little more than hospitals. In the mix the howl and cry of the welfare recipients will simply  be a nuisance.  This is the case with all, except the Muslims who have for years worked the welfare state to their advantage.   They will accept it and try to kill because of its lack.

The historical forecast is that when and if the non-Muslim gets their act together they will win.  They make superior soldiers.  The “however”, is that will not happen until a stabilizing force enters the chaos, and provides a platform to work from.  There are many web sites that describe the millions of Muslims who live all over Europe. They thin out as you go north east in Europe.  The stabilizing force will not be the smaller countries, but will be  Russia.  It will be the biggest Bear in the forest.  Its strategy will be to feed and arm the non-Muslim and starve the latter.

Muslims believe chaos is the prelude to the whole world being Muslim.  Because of this they will fight like a blind pig trying to get out of an enclosure.  It will be crash here, charge there, and ultimately be killed.  The very deep divisions in the Muslim belief system will also assist the other side.  Indonesia and Asia will not escape this chaos.  America might if it is common sense led, but that is a different story.

Once again the world will weep, bleed, and die because of common sense failure.

The Rooster sincerely hopes the vision is wrong.


BUY:  ROOSTER’S BOOKS. .  “ISLAM: THE DEATH STAR”.  “IT IS S.A.D”., “THE NAKED MAN”:   Go to Amazon or Barnes and Nobel.

PROTEST: Fly the Betsy Ross flag. It is the one flag where all the States supported the Constitution.  Wc: 672: Rooster Bradford gives up all rights to this article and seeks no compensation for its use.  August. 2016


(OR; Can fire be water?)
The wishful thinker, hopes and hopes that Islam will be a peaceful belief system. It is just so much wishy washy, head in the sand, baloney. The fool or the liar tell you it is. First, you must know that Islam has been at war with the rest of the world since its inception. If you do not, you deny history. To believe this, all you have to do is read the Quran. It says so. For a current update go to “The Religion of Peace” on the www. In the Quran you will find the language which says each Muslim must conquer Jews, Christians, and everyone else to make the world one for Islam. In the WWW you will see the list of the dead and dying in Islam’s present phase of the war. The invasion of Europe is just part of it.
Ok, so can Islam change and be more or less peaceful like other religions? The answer is NO. Why, you ask? Glad you did, because Rooster, prompted by his pooka Winston, can tell you. Rooster has read the Quran and studied the entire history of Islam. Winston does not need to, because with his wonderful common sense, he just knows.
The stumbling block, the one wall to end all walls, is that Islam believes the Quran is absolute. It is a compilation of the word of Allah/ God on just about everything in life. It not only sets up believes in the hereafter, it sets up the way one is to live life here on earth. In other words Allah says it and no mere mortal can change it or deny it. The book even sets up routines to make certain there are no changes. If you doubt the book, if you question the book, you are a sinner. In the words written in the Quran, you must be punished. The book tells the believer how to do it. Talk about your micro-managing. Just getting down on your hands and knees and bowing to the ground and Mecca, 5 or so times a day is part of the subjection. The message is that you the believer will do as the book tells you or you die a terrible death and Allah will banish you from heaven. That is what you call not much wiggle room. It was set up this way because someone knew you cannot have just a little corruption. If you allow a tiny little bit human nature will expand it. Same with Islam. Allow anyone to question it and the questions will spread like chicken pox. Islam’s founder thought of this.
There are a few Muslims who try to make Islam truly peaceful. Give them the benefit of the doubt. They will fail. It would be easier for them to become a member of some other religion than to change Islam. Of course it is comforting to think they might be successful, but the struggle they face is blocked by the word of Allah, at every move. Allah through Mohammed was very clever. In our life time no one will ever change the Quran. The only way it might happen is if Allah sends down a new messenger/prophet to erase and delete all the evil language in the Quran. All right let’s all hold our breath until that happens. Just kidding. Come-on breath my friend, I am not Allah. I was kidding.
Whoever created the idea that Islam is peaceful must be selling used cars. Rooster has searched for the answer and it is illusive. The best that can be said is Imams and Mullahs came up with this idea, in defense of accusations Islam is not peaceful. It is better than a Not Guilty Plea. It is like the child, surrounded with a broken cookie jar and crumbs on his mouth, who tells his mom, “I didn’t do it, the Cat did”. There is no way the holy ones can admit to the terror, and chaos their members create in Islam’s name. To do so would implicate them as well. The non- Muslims would then have a good reason to tear down Mosques. Just remember, especially with the current Egyptian plane down, that all the chaos of security at airports around the world was caused by Islam. No one else did it. So the Holy ones wipe the crumbs off their mouths and tell you what you see and know is not true. They will never admit it. The Quran gives them an excuse. What happens is Allah’s command. Their hands are clean. They did not encourage anything, but the faithful following of the Quran.. Do not be fooled.
PROTEST: Fly the Betsy Ross flag. It is the one flag where all the States supported the Constitution.
Wc: 777 Rooster Bradford gives up all rights to this article and seeks no compensation for its use. 2016


(OR:  Do you really understand this flag?)

If the destruction of ancient monuments and works of art, by ISIS in Iraq and Syria, disturbs you, so should the destruction of the Confederate Flag.   We are talking about taking down and hiding a bit of history.   The flag in question was never the flag of the Confederate States.   It was a flag specially designed for their troops to take on to the battle field. The purpose was to identify enemy from friend.  It represented our brothers and sisters serving their duty to a government that existed 150 years ago.  It was and is a battle flag, much like a Navy ensign flying from the bridge of our naval ships.

The flag flying in South Carolina, was never the flag of the Confederacy. Never, at that time, was it a flag of one of the States making up the Confederacy.   The Confederacy had only two national flags.   The first was called the Stars and Bars.  It had a blue corner, like the American flag, with 7 stars in a circle.  The rest of it was two horizontal red bars separated by a white bar in the center. In 1863 this flag was discontinued with a new design called the “Stainless Banner”, which was white with the upper inside corner showing a replica of the battle flag.

The Battle Flag never represented Slavery.  It represented the troops of the Armies fighting for their view of States rights.   Slavery was just one of the issues that caused the Southern States to decide the only way to protect their rights from the aggressive North was to leave the Union.   Yes, the Northern States, being industrialized, had an entirely different agenda than the agricultural South.  Both the north and south bear responsibility for the hatred between the two sides. The first conflict of that costly war was in South Carolina, where Confederate troops attempted to remove a U.S. Garrison at Fort Sumter. Thereafter the new American  president, Abraham Lincoln, called up 75,000 troops to stop the Rebellion.  The South called it a succession for State rights.

Right or wrong, the flag should not be a symbol.  It is a simple battle flag. To those ignorant of history it is a symbol of Slavery.   To say that, exposes a weak mind.  It is not fact.   Rooster loves history and wants to preserve every bit of it, good or bad.  To hide it is to destroy it.  To do so ranks at the top of stupidity.  What is considered bad today, might not be tomorrow and so it goes.   Point is to destroy history is to destroy tools of education.

If the Civil War battle flag, should symbolize anything today, it is not Slavery.  It is States’ Rights.  The real issue is not a memory of Slavery. It is the threat of States once again deciding it is better to be free than put up with the National agenda.   In other words those who want to continue the power of United States, , cannot afford to have States departing on their whim.  The issue of Slavery is as dead as the flag in reality.  The issue of separation for any reason is the fear of hand wringing iconoclasts.

Back to the issue of simple history.  Destroying History has unfortunately been the bane of humanity since we began to socialize.   Destruction and obliteration of the enemy, and the history of its existence, has been routine. Look at what the Allies did to Europe in the Second war.  Look what Hitler did to London.  One can even argue the extinction of the Neantherdal by the Homo sapiens is part of the same.  Today Europe  destroys  evidence of Hitler, and forbids anyone to talk about the Nazi regime (A form of socialism).  That is wrong headed.  Also it clearly is a denial of free speech.   It would be better to talk about it, and to hold its monuments as evidence of wrong doing than to scorch the earth and leave nothing to use as teaching tools for the next generation that comes along.

Destruction is the tool of fools.  Let us try to rise above such nonsense.

PROTEST:  FLY THE BETSY ROSS FLAG.  It is the one flag where all the States supported the Constitution.

Wc 712

Rooster Bradford, gives up all rights to this article and seeks no compensation for its use.  2015


(Or: Open the doors of the asylums and jails and guess what?)


The most recent shooting in Seattle is just one of hundreds in the last year.  Add to it the crazies of the Muslim faith and you are counting 1000s.  We do not need to spend time on the tragedy of the victims. That is simply an emotional experience.   We need to think.   We must spend time on the Why.

The blame can be clearly laid at the feet of those who tear down the barriers of society.  These are the Progressives, who coddle small minorities rather than concentrating on the majority and their needs.  It is the progressives who demand political correctness, no God in Government, who promote racism as a divide of the people.  It is the progressives who could care less about the Military and our national strength.  It is the progressive who allow Muslims to exist without condemning their actions, and at the same time condemn other Religions.  It is the leader of the progressives, President Obama, who demands that the Fort Hood massacre was not a terrorist attack. It is the progressives who teach a lack of respect in the schools and get away with it.   A good example is the so called Professor Churchill in Colorado. It is the progressive who gives out money and food to the lazy and anti-social, who demand that welfare is good.  It is the progressive who treats terrorist as citizens rather than as war criminals, who are against capital punishment of killers  and in favor of killing innocent babies in the womb.

The Rooster does not want to bore you with all the examples, but you get the idea. When they tear down the mores of society, they open the doors to the wild and weird.  It is just as if they opened the doors to all the asylums and jails and said,” Come on out you poor picked on people.  It is ok to act out your anti- social tendencies.  It is ok to do what you want even if it hurts someone.”  Progressives are common sense deficient CSD and a danger to the security of our homes and communities.


PROTEST:  FLY THE BETSY ROSS FLAG.  It is the one flag where all the States supported the Constitution.

Wc 647

Rooster Bradford, gives up all rights to this article and seeks no compensation for its use.  2014.


(Or: Beam me up Scotty, no intelligence gathering here. )


Webster says, a”terrorists” is one who uses scary stuff to frighten  you into submission and/or subjugation.  Of course Rooster simplified it a bit, but hope you see the ambiguity. What is scary stuff and who is scared, and what is subjugation?  What if the stuff is not immediately scary, or you don’t scare easy, or the bad guy  is waiting  to subjugate you later.   For example;

Football player Hussein, (whatever his name), this weekend past, got down in the End Zone and prayed to Allah.  You know, down on knees, rear end to the sky  and banging head on ground.  If you saw it you should have spilled your drink all over your nice shirt.  Not because he prayed.  Because he did it knowing how the Progressives  came down on Tim Tebow.  Remember Tim?  He was the quarterback for the Broncos who expressed his Protestant religion, by knelling, and bowing.   Since that uproar such an act is now called Tebowing.  Also there is the Tebow Rule. It forbids a player putting a religious messages on the black stuff they paint under their eyes.  The furor was bad enough to establish these stupid rules.  Catholics seem to get away with crossing themselves.  Somehow progressives are not bright enough to know all prayers when they see them. Maybe they give Catholics and Muslims a pass.  The point is Hussein acted as a “ terrorist”, as defined. . He was probably coached to do it.  His handlers knew a Muslim prayer would test the media, and its failure would do damage to another Western institution.   Of course some of you might say it was spontaneous.  So was the collapse of the twin towers.   The Referees’ were on top of their game and knew the rules against Tebowing and the Tebow Rule.  They found Hussein was un-sportsman like and penalized the team 15 yards.   In the light of media distortion, and fear of Islam, the next day the league said the Refs. were in error and apologized.  Sure, the four guys on the field were just dummies.  Muslim terror worked didn’t it.  The League and the Media subjugated themselves before Allah.   The conservative approach would have avoided this cave in.  Conservatives respect religious acts and there would be no Tebow rule ET cet. Conservatives say if you want to pray on the field it is ok so long as you do not disrupt the play.  But pro-agressives (No, Martha it is spelled correctly),  having warped common sense,  blunder into this type of error all the time.  Progressives attack peaceful Christianity but run scared from Islam.

The Hussein prayer incident does focus us on the question of who is and who is not a “terrorist”.  Let us limit our view to the Islamic world since it is the source of most terrorists today.  You know!  They are the ones who Hijack planes, cut off body parts, and blow themselves up in crowded places.  When a progressive defines a terrorist,, one can almost hear Peggy Lee sing,  “IS THAT ALL THERE IS?’  Forget the progressive narrow definition of terrorist. They have already caved in fear of Islam.  You see a Muslim’s bomb explosion is just the tip of the terror iceberg.   Hussein’s praying on the field, is in the same class as the Muslim who comes into a free country and steals as much welfare as he can and produces as many children as he can.  They are part of the huge bottom part of the Iceberg. You should be scared knowing that the entire Iceberg is moving to establish Sharia law and destroy that which is not. There is a nautical saying  that; “If you can easily see the tip of the iceberg you are too close”.   So it is here.   Every Muslim who follows the Koran, is driven to convert or kill the infidel.   Rooster has often used the legal term, “Aider and Abettor” to describe all the so called peaceful Muslims.  Of the millions of Muslims there is only a tiny weenie number who want to redefine the Koran, into a book of peace.   These reformers are not relevant.  All  Koran believing Muslims laud the activists who are busy making bombs and sharpening knives to cut off a part or two.

The point is you cannot limit the term “Terrorist” to those who put TNT in their shorts or shoes and try to kill non-believers.  The word must include all those who help and support them.   In most religious and philosophical works, one will read or hear this phrase.   “KNOW THY ENEMY”   Knowing your enemy is a tool for self- preservation. Common sense recognizes the world has many people who want to take from you, or take you.  To defend yourself you must study and become very familiar with the enemy.  You must know them better than you know your mother.   In the real world this maxim is the core of intelligence gathering.  Rooster worked in this field for years and knows intelligence must spend little time on friends, but loads of time on those we fear. Intelligence gatherers know it is not just the robots who hijack a vessel, or set an explosive pack amongst Boston runners.  It is not just the Major who betrays the trust of his fellow military and kills a bunch.   Your enemy is the entire Iceberg.  It is the movers and shakers and handlers as well as the robots.  The Koran is their commander in chief.  It is Islam which must be destroyed, or converted.  It is the hundreds of years of their brutality to infidels.  It is the Imams, the Minarets, the costumes they wear and the women they enslave.  It is every bit and piece of Islam that is your enemy.  Know them and you will know your enemy.  Never forget you are the infidel and their Koran demands your conversion, or….. bang/slice  you are dead.

PROTEST:  FLY THE BETSY ROSS FLAG.  It is the one flag where all the States supported the Constitution.

Wc 976

Rooster Bradford, gives up all rights to this article and seeks no compensation for its use.  2014.


(Or:  The Phantom of Obama’s Opera)

Let us understand that the Benghazi cover up has the potential to be the last straw in  Obama’s Barnyard.  It will be far more important that the next debate.  The reason, is  it will be in the daily  news , until the election.   The Debate is just  a one nighter in this sordid  opera  .   Did you notice that in the first two debates ,  when Obama and Biden directed their eyes at the camera, those eyes looked  beady?   Not the eyes of a common sense person trying to communicate, but rather those of a wild animal caught in a trap.

The Benghazi cover up began with the intentional killing of our Ambassador to Libya, and three other Americans trying to defend him.  Two of them were former Seals who happened to be in the area.  They were volunteers, not  security.  You must not forget that the killing took place in a supposed safe house near the official building.  In other words the attackers had better intelligence than we did.   Moreover, beyond a reasonable doubt, there was no riot or even a small gathering of folks before the attack.  The Ambassador was on the move and the attackers knew precisely where he was going.

Now who is the  Phantom of this Opera?   Who is that person or group  that invented this cover-up?   Who planned the immediate response that the cause was some unknown, (To Most) T.V. production .  Who spent the time looking for it and any other anti Mohammed gigs to ID and put on the shelf.?  Facts are  the Obama team used the cover before the Ambassador’s blood was dry.  The UN Ambassador,  Ms. Rice (Obama’s choice), hit the deck, a running with the story that the Video was the cause of it all.  The same story spilled out of the White House as told by anyone who could get to a mike.   Even Obama repeated the same lament, before the World at his address to the United Nations.  What happened to the classic response, “We must reserve comment, while the investigation continues.”   Not a normal moment , here.  Obama and his minions, immediately began  apologizing and directing all fault on some hapless parolee in Southern California.  Free speech took a hit.

What stands out, is that this instant cover-up, was not instantaneous.   It was on the shelf.  It was planned, just as the attack in Benghazi was planned.    It is as if some brain dead person decided to have an instant cover, for  attacks on the  anniversary of 9/11.    Common sense compels this conclusion.   Some  person or group, had decided to deflect any such attack from the real reason, “The memory of the  Islamic killing of some 3000 of our people”.   (Please recall the jubilation though out the Islamic countries on 9/11 as the people celebrated their victory over the twin towers.) , The deeper question is why was this cover prepared,  and who is responsible?   Remember Harry Truman had on his desk, “The Buck Stops Here.”    This Buck  must stop at Obama’s desk;   however, fixing responsibility is not the end of the last scene.  Obama is not a micro manager.  He is a two bit actor with Islamic roots.  Who then is the director, the producer, the financial backer of this Phantom of the Opera?  Is it Media Matters and its financial backers, like Georgie Sorros ( What was his real name anyway?) or some silent group of Saudi Saints, seeking world domination?  As you think about this, be expansive, and inventive. The Rooster does not know, but somebody does.   That somebody is not a friend of the United States of  America.  That non-friend controls what comes out of the White House.  That control is reckless, chaotic and very dangerous.

Rooster Bradford, gives up all rights to this article and seeks no compensation for its use.



Syndicators Limited. 6500 Casitas Pass Road, Ventura, CA 93001 The Roostercrows.net

All rights to the article are released, Use it freely.


Rooster Bradford  is a former lawyer, politician and radio show host of “The Rooster Crows”   He is the author of several books and articles.  You can obtain his most recent book,  “It is S.A.D.” from  Amazon-Kindle.    His web page, is “The Rooster crows.net. “


             (OR:  Big Daddy Long Legs, tells them at the G 20)


Today,   in the news, you may have  heard a brief statement from a Russian Diplomat saying that our Secretary of  Distaste, Lurch, was a liar.  Opps!! A media mistake followed. Nothing further was heard, but it happened.  Just as Rooster suggested in his last article, the gas attack was more likely to have come from those fighting the Syrian Government, than the Government.  Just common sense, Amigo,.  We now have a message from one of the bad guy leaders, Nidan Baloosh (something like that) who says they did it.  Probably true.  Remember most of the rebel held territory is that part up against Iraq.  Wasn’t it Iraq’s gas that made its way into Syria?  Of Course! and the Rebels probably have some or all of it.

The big story is not that the gas was probably  used by the Rebels who have little to lose by doing so.   As Ed Sullivan used to say, THE REALLY BIG SHOW”  is that Obama and his caddies would try to start a war based on such a lie. Those  who pay attention to the little things, know Progressives are very good at the big lie.   Now why would the Sunni Obama want to do that?  The reason is written in history.   A war gets everyone off little naggie things like the bad use of the IRS, the Bengasi disaster, the Financial Meltdown that is beginning, Buying and giving US guns to Mexican drug lords,  the failure of the Socialist Medical plan (Obama is spending some 8 million to advertize it.), the destruction of our Armed forces by not supporting it, like pushing horny 20 year old boys and girls together in the same barracks (Sexual abuse there is now a major problem.) and of course, not the last, the spying on all of us by our benevolent Pig Brother.  Obama is acting  just like FDR.  Rather than tackling the root cause of the depression, rather than putting companies back to work, rather than providing tax incentives to small business to bolster up the middle class, FDR played with socialist things like the WPA and NRA.  His most important  government stimulus plan  was selling war material to Great Britain and France.   Get the idea?   Government pays for the guns and trucks, creating government dependent jobs, and sells them to other Governments.  FDR needed war to have us forget all his mistakes, and  give him permission to socialize the country.   It is a sad story that repeats over and over.

Obama is like a cat covering up a mess.  War is his hoped for answer, and his caddie’s just pick up the mess and move to the next hole.  This Morning Sunni Obama spoke to the world while in friendly Russia.   Did you listen?  Nice stage.   Do you know who paid for all those news people to be there?   You did.  Spontaneous?   No, he planned it all.   The most startling statement from your President, was that there was no doubt in his mind that Assad pulled the trigger on the gas used to kill civilians.   Funny,  Nidad says he did.  To say Assad did the deed with no physical evidence that he did, is pure and simple a lie of major proportions.

Rooster can not help but believe there is the Sunni/Shiite hate element here.   Obama denies he is a Muslim, but his step father and Kenyan Father were Sunnis.   Sunnis hate Shiites  and visa versa and they kill each other as often as they can.  Proof is Iraq where the two Islamic faiths are in constant battle.  Right now they are killing each other at about 30 a day.   Obama favors Sunnis and Assad is a Shiite.  Just maybe this is why he wants to destroy the Syrian Government—–,or maybe his lies simply are a cover up.  Clearly, however truth is not present and accounted for.




Wc 629

Rooster Bradford, gives up all rights to this article and seeks no compensation for its use.

June , 2013


yndicators Limited. 6500 Casitas Pass Road, Ventura, CA 93001 The Roostercrows.net

All rights to the article are released, Use it freely.  Proof read by Spel Chex.

Rooster Bradford  is a former lawyer, politician and radio show host of “The Rooster Crows”   He is the author of several books and articles.  You can obtain his most recent book,  “It is S.A.D.” from  Amazon-Kindle.


Web page:    HYPERLINK “http://www.theroostercrows.net” www.theroostercrows.net


(OR:  If you do not know who the Saracens were, read on)

     It is time to revisit why United States is  doing anything in the Middle East.  It is especially necessary to review the history of this mess.   If you think 9/11 was the beginning you must continue reading, because you have been asleep.

     Many years ago Rooster took a comparative Religion Course when a student at Stanford University.  Of all the courses taken this one impressed him the most. Through it many explanations of human relationship were exposed, especially with Islam.

     Before we discuss the reasons for being in the Middle East, let us consider whether we can afford to be there.   The simple truth is we cannot.  Part of our huge debt and social unease has been mostly caused by Progressive Presidents who lead us into. WW 1, WW2, Korea, Vietnam, and the Middle East. Add the terrible drain of resources to make gifts all over the world, and here at home and you have a debt no one can even comprehend. These conflicts have been massive drains on our manpower and gross national product.  United States is broke which is good reason not to go.  Our Empty-suit President will not let a lack of money stop him from spending.   It did not stop the Bushes or even Clinton.  Every day we drain away our value is a bad day for America, its constitution and its law.  Every such day is another nail in our Nation’s wooden box.

     Back to the initial question.  Why are we in the Middle East anyway?  It is because of a Religion and way of life we know as Islam. There is nothing peaceful about it.   The Muslims are the people who blindly follow the words of their Koran. They are brainwashed, and easily radicalized.  History is your calendar.  The storm of Islam began when Mohammed started his religion in the 600s.  From the moment he had enough followers he lead them to spread their word, (not by boys in suits going door to door), but by the sword.   They were called Saracens for many years.  The words Islam and Muslim came latter.  That is another story.  There are many sources on the www to find this calendar. Just type in “Islam conquest” and read on.   The initial spread of Islam was by terror, brutal killings and mass destruction.  When they took a village or tribe, the victors simply demanded “Convert or die”.  That same simple effective demand is used to chase non- believers onto mountain tops, today.  In the early days there were no guns, planes or bombs.  They rode horses, camels, and waved scimitars and other metal cutting things.  They raped pillaged and tore the hell out of every new place.  They did this all across North Africa, into Spain into France.  In the Mediterranean they swarmed over Sicily into Italy. Their northern route was, through Turkey, into Eastern Europe. They set up housekeeping in the conquered lands and stole everything they needed.  Their armies of thugs fell victim to the age old story which causes defeat.  They went far beyond what they could supply and control.  It was not until the various Muslim armies were weakened by this expansion that the non-believers began to push back.   This went on from 650 until the last of the medieval crusades of around 1291.  When the last of the Crusaders were defeated in the Middle East, the Muslims began to recover some strength.  They practiced on each other, charging around in the dust and dryness yelling Allah Akbar.  Their poorness kept them at bay. They did this for another 600 years or so until the early 1900s when oil was discovered lying just under the impoverished surface.  With oil came wealth.  With wealth the various sects of Islam began to explore the use of TNT, petrol running vehicles and machine guns.  What fun.  They even established some central control thru what they call the Caliphate. (Top guy).  The primary Muslim Caliphate was located in Turkey.  Unfortunately for him, Turkey decided on world domination riding on the backs of the Germans in WW I.  That did not turn out so well.   The leaders of the Allies, mostly Britain, clearly understood the evil of Islam.  They set about dismantling the Ottoman Empire and incidentally the Caliphate.  It was done on purpose to destroy central leadership in Islam.  All this brings us to 1918 or so. Islam took a big hit.   It did not recover by the time WW 2 showed up.  When this war was over the Allied leadership, especially Churchill, knew they had to do something to cripple Islam and free women.  He said so before that war when he said in 1899,

“The fact that in Mohammad law every women must

belong to some man as his absolute property…must

 delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of

 Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.”

     To this purpose the principal allied leaders, (even old Uncle Joe in Russia who had his own problems with Islam), backed a plan to establish a non- Islamic country in the middle of the Middle East.  This country was to act as a buffer and protect Christian holy places there.  The country became Israel.  It was done under cover of private enterprise, but it took only 3 years for the Jewish State to be established. It was not spontaneous.  Britain with help from the holocaust spearheaded the move.   Now you know why President Obama threw out Churchill’s Bust from the Oval Office.  It was not because of British rule in Kenya, (Obama never personally felt that.) it was because of Churchill’s leadership to create Israel.  Churchill is deeply hated in Islam as much or more than Muslims hate Israel.  If any one man should be credited or condemned for Israel it is he.

     With oil wealth, it has taken 70 years for Islam to regain its footing.  Its inability to really have clout is more due to its division and internal wars than to anything else.  Just look at Iraq today for proof.  Again there were wise men who helped promote viable Islamic sects.   The animosity between the Persians (Iranians) and run of the mill Arabs helped.  Other geographical factors assisted, such as the isolation of the Kurds. Yet two factors of Islam have pushed it across the globe.  They are, intolerance of non- believers, and an astounding birth rate.

     The point is that since its inception Islam has been hell bent on world domination. Because it combines religion with government it is particularly dangerous.  Communism missed the boat when it denied religion. .   Our Government purposefully avoided this power grab by guaranteeing religious freedom.   Not so Islam.   The only thing that has kept it out of the world capitols has been, first it’s over expansion in the buggy and shay day, and then the connivance of non- Islamic leaders after WW 1 and 2.   Islamic leaders know it has been check mate for them.   All the more reason you should know they have a plan to take over the world with population and subtle infiltration.  In the process they hit us and scare us with their continually brutal killings of Christians and lesser sects of their own religion.  They will never recognize Israel and their passionate desire to kill Jews, knows no bounds.

     Because of the world conflict between Islam and everyone else Obama wanted us out of the Middle East.  Because of Islamic tactics we are still there and Obama will screw up the present problem but continue his withdrawal.  Islam will continue its assault.  Churchill was so right.  The only way is to keep an Islamic sword from cutting off your head is to cut off the hands that hold it. Offense wins.  Defense does not.

PROTEST:  FLY THE BETSY ROSS FLAG.  It is the one flag where all the States supported the Constitution.

Wc 1413

Rooster Bradford, gives up all rights to this article and seeks no compensation for its use.  2014.

Syndicators Limited. 6500 Casitas Pass Road, Ventura, CA 93001                            The Roostercrows.net      All rights to the article are released, Use it freely.  Proof read by Spel Chex.   Rooster Bradford,  is a former lawyer, politician and radio show host of “The Rooster Crows”

His most recent book, “It is S.A.D.” can be obtained from  Amazon-Kindle.

  Web page:    HYPERLINK “http://www.theroostercrows.net” www.theroostercrows.net