Voting Rights



(OR: Only Democrats [Jackass symbol] say so.)

United States Citizens do not have a right to vote. Those who want to change our Country demand it, but it does not exist in our Constitutions, in our law, or any place. A right has to be established by our law, and that means our supreme law, the Federal Constitution, and our State Constitutions.
No where do our Constitutions give a person a right to vote. In the main body of the Federal Constitution there is no mention of voting power. There was good reason too. State law ,then and now, was and is the source of who may vote. Then Blacks and Indians could not vote and in most States a Women could not vote, a Felon could not vote, an under age person could not vote, the insane could not vote, the visitors could not vote, illegal occupiers could not vote, and legal immigrants could not vote until they passed a test that they understood our Government. The original Constitution did limit the age of persons to hold office. For example no one could vote for a person under 25 to be a Congressman. Maybe it can be said the Constitution did limit voting in this way. Voting ability was a State matter. You had to look to their Constitutions. Oh yes, and most states deny you the “right” to vote if you have not registered. Some Right.
Our Bill of Rights (The first 10 Amendments) does not mention voting ability either.
As time went on, Amendments were added to the Constitution limiting how a State might condition the ability to vote. Still no Amendment mentioned a “Right” to vote. It is the law that States still prevent many citizens from voting. Felons can not vote, underage persons can not vote, legal immigrants can not vote, missing persons can not vote, citizens in rebellion can not vote, the mentally insane can not vote, unregistered persons can not vote, and so forth. It is still the US law that to become a citizen via immigration you have to go to school and pass an exam that you understand our form of government. GET IT!!. There is no “being born” right to vote. The 13 amendment did not directly talk about voting. It simply said there will be no slavery. The 14th was added to make existing slaves citizens. It says, “All persons born or naturalized in the United States …are citizens . No mention of a right to vote. None.
Amendment 15 came along to make it certain that race or slavery could not limit what ever voting ability there was. Amendment 19 added Sex to the 15th. Amendment 24 added pole taxes. Amendment 26 declared that adulthood started at 18 and no State could prevent voting to those 18 or more. Still kids are forbidden to vote. . Ok… all the Amendments have done is declare that States can not use race, prior slavery status, sex, pole taxes, or age over 18 as reasons to deny a citizen the ability to vote. NO WHERE IS THERE A MENTION OF RIGHT. Conservatives do not claim a Right. Leftists do. Apparently they can not or will not read.
Now since we know voting can be limited and is, voting can not be a right. It has to be something less, and that, like the power to drive a car is called a privilege. If you are a citizen, you may vote unless you are a felon, under the age of 18, etc. Like all privileges you have to earn it, care for it or lose it. States should pass laws declaring this as a fact. They should set up tests for voter’s rules of the road, in English. Of course the leftists would challenge it, but the Constitutions should win so long as the rules of the road are not restrictive and reasonable.
Treating Voting, as a privilege, will have many good benefits for our Republic. First of all voters will be more savvy, and less likely to believe a lie. Politicians who use generalities will find it hard to be elected. There will be less need for billions of campaign funds because gloss paper and T.V time will not win the day with thinkers. The more voters understanding the process, the more the process will work. A simple solution, but where are the leaders who dare to find their way through the whiners, criers, and selfish people.
Treating voting, as a privilege, is of huge importance to the continued existence of the Republic and the retention of our liberty, equality, and fidelity. We must demand that voters think and know how to think. Today most do not. They vote with their bellies, not their brains. This is the weakness which will bring our noble experiment down unless corrected.

Word count 800

Syndicators Limited. 6500 Casitas Pass Road, Ventura, CA 93001
All rights to the article are released, Use it freely.

Rooster Bradford is a former lawyer, politician and radio show host of “The Rooster Crows” He is the author of several books and articles. You can obtain his most recent book, “It is S.A.D.” from Amazon-Kindle. His web page, is “The Rooster “

Rooster Bradford, gives up all rights to this article and seeks no compensation for its use.

mr.Ben Gauzie

Syndicators Limited. 6500 Casitas Pass Road, Ventura, CA 93001 The
All rights to the article are released, Use it freely.

Rooster Bradford is a former lawyer, politician and radio show host of “The Rooster Crows” He is the author of several books and articles. You can obtain his most recent book, “It is S.A.D.” from Amazon-Kindle. His web page, is “The Rooster “

(Or: The Phantom of Obama’s Opera)
Let us understand that the Benghazi cover up has the potential to be the last straw in Obama’s Barnyard. It will be far more important that the next debate. The reason, is it will be in the daily news , until the election. The Debate is just a one nighter in this sordid opera . Did you notice that in the first two debates , when Obama and Biden directed their eyes at the camera, those eyes looked beady? Not the eyes of a common sense person trying to communicate, but rather those of a wild animal caught in a trap.
The Benghazi cover up began with the intentional killing of our Ambassador to Libya, and three other Americans trying to defend him. Two of them were former Seals who happened to be in the area. They were volunteers, not security. You must not forget that the killing took place in a supposed safe house near the official building. In other words the attackers had better intelligence than we did. Moreover, beyond a reasonable doubt, there was no riot or even a small gathering of folks before the attack. The Ambassador was on the move and the attackers knew precisely where he was going.
Now who is the Phantom of this Opera? Who is that person or group that invented this cover-up? Who planned the immediate response that the cause was some unknown, (To Most) T.V. production . Who spent the time looking for it and any other anti Mohammed gigs to ID and put on the shelf.? Facts are the Obama team used the cover before the Ambassador’s blood was dry. The UN Ambassador, Ms. Rice (Obama’s choice), hit the deck, a running with the story that the Video was the cause of it all. The same story spilled out of the White House as told by anyone who could get to a mike. Even Obama repeated the same lament, before the World at his address to the United Nations. What happened to the classic response, “We must reserve comment, while the investigation continues.” Not a normal moment , here. Obama and his minions, immediately began apologizing and directing all fault on some hapless parolee in Southern California. Free speech took a hit.
What stands out, is that this instant cover-up, was not instantaneous. It was on the shelf. It was planned, just as the attack in Benghazi was planned. It is as if some brain dead person decided to have an instant cover, for attacks on the anniversary of 9/11. Common sense compels this conclusion. Some person or group, had decided to deflect any such attack from the real reason, “The memory of the Islamic killing of some 3000 of our people”. (Please recall the jubilation though out the Islamic countries on 9/11 as the people celebrated their victory over the twin towers.) , The deeper question is why was this cover prepared, and who is responsible? Remember Harry Truman had on his desk, “The Buck Stops Here.” This Buck must stop at Obama’s desk; however, fixing responsibility is not the end of the last scene. Obama is not a micro manager. He is a two bit actor with Islamic roots. Who then is the director, the producer, the financial backer of this Phantom of the Opera? Is it Media Matters and its financial backers, like Georgie Sorros ( What was his real name anyway?) or some silent group of Saudi Saints, seeking world domination? As you think about this, be expansive, and inventive. The Rooster does not know, but somebody does. That somebody is not a friend of the United States of America. That non-friend controls what comes out of the White House. That control is reckless, chaotic and very dangerous.

Word Count 630

Rooster Bradford, gives up all rights to this article and seeks no compensation for its use.