Bury Hari Kerry





Syndicators Limited. 6500 Casitas Pass Road, Ventura, CA 93001 The Roostercrows.net

All rights to the article are released, Use it freely.  Nov. 27, 2012


Rooster Bradford  is a former lawyer, politician and radio show host of “The Rooster Crows”   He is the author of several books and articles.  You can obtain his most recent book,  “It is S.A.D.” from  Amazon-Kindle.    His web page, is www.theroostercrows.net  




(Or; The last fraud standing.)


            We the thinkers,  are waiting for the outcry,  the screaming,  the demonstrations, the  swelling and bursting  of the Multitude in anguish.    It is not happening.  Little to nothing is being said about the dirtiest John around.   Actually, Kerry makes a really bad water-closet look inviting.

            When thinking of Kerry think of a glorious facade, so loved by the President, that he wants him to represent the U.S as Secretary of State.   Yes our Dictator wants a fraud to represent United Socialist Amer—ika on the world scene.  Obama is laughing at us hysterically.   Kerry should make your skin crawl, your stomach ache, and your legs buckle.  He is the biggest piece of Shinola in Washington DC and that is his big accomplishment, save getting up every morning.

            Were we in Athens,  a long time ago, the cynic Diogenes would have suffered his lantern   blown out by the close presence of  John Kerry.   Diogenes’s,  God forsaken mutt, Rataplan, seeing Sir Kerry, would have fled in fear with his tail between his legs.  Yes, Kerry’s evil spirit would have caused  Ghost Busters to give up  searching. They would have found the ultimate poltergeist in mans cloth.

            As we go over his career honest men can not help but wonder  how such a “nothing” could go so far.    In the Democrat party  this opportunity seems to exist in glorious abundance. 

            Let us not forget that Kerry’s only experience in doing something for gain was to marry a billionaire.    He could not pass the State Bar examination and did not practice legal law.  He so wanted to be adored by the public and needed money to get it done.  Marrying an empty sack with a billion or so did the trick.   With her money,  he could buy his adoration, and become a wealthy Senator.

            Even his military service was not to serve his country, but to serve him self.   He went into the Navy (The clean service with the best officer clubs.) to get as many ribbons and metals he could to make him self a Nero,    Upps!! Wrong word….hero.  The Rooster served, as an officer,  the Army and Navy. He became very familiar with his type.  Kerry was one of those officers whose only purpose was  going into places, or saying so, just to get a metal.   Kerry,  himself,  told the world, he was on a Christmas raid into Cambodia, which is tough since he was not there during Christmas time.  He gained fame by testifying (Under Oath you know.) before Congress about fake atrocities committed by our real soldiers.  You see it was all fake like he is fake.   He put up other witnesses who lied about their observations especially about their really being in Nam. All fake.   He  compared our soldiers to the ruthless hoards of Gangues Khan.   Not over a beer, but to Congress, under oath.  He lied after swearing to tell the truth.   He lied to gain the adoration of the anti-war crowd.  Remember his lying about accepting Chinese dollars for his campaign to be President.  It just goes on and on.

            The worst part of his military nonsense was his pretending to earn a Purple Heart and Silver Stars.  The first he faked, and the latter he bought.  He is not dumb.  He learned how to work the paper and buy signatures without risking his darling little face.   He is not and never was a decorated hero.  He was and is a decorated fraud.  The only real thing he did about his metals was  throwing them over the Presidents fence. But wait, did he?    He is so fake and self centered, that 10 to 1 he did not throw the real metals and ribbons.  Bet you they are in his possession even today.   Believing the overwhelming number of swift boat folks, he served with,  hate him,  you have no better proof  of his character.

            Even as a Senator he has been a fraud.   Avoiding paying taxes on his boat, and telling one lie after another as he pretended to be sincere on trips  (Junkets) to Afghanistan et.cet to visit our  “Hordes of Drinkers of Horse Blood”.  What has he championed for the people? What governmental structure is he famous for?  The whisper heard in the hall ways of the Senate is that JK wins the coveted Mirror award.  You know the one given  to the most egotistical.

            Of course it all fits.   Obama so hates the image of the America he is destroying, that he first appointed Hillary as Secretary of State.   Yes our world wide Representative has been a person Obama beat up and threw under the bus.    Now he appoints a truly empty suit sitting in an empty chair, to tell the world of the miracles on 32nd Street.   This really is not funny, folks.  

            Is there a Senator who will try to stop this nomination?  The Rooster does not see such a person.  Cowards and limp rags one and all.  That Senator, if he or she comes forth, will be the only person in the room who will have really earned a Purple Heart.

Wc: 847                                                       xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

            Protest:  Fly a Betsy Ross Flag, or the current flag, upside down.


Rooster Bradford, gives up all rights to this article and seeks no compensation for its use.

November 8, 2012

the fox is in the hen house





Syndicators Limited. 6500 Casitas Pass Road, Ventura, CA 93001 The Roostercrows.net

All rights to the article are released, Use it freely.


Rooster Bradford  is a former lawyer, politician and radio show host of “The Rooster Crows”   He is the author of several books and articles.  You can obtain his most recent book,  “It is S.A.D.” from  Amazon-Kindle.    His web page, is “The Rooster crows.net. “ 


                                THE FOX IS IN THE HEN HOUSE

                    (Or: Let The Stealing Begin.)


          It is 2:00 AM November 7, 2012. The Rooster was wrong. The Fox won.  Even Chicken Little knows, “The Sky is falling down.”

          Yesterday, a day to ever be known  as the anniversary of the end of our Constitutional Republic,  happened.   To those of us with common sense the unthinkable is now reality.    The noble experiment of our founders is over.   Should our land of law, over whim, ever arise again, it will be through the debris of chaos.

          A man with no past continues to lead the Socialist hoards through our fields of industry, taking what they want, when they want it.   If you think stealing all the money from the bond holders and stock holders of General Motors was a big deal,  “You ain’t seen noth’in yet.” Obama will not change.  Do not bet on his waking from his autism.  It will take awhile but before long there will be nothing left worth the taking.  The Bush Tax cuts are history which means immediate higher taxes.   Obama and gang will increase taxes without the House’s agreement.   Even the poor will pay as they always have with inflation.  His health care tax  was and is the largest tax increase this country has ever known. 

          Sadly Obama and his, will soon learn there is not enough money to pull us out of our financial collapse.  Those with money will do what ever they can to move it, hide it, and transfer it out of his taking.  Those who are trapped simply will, be trapped.  Industry will slow. Gold and cash will be preferred.  The dollar will continue to  fall against other money, and either Obama will push inflation more than he has, or he will devalue the dollar.  All this means recession/ depression or what ever else you want to call it.  We simply will fall in on ourselves.   Obama will use the Military to control, and continue the removal of the Generals and Admirals he does not trust.  Do not be foolish and believe the House of Representatives can stop him.  Who else then?   Do not pray for the Marines to help.   The loss of a citizen military, years ago,  has left us with mercenaries.  They will do as ordered.  There will be no help from Foreign Countries.  All of Western Civilization has fallen to the have nots, and most of the others are ruled by despots. You see Socialism/communism is simply legalized stealing. It is taking from some to give to others.  That is,  the head of the Government, backed by the police and military, passes what ever laws it wants, to legalize what ever it wants.  

          The over 16 trillion dollars  of national debt can not be paid down under present conditions.  Obama will continue to suppress enterprise, so there will be no new value.   The present dollars purchasing value will fall drastically.  The debt can be reduced with worthless money, but you know how China will love that.  Unfortunately it will not just be China.   All of us will suffer..

          What are the immediate consequences you ask?  First there will be months of shock.  Even Obama will be slow to move.  There will be no budget, because Dictators don’t have to do such petty things. Probably the most hideous occurrence will be the demise of the conservative voice in America.  The Rooster too  wonders if crowing is worth the risk with the Fox in the pen.   In other words Free Speech, the most important freedom, will be dangerous.  Not too long ago a Romanian refugee told the Rooster,  he had escaped Communism, only to find it rising here to drown him once again.  He said soon we will all have to …… then all he did was place his index figure across his mouth…. to signify “silence”.

            Most of the bill of rights will be disregarded by Obama.  Soon he will control the Supreme Court.   If you have a gun, shut up and hide it.  Religion has already taken a big hit, and it will get worse, except for Islam.  Islam and Socialism are kin, simply run by different power brokers.  Obama loves both.  Israel now knows it is alone and it will do what it has to do to protect itself.   You can believe the Israelis are worried about us.   They are indeed surrounded.

          As our Countries financial condition worsens, civil strife will occur. It will not be by the common sense folks.  It will by the very people who voted for Obama. No one can predict where it will take us, but the Rooster can tell you, it will not be good.   Certainly it is a part of the Socialist game plan.  Break the country, and then control  it by force.

          Is there a ray of hope?  If so it is very dim.   Early in the evening of November 6, Rooster watched  (Joan Of Arch), Sarah Palin being interviewed.  She was in disbelief that a victory was not occurring.  Her face showed the terrible thoughts she must have been having.   This was before we knew about Virginia, Florida, and Ohio etc.  Her disbelief is shared by most of us.  Conservatives are very poor demonstrators so do not expect them to take to the streets.   There is a small light on in the House of Representatives.  They still have the power to bring a bill of impeachment.  The Senate will not act on it, but the House could really gum up the works with it.  Will they?  Do not bet on it.  Each of the conservatives there thinks of themselves as being in the same broken life boat, watching the Ship of State, slide beneath the sea.   

          The Rooster has been flying the United States flag at half mast for over 6 months.   It will now be flown upside down, and then taken down and carefully packed away.   It now represents a lost dream.   Take care of yourself.

          Word count 981

Rooster Bradford, gives up all rights to this article and seeks no compensation for its use.

what are we to do, oh my.





Syndicators Limited. 6500 Casitas Pass Road, Ventura, CA 93001 The Roostercrows.net

All rights to the article are released, Use it freely.  Nov. 27, 2012


Rooster Bradford  is a former lawyer, politician and radio show host of “The Rooster Crows”   He is the author of several books and articles.  You can obtain his most recent book,  “It is S.A.D.” from  Amazon-Kindle.    His web page, is www.theroostercrows.net  



(OR: How Sweet the Protest.)


        When the Nation falls over the economic cliff, slide or bump,  no one  knows  what will happen next.   Certainly  chaos  will happen.  Obama wants and needs  it to extend his control.    With it he will tighten his social agenda around our necks.  As we swing in his wind, you can see him gleefully wringing his hands,  and dancing around on his very skinny  legs.  Disgusting, but then, Nero and he have a lot of fiddling,  in common.   There is no difference between a city burning and one imploding.

            Now, having set the stage for a happening that should never have been allowed to happen in the first place, (Each Senator and Congressperson who voted for an unbalanced budget, or allowed no budget, should be honeyed and feathered and let loose in Bear caves.)  let’s consider what, we the thinkers and lovers of Government by law, can do.   Certainly we must not shut up, and go away.  You never know who and what we might influence. Most of you are shy, or afraid to do what the Rooster does, but you can have an impact.  

            Protest!!!!    That’s right.  Protest in many subtle,  but effective ways.

            One way would be to no longer salute the current flag.  Obama got away with the crotch salute.   So can you.   The current 50 star flag now represents a Socialist Nation.

            Another would be to not fly the Socialist flag.  Select the flag our country had when the Constitution was adopted.   It has 13 stars grouped in a circle.  Its name is the  Betsy Ross flag and can be obtained from a variety of places.   The Rooster has bought 4 of them, to fly at his office,  home, and a couple of other places.

            Another would be to fly the current flag as a distress signal.   You do this by flying it upside down.   Now an even more subtle way to do this, is to buy a bumper sticker of the flag and put it on your windshield etc upside down.  Only the dolts will think you made a mistake.

            A clever  protest can happen when you are talking to clerks at stores.  Other people are listening you know.   Think of something clever, like, “When you make change, don’t give me any Socialist coppers.  They are worthless.”   If the clerk  has the brain of a 2 by 4,  say something sarcastic like,   “You must have been educated by a Socialist.”   In the car world never miss the opportunity to say you support the only American Car company, Ford.  Under no circumstances buy a GM or Chrysler product and any time you can slide a remark in, about how the only way GM makes any money is by Governmental purchases, do so.   Be inventive.

            Have fun about the lack of U SA products.   Demand American made.  If none complain that only in a Socialist country would we chase away our own manufactures, and have to put up with inferior products that simply break.

            Make fun of the concept of a stimulus.  You may have heard Johnny Cashless, a copy cat singer, use the phrase,  “Hey, Obama stimulate this.”   Get the idea?   Any time you can ridicule what the socialist do, do.    Shaking your head is not enough.  You must be vocal, but in a humorous or clever way.

            Avoid all transactions where you will be supplying money to be scooped up by Government.   Ladies, bake your own  bread, make your own garment.  Gentlemen, repair that appliance yourself.   Fix the car yourself.  This is especially true in California, New Mexico, and New York where the Socialist thieves tax every thing that moves.

            Do not put money into bank accounts any more than you absolutely must.  Instead of dollars in a bank account, buy things of value.   Obviously precious metals come to mind, but antiques, valuable artwork, and collectibles are examples.   The concept here is to have the objects to trade when needed.   Remember that valuable things can always be turned into money, or bartered away for a relative value.   A relative value means the diamond will always buy the same amount of  bread, no matter how the dollar devalues or inflates. Another value here is that the Socialist can not track all the cash sales.   Impossible.  Do not help them financially.  Certainly do not donate to leftist organizations, and do not shop at socialist leaning companies.   Protest……Get it.

            Last, but  only from this pen, write your Legislator or legislatrus over and over again.   Most of them hide from E mails, but they still open snail mail and count the  opinions.    Remember Socialists are thieves.  They simply steal with a law to your head, instead of a gun.  This means they do not listen well, but it might help. Certainly it is better than sticking your head in the sand.

            Protest!!  Come on do your part.
word count 807



Rooster Bradford, gives up all rights to this article and seeks no compensation for its use.

what are we to do, oh my

Syndicators Limited. 6500 Casitas Pass Road, Ventura, CA 93001 The Roostercrows.net
All rights to the article are released, Use it freely. Nov. 27, 2012

Rooster Bradford is a former lawyer, politician and radio show host of “The Rooster Crows” He is the author of several books and articles. You can obtain his most recent book, “It is S.A.D.” from Amazon-Kindle. His web page, is www.theroostercrows.net
                              WHAT ARE WE TO DO, OH MY!
                                     (OR: How Sweet the Protest.)

When the Nation falls over the economic cliff, slide or bump, no one knows what will happen next. Certainly chaos will happen. Obama wants and needs it to extend his control. With it he will tighten his social agenda around our necks. As we swing in his wind, you can see him gleefully wringing his hands, and dancing around on his very skinny legs. Disgusting, but then, Nero and he have a lot of fiddling, in common. There is no difference between a city burning and one imploding.
Now, having set the stage for a happening that should never have been allowed to happen in the first place, (Each Senator and Congressperson who voted for an unbalanced budget, or allowed no budget, should be honeyed and feathered and let loose in Bear caves.) let’s consider what, we the thinkers and lovers of Government by law, can do. Certainly we must not shut up, and go away. You never know who and what we might influence. Most of you are shy, or afraid to do what the Rooster does, but you can have an impact.
Protest!!!! That’s right. Protest in many subtle, but effective ways.
One way would be to no longer salute the current flag. Obama got away with the crotch salute. So can you. The current 50 star flag now represents a Socialist Nation.
Another would be to not fly the Socialist flag. Select the flag our country had when the Constitution was adopted. It has 13 stars grouped in a circle. Its name is the Betsy Ross flag and can be obtained from a variety of places. The Rooster has bought 4 of them, to fly at his office, home, and a couple of other places.
Another would be to fly the current flag as a distress signal. You do this by flying it upside down. Now an even more subtle way to do this, is to buy a bumper sticker of the flag and put it on your windshield etc upside down. Only the dolts will think you made a mistake.
A clever protest can happen when you are talking to clerks at stores. Other people are listening you know. Think of something clever, like, “When you make change, don’t give me any Socialist coppers. They are worthless.” If the clerk has the brain of a 2 by 4, say something sarcastic like, “You must have been educated by a Socialist.” In the car world never miss the opportunity to say you support the only American Car company, Ford. Under no circumstances buy a GM or Chrysler product and any time you can slide a remark in, about how the only way GM makes any money is by Governmental purchases, do so. Be inventive.
Have fun about the lack of U SA products. Demand American made. If none complain that only in a Socialist country would we chase away our own manufactures, and have to put up with inferior products that simply break.
Make fun of the concept of a stimulus. You may have heard Johnny Cashless, a copy cat singer, use the phrase, “Hey, Obama stimulate this.” Get the idea? Any time you can ridicule what the socialist do, do. Shaking your head is not enough. You must be vocal, but in a humorous or clever way.
Avoid all transactions where you will be supplying money to be scooped up by Government. Ladies, bake your own bread, make your own garment. Gentlemen, repair that appliance yourself. Fix the car yourself. This is especially true in California, New Mexico, and New York where the Socialist thieves tax every thing that moves.
Do not put money into bank accounts any more than you absolutely must. Instead of dollars in a bank account, buy things of value. Obviously precious metals come to mind, but antiques, valuable artwork, and collectibles are examples. The concept here is to have the objects to trade when needed. Remember that valuable things can always be turned into money, or bartered away for a relative value. A relative value means the diamond will always buy the same amount of bread, no matter how the dollar devalues or inflates. Another value here is that the Socialist can not track all the cash sales. Impossible. Do not help them financially. Certainly do not donate to leftist organizations, and do not shop at socialist leaning companies. Protest……Get it.
Last, but only from this pen, write your Legislator or legislatrus over and over again. Most of them hide from E mails, but they still open snail mail and count the opinions. Remember Socialists are thieves. They simply steal with a law to your head, instead of a gun. This means they do not listen well, but it might help. Certainly it is better than sticking your head in the sand.
Protest!! Come on do your part.

word count 807

Rooster Bradford, gives up all rights to this article and seeks no compensation for its use.

socialism—a different take





Syndicators Limited. 6500 Casitas Pass Road, Ventura, CA 93001 The Roostercrows.net

All rights to the article are released, Use it freely.


Rooster Bradford  is a former lawyer, politician and radio show host of “The Rooster Crows”   He is the author of several books and articles.  You can obtain his most recent book,  “It is S.A.D.” from  Amazon-Kindle.    His web page, is “The Rooster crows.net. “ 

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++                SOCIALISM—A DIFFERENT TAKE

(Or:  Taking by Law replaces the gun.)

            America, is now a Socialist Country. The Stars and Strips no longer represents a Country of States United together for their mutual benefit.  It now represents a suppressive Government which will steal as much as it thinks it can.   At this moment,  most productive subjects (formally called loyal hardworking Citizens.)   are now making preperations to protect their assets and income.  Protect from  what you ask?   From stealing of course, of course, of course.  If we had a way to calculate how much money, assets etc are now leaving  USA for places where the Governments will be friendly, or at least not steal as much, or an official can be bought off, it would stagger your reality.  History tells us it has happened to every country that becomes socialistic.  America is no different.   The subjects who are trapped here will do the best they can…… by not playing by the rules.  The non producers, stupidly wring their hands in anticipation, of the good times.  Their failed or immature, common sense can not warn them, that what they are doing will destroy the good.   The producers, will not produce.  They will not be subjects or slaves.   Lenin, lately of Communist fame,  clearly stated and believed  that for Communism/Socialism to succeed it needed world domination so money and people had no place to flee.   His weak to non existent common sense, did not warn him that even if Communism controlled the world,  it would go  broke, because the producers will not toil in communist fields and factories.  Oh yes they will cooperate to an extent, but only for subsistence.   A few will join the bureaucracy and enjoy the corruption.  Today, in California, a large number of businesses leave for other States,  not so socialistic.  In California  small contractors have no work, and larger contractors survive off of government projects only.  As socialism gains strength in numbers, it loses value and wealth by the billions.   Say it over and over again until you believe it.    “Producers will not become slaves of  non producers”  The more welfare a Government provides, the less income it has to give.   Catch 22.  (Please obtain this 1961 book by Joseph Heller. In it he clearly demonstrates how producers will survive bureaucracy, one way or another, none of which are good for the future of the bureaucracy.)

            The root problem with socialism is that it is, (everyone agrees, socialism  taxes the wealthy to give to the poor.)  a thief.   Simply said it is,   “stealing from those  who have money, to give to those who do not”.   It takes by creating a law to do so and is little different from stealing by false pretenses, or embezzlement?  In either there is no force or immediate fear.   In either the person who has the value does not want to give it up.  The false pretender and the Embezzler always feel they were entitled.  What is the difference?  Are those,  who make  a law to take some ones property,  immune from the concept that they are thieves?   Logic says no.  Our Revolution is living proof.   You must understand, that it is not  taking which makes the crime.   It is the lack of consent.   America has millions who do not consent.

             One of the cornerstones of the Constitution’s Bill of Rights was its demand that Government  not take ones property, without  fair compensation, or at all.  Let the Rooster show you, amendment by amendment.

            1- The people clearly told the government it could not take their guns.  Guns     is property you know.      (2ND Amendment),

            2- They said Government could not take their land for the military in peace       or war,  without compensation.  (Third Amendment);

            3-  The people demanded,  they  be secure in their houses, papers, and       effects (Property to you at college.) against unreasonable seizures.  (Translation of “unreasonable:   Without compensation or a warrant from a   Judge.) Fourth amendment;   

            4- The Bill of Rights  goes on to say that no citizen can  be deprived of life,             liberty, or P R O P E R T Y, with out just compensation.  (Last time the       Rooster checked,  money was property.) Fifth Amendment;

            5-  The founders even considered Fines and Bails,  as something the             government could abuse.  They  said  the government could not steal from us   by  establishing excessive fines or bails.  Eighth Amendment.

            These Amendments (Bill of Rights) were necessary  before the citizens would agree to create the Federal Government. Their fear was great and accurate.     Read all the grievances stated in the Declaration of Independence.  Same stuff simply said differently.  The point is King George  (The British Federal Government.) was, in the eyes of the Colonists, stealing from them by taxation.  They wanted no more of that. 

            Even before the Bill of Rights, the drafters of the Constitution were not asleep to the danger.    They did not even grant the power of individual taxation to the Government.  It was reserved to the States.   They did give it power to tax imports and such, but not incomes and not people.  Contrary to what Chief Justice Roberts said, on the Health Care law, there is no general power of taxation given to the  Federal Government.  If the Rooster is wrong, then please explain the 16th amendment (1913) which, for the first time, granted to the Federal Government the power to tax incomes.   Of course no such power existed before.  Never has there been a grant to the Federal Government to tax individuals, except in the minds of the have not’s and their handlers.   Maybe this abuse will cause the next revolution .  It caused the first.   As a Nation, we have been there and done that, and history does repeat itself, because there are too many stupid people.

            As added proof, out of the past come the thundering hoof beats of the great “Declaration of Independence”.   It said the people were going to Revolt,  “For (King George’s) imposing taxes on us without our consent.”  The people have never consented to individual taxation, by the Federal Government.

            In Summation, the logic can not be challenged.   Property is owned by Govenments, and individuals (Alone or in groups, like Corporations) . Taking property of non consenting individuals, to give to others is stealing.   There is no power in the Constitution to do this, just as there is no power in an employee to embezzle you money.   Even saying we have given the Government the power to tax incomes, no where did we grant the power to take it and redistribute it.  In short, it is all about consent.  If the Government takes from the non consenting public then the productive population will take from it.  The Rooster does not consent.          Rooster Bradford gives up all rights to the above article.    Dated:  November 10, 2012




what our founders missed










Syndicators Limited. 6500 Casitas Pass Road, Ventura, CA 93001 The Roostercrows.net


All rights to the article are released, Use it freely.  Nov. 27, 2012




Rooster Bradford  is a former lawyer, politician and radio show host of “The Rooster Crows”   He is the author of several books and articles.  You can obtain his most recent book,  “It is S.A.D.” from  Amazon-Kindle.    His web page, is www.theroostercrows.net  








(Or: Population explosions hurt.)




        Conservatives 6, Socialist 7, game over.  The times is a changing and not for the better.  As we enter the era of governmental  theft and abuse,  we will also feel  the natural reaction of the citizens to protect themselves.  It is becoming,  us verses them. It is very sad to see a country of laws deteriorate into one of  executive order and mandate, but that is what Socialism is,  and that is where we are.


            Every thinking Conservative has tried to come up with an answer as to what happened to the God Fearing, Law Abiding, Patriotic Bunch.  Why did they lose? 


            The Rooster has the answer.   First, remember the Bush years.   That’s when we, the thinkers, began to understand why we were losing the  argument.   What was the argument? ….Constitution and law, over Government planning and instruction.   (socialism/communism.) The difference for you is whether or not you are a participating citizen, or merely a subject.   What is the root cause, to explain why  logic and common sense  lost  to  a afoolish majority? 


            The root is, what the founders could not have seen and did not foresee.  The answer is found in population excess.  Let’s analysis this a bit.  In  1776  and before ,  until the first part of the 1900s, the American population was small but growing.   In 1776 the population was about 2.400,000,   98 percent of which came from British Isles and Northern Europe.          In 1940 we had added 130,000,000 million.   By 2010 we had added 306,000,000 million, and they came from all over the globe.  Yes  many of the new people  came from different cultures, but they came for  freedom and opportunities, the founders had set up.  No other place in the world attracted such a mass of people.  The first generation of immigrants generally hold fast to those freedoms and opportunities, but their children and their children drift away.   Why?


            It is a dumbing down effect which in turn is caused by increased population .  A good example is to view a  mob in action.  Take a Soccer game that goes ballistic, or wild demonstration  for free stuff, or suffering a disaster like in Katrina.  The mob mentality does not function with intelligence, common sense, and deliberation.   Emotion rules the day.  The same thing is happening with our huge population.   Especially this is true in the large metropolitan places where people are crowded together, and thinking is low on the list of fun things to do.   We know that crowed animals will eat each other.  We are animals too.   Back in 1776 most of the brain dead never made it across the pond.   They stayed home.  The people who came were mostly thinkers and risk takers. As time went on  dimmer wits were born here  and  stayed, and their kind found it easier to get across the pond for the goodies..  The Rooster is not alone in this thought.   At Stanford University researchers recently said the following;


                        Human intelligence (let the Rooster add that they really


                        should have said common sense.) started to decline when


                         civilization made life easier and allowed dimmer individuals


                        to survive and pass on their genes.


            Gerald Crabtree of that group told “The Independent (U.K.) that human beings reached their intellectual peak 2 to 6 thousand years ago, when life was so harsh that individualistic bad judgment (common sense sic.) generally led to death.


            The Rooster agrees and adds that in the early populating of the Americas, we had the same thing going on.   The dimmer ones and their offspring did not come on the leaky sail boats of the day.  Oh there were some exceptions where Europe wanted to get rid of Criminals and the British cleared out the Scots, but those were mostly take charge types, not dependents.  The result was that thinkers  (those with good IQ and common sense) dominated the Constitutional Convention.


            Still the Founders could not have foreseen what we are discussing.   Had they, they would have taken steps to see to it that voters would,  like  drivers  of cars,  prove they can think and have enough common sense to come in out of the rain.     A certified voter should be able to tell you ,  the founders founded a Republic, (Not a democracy);  that the Constitution has three main parts, and describe what they are and do;  that equality has to be earned  and etc, then they can vote.  If they can not be a thinking citizen, (like people under 18,  felons, or the insane) they can not vote.  The founders did not see the problem and therefore did not build  a check and balance, to keep Government protected from the dim ones.   In fact they left the question of voting to the States, most of which restricted voting.   Since then voting restrictions have drifted away and voting given to , (How can I say it?) the unappreciative.  In the last election those non thinkers, those pathetic selfish, self interested dimwits demonstrated they outnumber the thinkers. 


            Gentle-folks start your Engines.  This is going to be a long ride.




Rooster Bradford, gives up all rights to this article and seeks no compensation for its use.


November 8, 2012


the clift




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All rights to the article are released, Use it freely.  Nov. 27, 2012


Rooster Bradford  is a former lawyer, politician and radio show host of “The Rooster Crows”   He is the author of several books and articles.  You can obtain his most recent book,  “It is S.A.D.” from  Amazon-Kindle.    His web page, is www.theroostercrows.net  




(Or: The Ostrich syndrome.)


            The Rooster is not addressing a Cleft or a Cliff, but a Clift.   This is the place or situation that even the Mad Hatter could rage about.  It is not fiction.    It is reality. It is the financial abyss  Amer—ika’s poor people look down upon. Trillions of dollars owed and trillions we  watch spill over.   Thinkers can not even imagine that much money.   What is so sad and  funny, at the same time, is that the identical people who created it are now dumbfounded about what to do about it.  Their head is in the sand while their most intelligent part is not.  They wring their hands and pontificate up and down their isles.   They talk about the Clift as if it was an animal we had to cage, or a spell being cast.   [All except Obama, of course.  His hopes are much more sinister.]  Thinkers remember Macbeth, but even they may have trouble remembering the weird Sisters—the three Witches—who stirred the witches brew in the dark cave and recited the following.


                        First Witch:           Thrice the brinded cat, hath mew’d

                        Second Witch:       Thrice and once, the hedge-pig, whin’d.

                        Third Witch            Harpier (part women and part Bird.)

                                                            cries:—Tis time!! Tis time!!


                        Then, the three  say in unison,

                        “Double, double toil and trouble, fire burn and caldron bubble” and the spell is cast.


            Yes,  maybe this is a spell that has been cast on these characters who are so fat and sassy about running our ship  of state……….onto a stormy reef.

            Idiots!! Do you not hear the siren sounds?   Can you not see in your own mirror?  What is malfunctioning in your heads that you can not see the consequences of your inaction?  Obviously their sense is not common.  In fact their sense is warped and more dangerous than that of a mass killer.  All agree a mass killer must be mentally unstable.  Why can’t we agree that politicians who refuse to address the Clift are equally unstable.    A mass killers destruction  is measured in small numbers.   The Idiots destruction measures in  millions of hapless souls.   Which is the real MASS?

            The solution is math…..Simple math.   2 plus 2 must equal 4.  Get it?   We can not spend what we do not have without stealing it from someone.   Stop the theft and destruction.  Use your grammar school math,  clowns.   Make it balance, now.  Not 10 years from now.  Now.

            Your friendly Warlock, the Rooster.

Word count 404

Rooster Bradford, gives up all rights to this article and seeks no compensation for its use.

November 8, 2012