(OR: A living breathing example of socialism.)

Rooster has been a long time member of the Southern California Auto Club. As a member he receives their magazine called “Westways”. This most recent issue features Cuba. The cover is a picture of a 50s car, now a Taxi, a smallish road between decaying buildings with a few pedestrians. Attached to one of the buildings is a street light, about to fall down, with exposed wires to make it work. The clear glass is so dirty one could not tell if it had a bulb. The cover title is “HOLA, CUBA a look at this colorful island nation”. Rooster looked at the picture long and hard and concluded the set up person was telling you, by the picture, what it really is. It is a decaying, falling apart socialist experiment. They could have taken a picture of the one good hotel and a government building, but they showed you what it really is, a Ruin. The inside picture for the article does show the capitol building, built before socialism, and it is under massive rebuild because of delayed maintence. Over the years a few Americans have visited Cuba by going to Mexico and then to Cuba and back again. Rooster has talked with all he could and heard their stories. If the story teller was a liberal, they told you Havana was a beautiful place with satisfied people. A fewer common sense people made the trip and they told you the truth. Rooster even had a long talk with one man who lived there most
of the time. He laid out the sordid stories the liberal guides did not. It is not just the 50s cars that have been frozen in time. It is all the buildings, save a couple of tourist locations, , that have been frozen in the same time warp. Yes, it is a beautiful place, and the people are nice. The problem is they all live at the poverty level. Their Sunday best is a T shirt, shorts, or a pair of faded jeans. The infrastructure is a terrible mess. Even the street lights barely lite your way. They were built in the 30s and 40s and broken glass is not replaced. The article had a good shot of the city’s down town. A careful examination of the buildings shows that all are need of millions of dollars of repair. A few have their front painted, but look at the roof and sides. Scary. Recently Rooster saw a picture of the down town at night. What was remarkable was the lack of lights on, where they should be on. Obviously there is not enough money to install good lights and certainly not enough money to use the ones they have, or pay for the poles and generators. In short Cuba is an abject place of poverty. That is what Socialism did to a vibrant, alive and booming capital of Cuba. There are just a few laundry mats with old equipment. No fast food places and not even a clean and neat French fry. The stores are few and not well stocked. Try to find a bathroom while you are on your walk. Crime is down because there has been nothing of value to steal. Wait till the tourists carelessly go from their hotel to the fort or museum. Crime will rise. Night life is dull and uninteresting unless you enjoy a taco and several beers and call that a great time. Good luck getting a Scotch and Soda. Don’t blame it on our embargo. Try to remember the U.S. is not the only place with money. No other country joined us. Rooster, in 1955, planned to go to Havana, but one of his traveling partners ran out of money. By 1959 the vibrant city Rooster knew was gone and began its decay into a wide variety of rust, and grey collars. Plaster falling from walls and ceilings, not to be replaced. The man who led it into the gutter was Castro, a true believer, who dictated to his socialist slaves for hours at a time. Of course the liberals, like Obama, want tourist money to flood into the place. God knows it is a horrible example of what socialism does to the human spirit.
BUY: ROOSTERS NEW BOOK. ISLAM: THE DEATH STAR. Go to Amazon or Barnes and Nobel. PROTEST: Fly the Betsy Ross flag. It is the one flag where all the States supported the Constitution. Wc: 510: Rooster Bradford gives up all rights to this article and seeks no compensation for its use. July 2016



Remember the movie “THE STING”. One of Redford and Newman’s best. For the younger folks, you need to down load it and enjoy. Newman would be 91. Anyway too bad they are not available to do a new movie called, “THE GREAT POLITICAL STING.” In it they could portray Warren Buffett, G. E’s CEO and others who have conspired with the liberals to rip out billions of dollars from the tax payer in the Global Warming Scam. Rooster can see several of the scenes now, smoke filled board rooms, having a coke with Buffett in his little house on the prairie, noisy stock market rooms etc. . The point is that all scientists agree the earth is in an ice age at this moment. At times earth has gone for millions of years with little or no ice caps. Within this ice age there are periods of glaciation. Some bigger than others. Reality is the world is always getting cooler or warmer. Only growing Ice caps have hurt humans. Global warming is a hoax. Get this. Never in 4 million years has a world heat spell hurt mammals. The liberal sting is that they get the gullibles to believe a heat catastrophe is coming and sell them on renewable energy. This is the solar panels, big mirror projects in the desert, big turbine generators on tall towers with a propeller attached, waiting for wind and the occasional bird, electric cars, and trucks that drive and crash themselves. All these very expensive alternatives are very, very expensive. Of course most of them are not made here. The final revelation of the movie is when it demonstrates each and every one of these projects do not make money. Without citizen’s tax money to subsidize them they would fail. Yes Darling the Tesla too. What is not taken by the liberal elite is paid to foreign operatives. We are talking Billions and maybe trillions. No one is adding it all up. One indicator of loose money, is the Clintons millions, and Bernies new summer home. Rooster has followed all of this nonsense for years. He was particularly impressed by the acres and acres of solar panels in south Pacific Islands that were abandoned and polluting the environment. He traveled extensively there some years ago on business.. The reason they were abandoned was because an Island would finally get an oil fired generator. Even with installing lines and poles it delivered cheaper electricity to the small farmers and other users. Alternative electricity, in the U.S. costs about 28 cents a unit. Coal, natural gas, liquid fuel (diesel and gas) and atomic produce it at about .04 cents per. Who picks up the difference? You do through your electric bills and taxes to pay the subsidies to make up for the difference. Rooster has demanded of several local Governments which have installed solar panels for a cost accounting. They all refuse. Not one or all of the thousands of bird killing wind turbines, pie in the sky, can even begin to supply the needs or add to the present grids sufficient electricity. G.E. makes most of the turbines elsewhere. A couple of years ago, in an extended heat wave in Texas the extensive wind machines provided a paltry 8 percent of the total, needed. Finding legitimate objective analysis is very difficult. When you www the issue you have to go way deep, to find anything that even gets close. In one such article written in 2014 it listed the Federal (Just federal) agencies involved in the wind machines business. They were the DOE, DEPT OF INTERIOR, USDA, COMMERCE, TREASURY, EPA,NST, AND SBA. Today it’s more. Then the cost of a megawatt of their electricity was 37 to 81 dollars. Hey, we are not even there yet. The trillions of tax payer dollars are not added. The money is going into the Governmental Elites pockets. It is the age old con game. We citizens are being taken. Now when Hillary and Obama tell you cheap coal has to be shut down, you must understand why. When they will not permit another atomic energy plant to continue, let alone build, you must know why. When they shut down cheap natural gas delivery, you will understand. Remember the oil line from Canada, liberals killed. Wake up.

BUY: ROOSTERS NEW BOOK. ISLAM: THE DEATH STAR. Go to Amazon or Barnes and Nobel.

PROTEST: Fly the Betsy Ross flag. It is the one flag where all the States supported the Constitution. Wc: 550: Rooster Bradford gives up all rights to this article and seeks no compensation for its use. Aug. 2016


(OR: Most guffaws come from a preconceived notion.)
Of many miss-statements by Hillary Clinton, the most disturbing was her statement, “We are going to raise taxes on the Middle Class.” This was at one of her rallies just 3 to 4 days ago. Rooster caught it right after it was made. Despite her expected claim it was a mistook, there are at least two very disturbing things out of this. The first is, she did not catch herself. She went right on as if every word was the gospel truth. This is how it happened. She was talking fairly normal, and then did one of her crowd energizer bunny routines. She raised her voice, and raised her right hand and brought the right hand down with a flourish. Looked like she raised her self- up on her toes to increase height. Of course the statement was made and there was no mistake in the words used. Now we cannot read her mind, so once again she able to change it at a whim. Point is, when a person makes all the fuss, she made, the statement rings true of her thoughts. It may not come out as intended, but it comes out with truth.

Socialist will when able, raise taxes on everyone, including the Middle Class. History tells us Socialist destroy the middle class, as a force against their total control philosophy. She is a socialist of the most severe type, so there you have it. The second but most disturbing was not Hillary, and it was not her statement. It was the crowd. When her effort to motivate the crowd came down, the roar of the crowd absolutely stunned Rooster. Do you realize that not one of the crowd was listening? Well maybe one, but he or she shut up. When you think about the 45 million that are on food stamps alone, you begin to understand. None of those who agree with the give- a-ways, care or want to listen. They just want to know the free stuff keeps coming. To them it sounded like that is what she said. And she did. She is going to tax who so ever to keep the chocolate factory pushing out the freebies. That is all they heard and that is the deeply troubling problem the nation faces. The socialist have done it on purpose to get the non-thinking robots to do their bidding. How do you compete? It takes a well-oiled campaign and Donald has to shut up with the tangents. Once he wins he must quickly move against the socialist set up education system and reduce the welfare to a meaningful number. Remember the Jane Fonda movie, Barbarella? If not look it up. In it the Socialist had all the children turned into very dangerous beings, with evil dolls. They would eat you if they could, and so it is with our country right now.

BUY: ROOSTERS NEW BOOK. ISLAM: THE DEATH STAR. Go to Amazon or Barnes and Nobel.

PROTEST: Fly the Betsy Ross flag. It is the one flag where all the States supported the Constitution. Wc: 450: Rooster Bradford gives up all rights to this article and seeks no compensation for its use. Aug. 2016



Rooster worries that his readers will falter, stumble, and not be up to the task because of listening to the tortured minds of the Main Street Media and those Republicans in name only [RINO]. They are all in the twilight zone. Really think about the absurdity of the New York Times and the Washington Post jumping off a cliff because, Trump said “Obama and Hillary founded ISIS”. Compare that to their going out for tea when Hillary tells a bald face lie. Do you get the profound difference? Trump’s remark, to anyone with a clear head, is sarcasm, because the direct founders were Muslims. Everybody knows that, and that includes Trump. Rooster knows the direct founder was Abu Bakr of Bagdad. Actually that is his assumed name as Caliph. “Abu Bakr” was the name of the immediate leader after Mohammed in the 600s AD. But no one needs to know that, except Rooster. All any thinking person needs to know is Muslims, in Iraq, founded ISIS. If you knew the Muslims were Sunnis then you’re really involved. The indirect founders, the ones who allowed it to happen, can be many, and certainly include Obama and Hillary, as they deserted Iraq to Al-Qaida.

A lie, is a whole different kettle of tea. The direct proof of Hillary’s lies is profound. Just Bengasi and the lie about the T.V. scam is astounding. The main stream hides it. Lies do make a difference. If you have listened to Rush Limbaugh and felt somewhat disturbed by his sarcasm, but laughed your head off at the late George Denis Patrick Carland, and his political satire, then pay attention. They are the same except that Rush is directly on point and Carland was indirectly on point. Rush admits to being conservative and is serious, but you had to infer that from Carland. They both occasionally hit the left wall just to confuse. You see sarcasm, political satire etc. are good story tellers. Lies never are. Sarcasm and political satire do not destroy. Lies do and they kill people. One is safe, and the other is dangerous. All of this is lost on the common sense deficient liberal. They laugh at inappropriate times, call you names, swear at you, pantomime you as crazy, or simply walk away from logic and common sense. In short they cannot face the reality that there never will be a one world, or one religion, or none, and that people simply will never live happily ever after. History and todays news are the super food of common sense. The liberal will lie to themselves and say 52,000 years of human combat and constant wars between religions is not true. Some might admit the past, but declare it will not predict the future. Do not live in their cocoons. Predators abound. Power to sourkazim!!
BUY: ROOSTERS NEW BOOK. ISLAM: THE DEATH STAR. Go to Amazon or Barnes and Nobel.

PROTEST: Fly the Betsy Ross flag. It is the one flag where all the States supported the Constitution. Wc: 672: Rooster Bradford gives up all rights to this article and seeks no compensation for its use. July 2016


(OR: Now that it’s over, over there, what’s next?)

            With the close of the disjointed Democrat convention we can finally say it is a Party well divided and Socialist.  Their title should be Socialist/ Democrat.  Both parties did move to the left which means there is room for a truly Constitutional/conservative party, to provide a home for those who feel neither party represents them.  The very left parties have essentially been run over by the Democrat/Socialist party.  Of course the Democrat party will not voluntarily change its name, so the GOP and others should do it for them.  If truth in labeling means anything then the new name is necessary. The increase interest in the minor parties has been small.

With the final act of the Democrat convention over it was time to return the USA flags to the local court house. These are the ones they borrowed after pundits pointed out none existed on the speaker platform.  Somehow Rooster missed the National Anthem.  Wasserman has been seen clearing her desk and looking into moving into Ms. Hilda’s digs.  You do remember this awful women don’t you.  She was the Chair of the Democrats until the day before the convention opened.  It was not just the exposure of the DNC’s e-mails that did it.  She was wildly disliked as a self-centered egotist.  This translated into there being no friends to defend her.  So the Party lost its commanding general and its camps split into at least two parts.  Very left and not so left and its Flags borrowed.  The conventions choice of speakers left Roster shaking his head. In a time of Jihad attacks worldwide, why would they put up a Muslim couple for any reason.  It was bound to be corrupted and it was.  The dead son was a long time member of the Muslim Brotherhood and not one who believed in the Constitution.   The failure to balance the speaking parents of the dead police as well as the non- police was stupid.  Common sense was lacking, and Winston believes Wasserman’s touch was still there.

The main speeches were as expected.   Bill Clinton, not only fell asleep, at the wrong time, but his speech was a bunch of lies.  About the only true thing he said about Hillary was that he was married to her.  If she loses you can expect to see a separation or divorce.  While he was telling us how good she would be, all Rooster could think about was the Blond honey who frequents their home in Chappaqua when Ms. Hilda is out and about.  It must be something in the water in Chappaqua that causes  Democrat men to cheat.

The speeches by both Obama’s were milk and honey and not true.  Someone took the time to count how many times Barry talked about himself.   It was 119.  The egos of all of them are really remarkable.  They are much more pronounced than those of the run of the mill politician.

With all the boos and Black Lives matter shouted from  the floor, the obvious split by the very left and those left, tells us the party will not attract all of its base to get off their duffs and vote.  MS Hilda, to the average person, is not someone you want to lead you into battle. I doubt if she could even mount a horse.  She now will take her bus and go from staged event to staged event.   There will be no spontaneity.   If the poles show her well behind by the debates do not be surprised to see a cancellation because of some contrived disagreement, or illness.

On the other side, expect to see Trump gain strength, if he simply stays the New York street fighter he is.  He will have to spend time in those marginal states, but it will be time well spent.   He needs to marshal the black vote and the Hispanic vote.  If he just improves a few percentage points it will be tremendous.  His best approach is to assemble men and women of both ethnicities who in turn will champion ONE AMERICA WHERE ALL LIVES MATTER. Let them go forth.  The results will be very good.

A final observation is that in the Democrat/socialist party,  lying and avoiding the truth  is normal.  This  common sense failure works for others with the same disability, but  a lot of people are paying attention. They are thinking,  even if it is  for the first time.  What this tells us is that in every society at least 1/3 are so disabled in their common sense, they cannot see through a lie.   If you tell them you can sell them the Golden Gate Bridge, most of that 1/3 will believe it.  Rooster predicts that the Democrat party will keep most of its base of 1/3.  The GOP will keep all of its.  The middle 1/3 will mostly go to Trump.

Ms. Hillary also now must weather more FBI investigations and new releases of E mails of the DNC and her server.   It ain’t over till it’s over.

BUY:      ROOSTERS NEW BOOK.  ISLAM: THE DEATH STAR.  Go to Amazon or Barnes and Nobel.

PROTEST: Fly the Betsy Ross flag. It is the one flag where all the States supported the Constitution.  Wc: 672: Rooster Bradford gives up all rights to this article and seeks no compensation for its use.  July 2016


(OR: A sinking ship’s rats.)

       Anyone who believes there is any secrecy in Face Book, E mail et.cet. is just plain stupid.  Hillary, with her own E Mail scandal, has proven she leads the pack in stupid, but she is not alone.  Beside her and running up behind her, is the entire Democrat elite.   Smug, self- assured and stupid.

In Rooster’s book IT IS S.A.D. (On Amazon) he describes this stupid in considerable detail.  In brief here is its story. There are two main components of intelligence.  One is memory which is gauged by IQ.  The other is common Sense, which we could, but do not test.  One Third of any population will be deficient in common sense to some degree.  There you have the bulk of the Democrat party.  Many of them have a good IQ but cannot find their car in a parking lot.  They believe welfare will give a person self-esteem.  They believe there can be income equality.  They believe in violating the law if they disagree.

If you need more proof, look at what just happened at the Democrat Convention.  Demolition is in process. WikiLeaks proves the Democrat elite have been pushing for Hillary all the time they claimed to be impartial.  Wasserman, head of the party, resigns and immediately joins the Hillary Campaign.  If you do not see this as stupid is as stupid does, you had better check your blood pressure.  You may have passed on.  By the way Wasserman is not just stupid she is vindictive and hateful.  Do not ask Rooster.  Ask Allen West the black former Army officer who was running for re-election in Florida.  His district was next to Wasserman’s.  She attacked him like a banshee and her Democrat attack had more to do with the fact that he was a black conservative than anything else.  How dare he leave the encampment!!  Had he been white she would not have bothered.

The Democrat convention continues, but we know the stupid still rule.  Wasserman will give the opening remarks.  This she will do, after her resignation and after she has joined the Hillary campaign. By any measure this is pure, unadulterated dumb.  Let us see what she says.

Moving back into the future, what do you suppose is happening to the Two Party system?   Winston, Rooster’s Pooka, believes it is breaking up.   The variety of minority parties will benefit from the fall out.  The Republican Party has already abandoned some of its most enduring platforms.  Listening to Trump and the daughter who introduced him, you get the clear impression there will be pandering to the common sense deficient.   More clearly, however, is the demise of the Democrat party.  Bernie’s boys have already moved the Democrat platform into the socialist world.  His speech tonight will pour cement on it making it rock solid.  If he had any guts, which he does not, he would blow the roof off the joint.  He is one of the common sense deficient, so do not expect reality.  It actually makes no difference anyhow, the conservative old school Democrats have no place to go.  Those who vote Democrat because their Grandparents did, and have decent common sense, will not vote or will vote for someone else.  Those who are in Unions will not heed their Union, if they use their heads.  Trump will get some of them.  What is left of the Democrat party will be clearly the Bernie types— clueless and far out socialistic.

When the dust settles the Democrat party will have lost, and be in tatters.  The Republican Party will be the immediate beneficiary.   There will be room for another party to offer a safe haven to the disenfranchised.   Those with a lot of common sense, who are constitutional conservatives, and demand States Rights will have to find a new home.  Many Democrats will join the Republican Party on its left side and many Republicans will leave on its right side.  A viable Third Party will arise.

BUY:      ROOSTERS NEW BOOK.  ISLAM: THE DEATH STAR.  Available at  Amazon or Barnes and Nobel.

PROTEST: Fly the Betsy Ross flag. It is the one flag where all the States supported the Constitution.  Wc: 658: Rooster Bradford gives up all rights to this article and seeks no compensation for its use.  July 2016


(OR: Why do Racists tell lies.)

         Last night when Michelle said “…every morning I wake up in a house built by slaves…” Rooster fell off his roost and nearly chocked to death on a cracker. Winston fled the room scared out of his wits.  What did she just say?   What was that total untruth?  Why would she say it?  “Damn this is pure insanity”, the Rooster said.

What vision did you have when she said it.?  Did you see thousands of down trodden black people, being whipped into work by white masters?  Did you see it raining and muddy and conditions just terrible for the poor slave?   If you saw something like that Michelle was successful.   That is what she wanted you to see.  She did not say built by some slaves.   She did not say partially built by slaves.  She did not discuss that such a slave was not trained for anything but manual labor, and did not know how to cut stone, did not know how to plaster, or prepare a wall for it, and did not know how to pipe the building for gas, unless they received such training on the job.   She did not mention that some of the labor were free blacks in Washington DC, which was a safe haven for slaves escaping their Democrat owners in the surrounding south.  She did not say anything like that.

Nor did she discuss the fact that the original building was burned to the ground by the British.  Oh some walls remained but they had to be torn down.   The building was completely rebuilt after 1814.  Again some slaves were used, because the Republicans had not fought the Civil War to free them from the Democrats.  That was down the road.  She did not mention that.

Nor did she mention that Harry Truman had the entire residential portion of the building gutted, leaving just the outside walls. Remember the 1814  or so walls were constructed by artisans who were not slaves. Of course a slave might have been used to move something, but they did not have the talent to build the walls, build the moldings, build and install the cornices etc. By and large in, 1814. slaves were kept untrained for fear they would flee to the North for freedom and good jobs.   During Truman’s time there were no Slaves.  Say it over and over again.

She failed to tell you that the walls, floor, ceiling, plumbing, wires and all the other things than make up the room she wakes up in, were built during the 1949 to 52 rebuild and not one slave was used for anything.

She lied, not to just Rooster and Winston.  She lied to millions of Americans and millions of others listening in.   She lied to the world because she is a racists.


BUY:      ROOSTERS NEW BOOK.  ISLAM: THE DEATH STAR.  Available at  Amazon or Barnes and Nobel.

PROTEST: Fly the Betsy Ross flag. It is the one flag where all the States supported the Constitution.  Wc: 658: Rooster Bradford gives up all rights to this article and seeks no compensation for its use.  July 2016


(OR: There is no thinking in the kitchen.)

            Rooster’s comments on the GOP convention, are not conventional, but they are wise.   During the GOP primaries Rooster told you “Turn out the Lights the Election is over” In that article he predicted Trump would win everything.   This was not because of being a mystic or having a great wiggi board, but because Rooster can observe events as they are.  Being honest with one’s self helps.  The voters are upset and being upset means there will be change. This is not just Republicans and Independents it includes one heck of a lot of Democrats.  Rooster also predicted Brexit because he saw the same disgust with the elite. The British odds makers had it wrong, because they have no faith in the people. When you realize Scotland voted to stay in, the peoples vote elsewhere was huge. Trump fits the time like a glove.  He is unconventional, anti-Elite, and wars against the establishment.   It is the establishment that will have to change.   Not Trump.

The establishment folks are running around as if a volcano has just blown up.  Their hands are waving in the air and they show a terrible fear on their faces.  It is so intense that the weak News Media pick it up and play with it for viewers and readers.  They think it is a game changer.  Just shows you how dumb many of them are.

They are looking for any cracks or weaknesses to feed to the Elite. This business about Mrs. Trump’s speech being compared to Mrs. Obamas is pure nonsense.  To make a speech work on a teleprompter you need writers.  Writers borrow from each other all the time.  It is the same in song writing.  Borrowing is not stealing.  In literature stealing is where whole passages, pages, and organization is taken without permission or credit. Think about this.  Every word uttered by Mrs. Trump can be found in every other speech ever given.   Common phrases will be used by many at the same time. What makes them common is that they are used all the time by everyone.  Few today can speak from notes. Rooster can, but it is not something you are born with.  You learn to do it as you develop self-confidence.  Newt Gingrich is another who can speak for a long time just from notes he has made. Most cannot and that is ok.

The more serious problem is the stupid attitude by several like Romney and Graham.  Cruz and Rubio are a bit different since they have clashed with the elite.  Speaking of the first bunch, they are as blind as cave dwelling salamanders.  Their fear is that they will become not relevant. Well, this fear is becoming true by their own hand.  Rooster was a victim of this same ignorance when he ran for a public office.  He had moved into the area just 3 years before and was a deputy District Attorney.  He ran on a law and order platform.  The Elite of the community in the GOP, would not support this newcomer. The opposition was a Democrat incumbent who had kept his nose clean. Rooster lost by a few hundred votes.   Had he had full support he would have won hands down. The result was the GOP lost and the Democrats won.  In California this was not good.

The second group are the likes of Cruz and Rubio.  Both are literal conservatives and they do not see that in Trump.  They are correct.  He is not a do or die conservative. He is by his nature and governmental experiences a conservative in result. He is not in education or understanding of the Constitution.  What they fail to see is that he is very smart and understands his own failings and lack of education.  He will fill up those gaps with people he can trust.  The first group is lost.   The second is savable.

Even so Trump will win without either of them.   It is in the cards. Upps!! Did Rooster say that?



PROTEST: Fly the Betsy Ross flag. It is the one flag where all the States supported the Constitution.  Wc: 664: Rooster Bradford gives up all rights to this article and seeks no compensation for its use.  July 2016


(OR: Charles Martel defeated Islam at Tours)

            As we recover from the horrible truck attack in Nice France, and President Obama prepares his speech to ban trucks, Rooster desires to make a couple of observations. First, Rooster was in France about 3 years ago.  He and his wife took a subway from the Airport to downtown Paris.   The train went through many Muslim neighborhoods before it got there.   The train was not clean and well maintained.  Seats were broken etc. Immediately Rooster sensed hostility from the other passengers who got on and off at the various stops.  It was so bad that he put his wife in a corner seat and then stood guard the whole time.  No French was heard, but every Middle Eastern language was.  When he arrived in Paris and left the underground he swore to never go there again.   That is how bad it was 3 years ago, before all the millions of immigrants of that religement have entered the EU.   Today the Muslim controlled areas must be twice as big as they were then.  This also means twice as hostile.

Approximately 150 years after Mohammed was born the conquering tribes of Islam had taken North Africa, Sicily, Malta, were advancing up the boot of Italy, and had taken all of Spain  In their wake they left terrible atrocities and ruin.   About 80,000 of them left Spain and marched on France with the intent of taking Europe.     At Tours one Charles Martel, who had raised a well-trained Army, with the Popes help, meet the Muslims in Battle.  For once Christian Calvary were better than the Muslim.  The battle was won and the Muslims retreated back into Spain.  Until today the Muslims have been contained. They were eventually driven from power through-out the Mediterranean.

Once again the faithful of Islam have returned to France.  They possess huge land areas especially in and around the big cities. They conduct those areas as if there was no France.  These Muslims did not come with huge armies.  They know huge armies are out of date. They cannot win that way because of today’s military might of the non-Islam world.  They have come as infiltrators, illegals, and fellow travelers. They are turning into terrorists and worse.  With the liberal mind set of France’s leaders they have been able to establish legality.

Anyone who knows Islam, France, and the history of both, knows there is no peaceful way out.   It is win or lose.   If you lose the Koran will dictate how you will be enslaved.

Now there will not be Armies facing each other.  Now there will be civil distress and eventually conflict.  The liberal lead French Government, will not be able to protect. They are the ones who have allowed this to happen.    Someone who is not filled with all the liberal nonsense, has to take the helm.  Someone like Charles Martel who went on to develop the Holy Roman Empire.  They called him Charlemagne the savior.  He was such a person and the likes of him are needed once again.

Islam has always had one main goal, and that is world domination.  My book ISLAM: THE DEATH STAR, which lays out this goal and describes the terrible pain and suffering Islam has caused over its existence will be out in a couple of weeks.


PROTEST: Fly the Betsy Ross flag. It is the one flag where all the States supported the Constitution.  Wc: 672: Rooster Bradford gives up all rights to this article and seeks no compensation for its use.  July 2016


(OR: Shakespeare would love this.)

            What the Bard did write into his play about Henry VI were the words “The first thing we do is kill all the lawyers.”  These words were spoken by his character who was plotting a revolution, so getting the lawyers out of the way was top priority for chaos.  Actually the phrase is a compliment to lawyers.  You see, we stand in the way of chaos.

What Rooster is proposing is that the office of Attorney General be drastically changed, so that we no longer have a Janet Reno killing  men, women and children  in Waco Texas, (which then led to the Oklahoma bombing killing more.), or an Eric Holder conspiring to buy and sell to criminals in Mexico guns and especially semi-automatics. You do remember “Fast and Furious” don’t you?  And of course we now have Loretta Lynch who simply follows what the President says and has no independence at all.

The present Attorney General is an office that has, like all Federal Agencies, grown too big not to fail.  The list of its divisions and subdivisions looks like a L.A. phone book.   In the Judiciary Act of 1789 which set up the Federal Court System, the A/G was created to simply prosecute and conduct all legal matters for the Feds in the Supreme Court and to advise heads of Executive Departments.  It was a one man, plus staff job.  It was part time.  81 years later Congress created the Department of Justice to support the now overworked A/G. (Government offices are always overworked ,now aren’t they.) Since that time it has grown into a monster with big dripping fangs.  Worse is that it has become a political attack dog for the President.  Clinton and Obama have demonstrated that it is out of control and no longer is an independent legal service.  In many ways the A/G has become a rouge commander of shock troops.

During the Founders debates in setting up judicial power the Anti-federalist (State’s Rights folks today.) denounced Federal Judicial power as a potential instrument for National Tyranny.  They were right and their common sense was perfect.

Even the fact that an A/G appointee has to be approved by the Senate, and can be impeached by the house has done little to keep bad apples out of the barrel.   Still the President appoints them and can fire them.  The Attorney General can no longer be trusted to act responsible for the good of the people. What Loretta Lynch A/G did with the FBI report on Hillary is a great example of the partisanship the office exercises.  Not only does the A/G sit on the Presidents Cabinet he or she is the only legal counsel present.  One might compare it to the Mafia and their lackey attorneys.

What has to happen is the office be taken out from under the thumb of the President.  He should be given an attorney who can only advise, not direct troops. That is the first thing we do.  Second, so many of the A/G’s functions can be deleted and should be.   For example the U.S. District Attorney Generals used to be under the Department of the Interior.   The Attorney General did not supervise them.  Let’s do that again.   Just as we fear monopolies in the private sector, so to we mush distrust those created in Government.   The only way to stop another Waco, or another Fast and Furious, or the terrible race incitement pushed by the A/G in matters, like Ferguson,   and other cases of a black person being shot by police, is to break it up.  The office, since it has a civil Rights division, considers every black killing by different races as a violation of law. The only solution is to break it up and scatter its responsibilities.  It has and continues to fail, especially under liberal leadership. Liberals, more than Conservatives consider the heads of departments as house hold servants, rather than as independent operatives.  They do not think of “we the people”. They think of “me and my power”.


PROTEST: Fly the Betsy Ross flag. It is the one flag where all the States supported the Constitution.  Wc: 672: Rooster Bradford gives up all rights to this article and seeks no compensation for its use.  July 2016