(OR: Watch the collapse of socialism all over again.)
Most with common sense understand. If that’s you, pay special attention to the collapse of socialism in Venezuela. Pass on the information to those who need to know. As this is written the Socialist State of Venezuela is in its final days. Yesterday the WSJ byline was “Showdown Looms as Venezuela’s New Assembly Meets.” The fact that there is a new Assembly is remarkable.
Let’s refresh our memories. This little country has bumped along, since the 40s, with a sometimes on and sometimes off democracy. A couple of dictators broke up the process. Like so many South American countries it to has been plagued by corruption. This was especially bad when oil revenue became a big deal. Venezuela does have a Constitution and set of laws that should work, but the one thing that makes the difference between the U.S. and South American Countries, is their lack of a popular demand for the rule of law. Corruption and good ole family obligations run deep in most South American Countries. It is just so much easier to pay someone off, than to force a system of law to work. Ok, in 1998 with the party system in disarray, a Mr. Hugo Chavez was elected Presidente. Immediately he declared a “ Bolivarian Revolution” and set about by Executive decree, to establish a communist/Socialist system. (Obama has been doing the same thing .) To show how common sense deficient Hugo was, his hero was Castro, the leader of a failed socialist system in Cuba. Decree by decree Hugo took the law into his own hands and jailed the opposition. He shut up the critics, and essentially, like Castro, became a dictator. He did it all in the name of Socialism. He saw to it that his buddies took office in the Assembly He spent the tax dollars to bribe the people to shut up and be his buddy. He did this to such an extent that he broke the country and its debt began to spiral out of control. Even his death did not dent inflation. His side kick Nicolas Madura had the packed Assembly put him in charge and he continued the stupid socialist agenda of spending more money than exists.. Debt and corruption simply got a lot better. Madura is a rough and tumble dictator. He also is dumb. He allowed the normal election cycle to happen. That is he did not institute enough control to fake elections. It is tough to explain dumb. The upshot was that the people fell into more and more poverty, the middle class simply became a minority, and people took to the streets. When the election happened, not enough of his buddies made it back into the Assembly, even with fraud. Now he has a legislature with a voice and he does not like it. He has packed the Supreme Court, and is now doing everything he can to silence the Assembly. He would do more but his military is weak and his police are only partly effective in the big cities. Point is he squandered so much of the tax income on keeping the people quite, that he does not have enough to demand total control. To do that the dictator must decide who lives and who dies. Madura is not there, but we shall see.
In the mess he and Hugo created, Madura will find the only way he can hold on to power is to slam down the opposition. Right now he is keeping the leading opposition members from attending the assembly. His poor foresight has left him little wiggle room. He will push as far as he thinks he can. If the people take to the streets he is done. If they do not, and accept his slavery, then he will continue to do what Socialism always does. It will dispirit the people by removing motivation, and suck them down with the sinking ship of State.
The failure of Socialism is dramatically displayed in History. So few seem to understand that fact or care. Just the other day Rooster was watching a poll taken of people on the street, and like so many he has seen before, most did not even know the name of our Vice President. Dumbing down the people is how political charlatans win. We must demand education and participation of every student as a major weapon against the con. Political education is so important. Who is in office affects every one of us. Americans must talk politics to protect their liberties and freedoms. PROTEST: Fly the Betsy Ross flag. It is the one flag where all the States supported the Constitution. Wc: 719
Rooster Bradford gives up all rights to this article and seeks no compensation for its use. 1/5/2016
It is time to take on the do-gooder leftist defense of the homeless and face the issue anew in 2016. First, we need to know who homeless are, before we can find a way for them to get off the street. Second, we have to know that being on the street is terrible for them and society suffers. Where liberals control, homelessness abounds. Just visit San Francisco or Honolulu for examples.
First, who are these folks called “homeless”? They come in all colors, heights, wellness and genders. They are neither religious nor racial, so those typical leftist defenses are gone. They are people who cannot cope, cannot keep a job, cannot pay rent, cannot fit in with society. They do not understand or know what to do to care for themselves let alone anyone else. It was not long ago that we called them by different names. They were bums, vagabonds, bindle-stiffs, beggars, ner-do-wells, bridge dwellers, outcasts, crazies, drunks, thieves, hermits, and these are just the names Rooster can recall. Today the political correct people lump them all together as Homeless. Talk about over simplification. Liberals have never possessed robust common sense so maybe they see themselves in the abject homeless. As each of us is different, so too, is a homeless person. Each will have a mix of disabilities. We cannot cover them all here. What is common among them is that they cannot cope. Sleeping under bushes, covered in old rags and papers, and relieving themselves as needed is called not able to cope. One of their most common personal problems is not self-abuse, but what we, today, call autism. Other disabilities are common, but not as prevalent. In the school world they often refer to children, with autism, as unemployables. Now autism is a very broad word covering manifestations rather than causes.. Few are able to accept that Autism is a genetic defect and is not curable. In some cases it can be modified, but never cured, at least with the knowledge we now possess. In some families an autistic child is protected at least until they reach 18. As family cohesiveness has failed so has the caring. This means more and more such disabled persons are left to beg and receive handouts. The common core of autism is a disabled common sense. This is varied in all who have it. For example on one extreme you have the recluse who hides from reality. On the other you have the proverbial con/man or woman. The latter can talk the talk, and walk the walk, but they have little concept of the consequences of their lies. Between these extremes, exists an extensive common sense fog in which many wander in confusion. The so called wise ones have failed to recognize that common sense is a very relevant aspect of clear thinking. It is not tested for and it is not recognized as being as important as IQ. This dilemma, is for another day. What we can now do is understand homeless people need societies help, every day. It is a terrible abuse of common sense to let these lost souls flounder about like wounded animals. We must demand of our Cities, Counties, and other Governments to face their obligation for providing threshold care and attention. For example if a law enforcement type determines one is “homeless” they should have the power to place them in a facility that can care for their physical and/or mental problems. This screening process will be a social detention, not incarceration. Some can be redirected. Some will no doubt return to the status of homeless, but once again, as they are less and less capable of self-care, they at least will receive periodic attention.
In the 60s and beyond, this was handled in a very causal but effective way. Then the homeless who had fallen the furthest were arrested and placed in governmental care for a period of time. They were cleaned, clothed, medicated, fed and rested. These people developed rap sheets a mile long for minor offenses such as disturbing the peace, trespass, loitering, petty theft, drunkenness, etc. The police, judges, etc. knew they were providing a public service no one else was willing to do. It was far more humane, than the liberal way of demanding homeless rights and especially demanding that they can continue to harm themselves and others around them. Common sense tells us society must provide care and treatment or suffer the consequences.
PROTEST: Fly the Betsy Ross flag. It is the one flag where all the States supported the Constitution. Wc: 756
Rooster Bradford gives up all rights to this article and seeks no compensation for its use. 2015
(OR: Understand the Constitution or weep.)
In Rooster’s last article, in its last paragraph, he mentioned this issue. Since too many readers never get to the last part, he wants to bring the matter up front and center.
Islam, as presently constituted, violates the first words of the first amendment. No one is talking about this. Let’s do.. Please agree that the first words of the first amendment had to be and should be pretty darned important They are and were;
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion…”
This says that the signers of the constitution did not want their government and religion to get into the same bed, ie. have power over the people jointly. The signers were of many religions. If not them, then their immediate family probably had left the old world because of government’s demanding they follow just one, the authorized, religion. It was called religions persecution. This means they did not want that result. They did not want Government and Religion combining to tell them how to worship. The word” Congress” is synonymous with Government, which also tells you which branch the founders thought was the big kahuna. A way to test a hypothesis is to reverse it. If it works the same both ways, it is logical. Let’s try it. “Religion shall make no law respecting the establishment of Government.” Yep it works. You see it is the result, not the way it is said. They might have said Government and Religion must be separate, and in fact Courts have held that is what it also means. It is called Separation of Church and State.
Islam, as we know it, demands that it be both religion and government. This is why their members resist assimilation into any other governmental form. This is why the faith-full will wear only their head dress and outer garments. If they appear to assimilate it is only to gain a foothold. . Their Constitution is the Quran. Even a Closet Muslim may swear to follow the Constitution, but he will not if the Quran says differently. Ask Obama. This is why they will take most of their grievances to the Mosque and not to the Courts of a government. This is why, if they get power, Islam will violate this amendment without question. You either will convert or you will be a slave or die. Such a choice is their idea of freedom.
Until Islam, declares a separation of its religion from Government, it is in violation of this amendment and should receive no assistance or allowance from our Government. In other words it is an enemy of freedom to worship and live as you wish. Just as we should resist an invading Muslim army landing on our shores, we should resist an invasion of Muslim refugees landing on our shores. Their intent is the same in both scenarios. They have to take possession and control. It’s in their book.
PROTEST: Fly the Betsy Ross flag. It is the one flag where all the States supported the Constitution.
Wc: 488
Rooster Bradford gives up all rights to this article and seeks no compensation for its use. 2015
(OR: The master salesman’s magical tongue in cheek.)
It is just marvelous to watch Trump manipulate the manipulative media. What is more interesting is to watch the other candidates just sit there dumbfounded. What he simply said was that “we” had to stop immigration of Muslims until “we” figure out how to cope with their hatred of us. Wow, of wows, everyone screams that he is in violation of the 1st Amendment. Wrong. He is not. Very clever how he slips in between the issue.
The first Amendment says;
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof… “
What Trump said is “We” which includes Congress. If they do not act then what he says goes no place. Also only the last part of the Amendment is applicable to this debate. That is, is he advocating stopping the free exercise thereof? No, he is talking about immigration thereof. That’s one part. Our country has always barred or otherwise stopped undesirables. If you carry a contagious disease you stay out. Hatred of us can qualify as being undesirable, and is worthy of being considered a contagious disease. He really never got close to the issue of religious persecution.
Moreover, even if we all agreed he was talking about persecution of “Religion”, the definition of that word is most important. It is unthinkable that the founders included in the word “Religion” a belief system which is anti- constitution, anti- President, anti- free enterprise, anti- congress, anti- freedom of speech, anti- jazz, anti-other religions, anti- anti. Islam is all these things. In fact it can be well argued that the Constitutional word “Religion” does not apply to Islam at all, because Islam is a Religament. A Religament is a combination of religion and government.
Most importantly, Islam is exactly what the first part of the 1st Amendment says we cannot have, that is the establishment of a government run religion. Islam’s Allah demands the destruction of all non- believers and the establishment of a governmental religion. In my new book, which will be out in a couple of weeks, I discuss how the Quran, declared war, a long time ago, on all other belief systems, religious or secular. This means they want to destroy all ways of life that are not Islam, and establish their own Sharia law. This is exactly why my distant relative, Governor Bradford left England with the pilgrims. He and his folks were trying to avoid Government run religions. Islam is the mirror of that thought. It is a Religious run Government, and that is not the word” Religion” as used by our Founders. Definition is everything and words have meanings.
PROTEST: Fly the Betsy Ross flag. It is the one flag where all the States supported the Constitution.
Wc: 451
Rooster Bradford gives up all rights to this article and seeks no compensation for its use. 2015
(OR: Guns did not kill the 14. Muslims did.)
As with all these events Rooster pays very close attention. He is writing a book on Islam and its war nature. He has studied its history much more than most.
First, you have to believe that Allah declared war on the rest of the world a long time ago. This happened in the 600s AD. The actual declaration was not put into writing until around 1924, when it was published for everyone to read. It was first published in Venice, in the 1500s, but only one copy remains and it never saw general distribution. More than that Muslim scholars say it is full of errors. Of course those errors are in the eyes of the beholder. The reason for the Koran’s late publication for general distribution was the resistance of Muslim leaders. You see there was much disagreement about what it should say and many had their own views on what messages Allah gave.
Regardless, in many places of the Koran, the faithful are told, by Allah, that they have a duty to remove non-believers. They can do this by converting them, enslaving them, or killing them. It is not ISIS or the Al Qaeda, or any other sect of the religion that is the problem. It is not the paper. It is what is written on the paper. What is written is condoned by the faithful. No one can disagree with what is there. What is there is a DECLARATION OF WAR. . It has been there since the leaders passed on the supposed revelations of Allah, through Gabriel, to Mohammed. In their belief system it is Allah who made the declaration. It was not Gabriel. It was not Mohammed and ( Allah forbid) it was not them individually.
Every religion depends to some degree of Blind Faith. That is the determination to believe something without question. If you are a Christian then the most obvious is that you must believe Jesus was the son of God. Islam goes a step further. Whereas the Bible, old and new, set forth stories told by various humans, the Koran does not. It sets forth directives told by Allah. There is no room for intellectual disagreement or inquiry. Every word must be believed, by blind faith. No questions can be asked. It is your duty to convert or enslave the infidel. If you cannot then you must kill them man, women and child.
This is what motivated the Major at Fort Hood, the brothers in Boston, the fliers of the 4 airplanes in 2001 as they took out buildings and killed thousands. It is what motivated the killers in Paris and it is what motivated the husband and wife in San Bernardino. The fact that it was a Christmas party in an apparent Christian town, Saint Bernardino, is really a minor part of the story. Muslims to a man and women cannot tolerate a different point of view. Why? Because Allah commands them. Now the greater majority of Muslims will not do anything about it, because they are afraid of the consequences. They are simple accessories. The actors, the shooters, the bomb makers etc. are a minority, but they are there in considerable number. Not only that but the silent majority will become part of the conflict, in a heartbeat, if they think the consequences will not be bad.
We who are not Muslims are then faced with a dilemma. Obviously we want to protect ourselves and our extended families. How do we do it? First, you must stop turning the other cheek. You must be tolerant only of those who are tolerant in return. You must understand that in the belief system of every Muslim there is danger. The Koran has no tolerance of one who breaks from the faith.
You must understand, it is either them or us. Do not expect anyone, in our lifetime to change the Koran to a peaceful process. It is written in stone. Just pay attention to those who are Jewish and live in Israel. They have to be alert every moment. They have to be armed, and are. Only by a show of force daily, can they protect their family. A lesson to be learned.
Rooster agrees with those political candidates who want to confront Islam here. Demand of all Muslim’s a change in their beliefs or demand that they leave. Every Mosque or other gathering place of Muslims must excommunicate any Muslim who wants to follow the Declaration of War, or themselves be dismantled and removed. Being tolerant of them, without reciprocity, is a form of suicide.
PROTEST: Fly the Betsy Ross flag. It is the one flag where all the States supported the Constitution.
Rooster Bradford gives up all rights to this article and seeks no compensation for its use. 2015
(OR: Why is Russia in the Middle East with troops?)
Unfortunately, Rooster has no magical crystal ball, but he does have history and some knowledge of the area. Knowing history allows one some idea of what is happening now and may happen tomorrow.
Nowhere in the media has Rooster found a good explanation of why Putin would put his people in harm’s way in the Middle East. Clearly he has kept out until now.
Russia does not need the Middle East Oil, although there is some discussion of Russia’s natural oil supply getting thin. Certainly not its Natural Gas resources which are abundant. Russia and especially Putin, must clearly remember the terrible effects of their defeat in Afghanistan. It was the final straw for the Russian Empire and the collapse of its Communism dream. This must haunt Putin every night. Clearly Putin does not need Russian Airplanes being shot out of the air and its pilots mal treated, by Turkey or any other Muslim in the Middle East. The Russian leaders are not stupid and over and over again have witnessed the U.S. failing in its objectives there. They know they cannot do any better, alone. They know their Commercial Jets are just as vulnerable as any other countries. Pages and pages of history prove the area is a cauldron of killing, chaos, and back stabbing. It is not lost on them. Putin and all of the Russian leaders are painfully aware of the trouble Russian has had with the bordering countries other than Mongolia, China, and the Western Powers. The ones in particular are Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, and Georgia. The first is dominantly Islam of the Sunni faith. The Second is 91 percent Islam with 85 percent Shia. Georgia is less Islamic with about 10% Sunni. It is the latter which has given Russia the most trouble. Since the Soviet Empire failed, its trouble with the Islamic borders has been nothing but awful.
Putin has publically declared that something is wrong with Islam since its devotees will not assimilate in Russia. He has demanded that they do. They don’t.
Conclusion is all the experience Russia has had with Islam has been bad. Still they have helped Iran with its nuclear and missile efforts. They have meet with the High Religious leader of Iran, just as Putin is doing right now.
The question is why has Russia helped Iran and is now in Iraq and Syria fighting ISIS.? Some have said it is in retaliation for the sanctions imposed by the west. This is short thinking. Some have said it is purely a matter of money in the sale of military knowledge. Russia can use the money but there are other less dangerous ways to do that. Some say it is simply anti- Zionist, and Putin wants to hurt Israel. This is a weak thought to, because there is a very large Jewish population in Russia. They number some 14.2 million there. Putin is not crazy enough to promote a civil war or his sudden loss of popularity. So what is it that motivates Russia in this intrusion?
It is Putin. It is his concept of Islam and what it has done to his Mother Russia. One thing for certain, Putin is a true patriot for his country. He wants it to be big and strong and he wants it to dominate others. Since he has been in power he has had one day after another of terror attacks by Islam. The Islamic population is hefty at about 20 million. Most are along the southern, Middle Eastern, border. Islamic conflict has not been confined to the borders, but has been in Moscow and most other large cities. What he has seen and believes is that it is stupid to support the Sunni sect of Islam. It is smarter to support Shia. He knows both are unstable, but he also knows that the Shia will not appoint a one world Islamic leader, like a Caliphate. This goes way back to the split between the two dominate sects. He knows that the great fear, and only logical fear, is what will happen if Islam becomes united. If that happens then the world, especially Russia, will be in the third world war, and this time it will be between Islam and everyone else. It has been the Sunni sect that has given Russia the most trouble. It is the Sunni who had the last world Caliphate in the Ottoman Empire, and it’s the Sunni who created ISIS. It is ISIS which has created a new Caliphate and through it, worldwide attraction. Russia’s border will be more peaceful, if he can keep Sunni and Shia at each other’s throats and get rid of an Islamic World caliphate.
How does this relate to Iraq and Syria? The Shia, the leaders of Iran, have always wanted to have a Mediterranean influence. If ISIS can be defeated then it is an open road. Iraq has already fallen to Shia leadership. (Thank you Mr. Obama) The leader of Syria, Doctor Assad, is Shia. He has lead a sometimes brutal regime because of the Sunni and Shia conflict. Syria is mostly Sunni. ISIS is just part of that. If Assad can be the winner, then Iran/Shia will have that open door, that open road, to the Mediterranean Sea. It would be an almost East to West drive from anyplace in Iran to the Mediterranean through Iraq and Syria. It would make a major division for the Sunni.
This then is the reason Putin is there and why he will stay there so long as he can help the Shia and Sunni conflict.
PROTEST: Fly the Betsy Ross Flag. It is the one flag where all the States supported the Constitution. WC. 916
Rooster Bradford gives up all rights to this article and seeks no compensation for its use . 2015.
(OR: Refugee or Invader, which is it?)
While traveling this week Rooster picked up the USA paper and read a by line “Record refugee flights hit all parts of Globe”. Then in another byline, “More Mexicans return home than enter the U.S.” Couple these small finds with the constant blather about human crisis and how we have to accept the runaways as a humanitarian act is just poor thinking. No matter how many times you hear it on TV and the radio, it is wrong.
People fleeing one place for another has been a part of the human experience since we began collecting in places. Sometimes the cause is a natural occurrences and sometimes it is humans. Most will agree that helping the weak and downtrodden, or politically oppressed is a good thing. Taking them in and giving them shelter and food is a poor substitute for a good thing. Forcing them to remain or return with the tools necessary to recover their life is what should be done. Each human has a responsibility to make his or her place a decent one to live. It is not productive to leave the chaos for someone else and desert those who remain behind. Where we are born may not be our choice, but each place needs people who demand peace, and industry. Running never solved the world’s problems. In many ways it is a selfish act. In an earlier article Rooster told you Europe should, return the runaways, with a demand of those places to accept them or else. We have no reason to be involved. It is their problem and force them to solve it. There are many humanitarian ways this can be done. They could change their religion you know.
Understanding a Muslim makes the problem worse. According to the Quran each believer is supposed to help others, so long as they are Muslim. They are not to help any other Religion. According to their book they are supposed to be the only religion on earth, and it is a sin to act like or assimilate into the life of others. Point is each Muslim will not fit, any more than a block will fit into a round hole of its size. A Muslim will always resist a Christian, Jew, Hindu, Buddhist, or Sun worshiper. Not even the atheist or devil worshiper is exempt. Moreover they will not just resist, they will, like a cancer, attempt to live off their host and by doing so destroy it. Keep in mind Islam is not just a religion. It is a Religament (combination of religion and government). This means they will not obey your law unless they have to for the moment. Even when they appear to go along, they do so as the reluctant lover. Not a nice event. They take advantage of do-gooders. Knowing their incompatibility you should have no problem saying No, No, you cannot come or stay. Tell them they must return to places where their Religament rules. This is the humanitarian thing to do for the people they left behind and for we the non-Muslim folks. In fact all those who chose not to be Muslim, should have a day to fight this Islamic cancer. Everyone should wear pink, even the macho guys. It is not our problem. It is theirs.
PROTEST: Fly the Betsy Ross Flag. It is the one flag where all the States supported the Constitution. Wc. 545
Rooster Bradford, gives up all rights to this article and seeks no compensation for its use. 2015.
(OR; Obama kills Keystone, & Portugal Socialist kill Peace.)
Rooster sees a parallel between Obama killing the Keystone Pipeline and Socialist in Portugal joining forces to kill a successful and peaceful government.
To bring you up to speed, the WSJ reported both items under their section “Nation and World”. Obama, by Executive dictate, “kills proposal for Keystone pipeline” which is the proposed pipeline across the U.S. to transport oil from Canada. Safer than trucks and trains, Amen. The State Department ruled that it would have a negative environmental impact and Obama previously said if that was so, he would support it. Once it was so, he flopped the flip and says he is now against it because the pipe would carry “Dirty Oil”. Of course the denial fits because of his war on Global Warming through world control. The point is his refusal is a clear denial of the people’s choice, a clear reckless disregard for our economy, and a clear failure of common sense. Obama not only appears to be a closet Muslim, but at the same time is a dedicated socialist/communist. Both belief systems are devoted to a one world rule. Islam does it with Allah’s help, and Communism does it without a God. Obama does not know which horse to ride, but in his own words he probably would side with Islam. You can search his mind and the corners of the Oval Office, and you will not find Mr. Common Sense anywhere about.
Across the pond, in Portugal you find the same absence of that elusive gentleman. The WSJ byline is “2 leftist parties say they’ll work together.” What it then says is that the Communist party and Socialist Party have reached an agreement to vote together to destroy the existing middle of the road coalition which has been turning the country around from financial collapse.
In both you have to observe a weird mind set which is bound and determined to destroy and to hell with the people. Both Obama’s brain and the brains of the Portuguese left rejoice at the destruction of that which they do not like. The “like” part has little to do with logic, or common sense. In this regard there is a very disturbing correlation between them and the typical mass killer who lashes out at what he is emotionally against. This brainless desire to destroy cannot really be called idiotic or insane because there are simply too many who think the same. In every society it is the common sense vs the common senseless. The latter opt to destroy rather than to debate and work out compromise. It is S.A.D.
PROTEST: FLY THE BETSY ROSS FLAG. It is the one flag where all the States supported the Constitution.
Wc 410
Rooster Bradford, gives up all rights to this article and seeks no compensation for its use. 2015
(OR: Partisan, partisan, and how.)
Let us take a look at the most recent vote for the Speaker of the House. Nobody in the media pays attention to the details. Rooster has not seen one article on the lopsided nature of the vote and what it means.
There are 435 members of the House of Representatives. A majority of that is 218. That is all it takes to elect a new Speaker of the House. Understand the vote is not spontaneous. Weeks of conferences and back and forth go on before the election. This means that by the time the election finally happens everybody in the room is pretty confident how many votes are stacked up where. Keep in mind the Speaker does not have a party label on it. The Speaker should be one who can reach out to both sides and move the ship of state down a safe channel. Mr. Ryan’s initials sound promising….PR. Obviously the majority party prevails, but not always. The Party label is reserved for the next in command, the Majority Leader and the next, the Majority whip. The same exists for the minority. The title of the “Speaker of the House” is neither Republican nor Democrat.
In the election of Mr. Ryan, the Grand Old Party voted 236 or 54% for Ryan. 9 voted for Webster the GOP Freedom Caucus’s favorite. Three Democrats and three Republicans voted for others. The Democrat votes, except for the three who pushed the wrong button, voted in a block for Pelosi for Speaker. This is what is important.
The GOP has many voices. The Democrats do not. Just looking at the candidates for President tells you that. One voice has become the mantra of Liberals. They follow the leader and do as they are told. Very robotic you know. Behind the scenes, almost 50 GOP’s balked and wanted assurances from Ryan before he could get their vote. The assurances gave him most of them. Nothing like that on the Democrat side. 184 voted for Pelosi in a solid block. End of thinking.
One would have hoped that the left, knowing the vote, in a spirit of cooperation, in a spirit of patriotic attitude, would have allowed their people to vote for the new speaker, and maybe not even run a candidate. They did not and they have not shown any such common sense in a long time. Looking back on the vote for Obama Care the very same block headedness occurred even for those who, by doing so, would and did lose the next election. Look, obviously Ryan had enough votes to win. Pelosi obviously did not. You would think, that in a spirit of cooperativeness, some could at least vote for the obvious winner. Not one. Not one Democrat voted for Ryan.
The left, far more than the right, will not cross the isle. Rooster always remembers an event in the Senate when McCain was running against Obama. McCain went across the aisle and shook hands with Obama. Obama was not even receptive to McCain’s overture, and gave a ½ hearted hand in return. McCain had to retreat with an embarrassed look on his face. Some years ago Democrats built a wall, and will not allow grazing on the other side. It is their way or the hiway. The Country would have more discussion and back and forth if the House was all Republicans. Maybe that turns on the light. Maybe Republicans are Constitutional Americans, and Democrats are not.
Still when the House Speaker vote was already in the can (Movie talk), when there is not the slightest question about the winner, you would think common sense would dictate a more public show of cooperation. Not so with the Democrats. I would not call it a goose step mentality. More of a lock step, but never forget it was German Socialists who invented the former. It is still a favorite of North Korea and other very socialistic countries.
PROTEST: FLY THE BETSY ROSS FLAG. It is the one flag where all the States supported the Constitution.
Wc 644
Rooster Bradford, gives up all rights to this article and seeks no compensation for its use. 2015
(Or; Where is Todd Beamer when we need him?)
It makes no difference if you read this before or after the GOP Debate tonight, [Wednesday, October 28, 2015]. The issue is the same. Which Candidate will see the issue clearly and be able to state it with enough force to be crystal clear.
Since they are all alleged Conservatives we do not need to discuss the normal issues such as support of the Bill of Rights, and promises of jobs. We should expect they will stay in bounds.
What we must look for is the candidate who will take on the proposed compromise on the debt extension. (Which gives Obama unlimited power to spend.). You can call it a budget deal if you want, but it is not. It is another compromise where defense is not stripped, in exchange for more money given to entitlement programs. This means more money is agreed to be given by the Democrats and RINOs, when our deficit is beyond comprehension. ($18,422, 980,600.00 dollars.). Of course it is not money, in the sense that it is backed with assets. It is fictional dollars based on nothing. It is no different if your loved one, agrees to sign a loan which exceeds all your worth, and you know it will make you homeless if not paid. Hopefully in your house this is becoming clear.
Our future is like being in any one of the 4 planes hijacked on September 11, 2001. There are crazy people in the cockpit and guards preventing you from tearing the door down. Will a candidate tell us this new tax debacle is a deal with the devil? Will they scream and holler, postulate, and gestate.
In one of the 9/11 planes there was at least one man who stepped up. He yelled “Let’s Roll” as he lead a charge to take on the guards and try to get into the Cockpit. We will never know if he made it, but at least it did not crash into the White House. His name was Todd Beamer, a software salesman aboard United Flight 93. He died to save thousands. Is there one Candidate who will yell “LETS ROLL”, or like another hero of ours, yell into the wind, “Damn the Torpedo’s Full Speed Ahead”. Rooster doubts it. Please God, surprise him.
Yes what is needed is for one Candidate (Several is better.) to point fingers and tell the voters we, the common sense folks, are as mad as hell and we are not going to take it anymore. We want and demand that the Democrats and RINOs be stopped from running us into financial collapse. We know the only reason the stock market has not crashed is because of this false money. We know what hell waits for our people when it comes. We know how many people will be destitute, and sad and moreover we know, that if the Democrats are in power, when it happens, we will have to endure a dictator, who will take our guns and our liberties, in less than a heartbeat. Finally, we know that means Civil War and all its attendant hell. Please give us a leader who will stop this insanity.
PROTEST: FLY THE BETSY ROSS FLAG. It is the one flag where all the States supported the Constitution.
Wc 544
Rooster Bradford, gives up all rights to this article and seeks no compensation for its use. 2015