(OR: Gad Zooks, Its coming. Watch out, Watch out.)
Rooster is grateful for the few who ask his opinion on the upcoming election. For what it’s worth here it is.
The big gorilla in the mix, is the unknown number of gutless folks who will vote for freebies. Add those who really believe Socialism is the answer. Their number is at least 35 to 40 percent of all eligible to vote. Just take a look at the robots who send millions of dollars to Bernie’s socialist message. Add those voting for Hillary and you have just proved the 40 percent. If you are a democrat this is comforting for now.
This means of the available 60 % the GOP has to work like hell to get enough to win. We are not discussing political registration. We are talking people in general. Of the 60% a lot are registered Democrat, decline to say etc. They do not present a solid wall of support for the GOP.
Under todays, normal conditions any regular GOP candidate will never win with an overwhelming majority. Like Bush it will be a squeaker. In fact Obama never got an over whelming vote of confidence either, but his side is more solid that is the other. Union members, governmental employees, and folks receiving government assistance in one form or another will tend to support the status quo. The figures are all over the place, but you can rest assured they are an army of millions, and millions. How many will defect their personal interests is unknown.
Normal conditions are not what is happening today. Whether Bernie overtakes Hillary or not, the Democrats will put into play a Socialistic program. Clearly that line will be drawn for the first time ever. The word Democrat will fade. Socialist will dominate. Winston, my pooka agrees.
Within the GOP there is a great stirring in an attempt to field a winner against Socialism. It is a mix of those who see the problem and those who do not. There are only two who have the potential to be the GOP contender….. Trump and Cruz. The Rooster likes them both, but each will rule differently. Rooster believes both will follow the Constitution, but Cruz will be stronger in that support. Not by much. Trump is not a legal scholar but he knows how to listen and gather good advisors around him who are. He will do that. Cruz will be a stronger Christian, than Trump, but not by much. Cruz has the greater grass root organization, but these are not normal times. Trump will stir the caldron with a greater flourish. Cruz is not a good actor, but both are on the same stage. Cristie, who is a lot closer than most of us, identified the difference. He said Trump had a movement going and no one else did. A movement is needed to win. Deep dissatisfaction regarding our loss of liberty and freedom fuels that movement. It runs across party lines. Democrats of the old school are ready to jump ship. They will if either Hillary or Bernie fly the red flag. The fact that Trump can attract better than Cruz will be the deciding factor and it will come slowly. First the GOP will speak, and then all voters will have a say. Wisconsin was not the cure for Cruz. It was the GOP line speaking its honest mind, led by their hero Walker. No other state has that mix. Rooster has rolled the dice and it appears Trump will prevail. Personally he wants Trump, but for a simple reason. Trump took the time and investigated the fraud that Obama is. He did this during the first term. He has the evidence. This is why Joe the Sheriff endorsed him. It would please the Rooster for the winner to challenge the FBI to match and exceed what Trump and Joe already have regarding Obama’s lies and deceit. With that report he would simply have a congressman file it with Congress and make it public. That’s all. No impeachment. If it is carefully done and laid out it will shame a lot of Obama’s supporters to rethink believing what their leaders tell them. This could be the beginning of an education turn around. Next would be the elimination of the Department of Education. Trump is the better choice to do both. Of course once a president is sworn in things can change without warning. Dice are fickle you know..
PROTEST: Fly the Betsy Ross flag. It is the one flag where all the States supported the Constitution.
Wc: 748 Rooster Bradford gives up all rights to this article and seeks no compensation for its use. 2016


OR: Understanding what “Allah Akbar” really means.)
Before we get into the nitty gritty of the subject, Rooster wants to introduce you to a Pooka. His name is Winston . He appears as e a very large orange cat. He attaches himself to Rooster where ever he goes. Never purring, but always attentive. If cats are inquisitive then” Winston” is the best evidence of that. His orange eyes can cut right through B.S. and enlighten truth. As with all Pookas he is mischievous. Do not be surprised by his appearance in the future.
Blind faith is not unique to Islam. It is a part of every religion. Even Buddhism, called by many a non-Religion, has blind faith. Evan an atheist has blind faith. His is that there is no God. Going beyond Religion, strong Faith is a very important part of the human’s existence. It can be faith in your spouse, faith a Judge will be fair, faith the sun will shin every day of your life. Faith may be as simple as the faith you have that the man coming down the street, to you. will not harm you. It becomes Blind when you will not question it or allow others to do so. Said differently, faith is a driving force of relationships. It is a glue that binds one to the other. Faith provides protection and answers for many. If you are a Christian you believe Jesus is the son of God and that is it. If you are Jewish you believe Jesus was not the son of God and that is it. Neither will allow disagreement. All of us, every day have faith in many things. To be able to question them without bias or prejudice, in a purely intellectually and logically way, is a talent few have.
Rooster has had a life long interest in submarines and the courage of those who serve upon them. Talk about faith, especially in the days of WW I and 2. He just finished a book titled “Suicide Submarine” It’s Japanese title was, “The Keiten Weapon” and its author, Futaka Yokota. This man trained as a carrier pilot in Japan in WW 2. He received word of the need for volunteers for a new and different weapon. He volunteered knowing it probably meant he would die with the weapon. Already he was aware of Japanese pilots who were willing to crash their planes into enemy targets. His new task was to navigate the Keiten. The Keiten was a torpedo with enough space for the volunteer to sit inside and steer it to their mutual destruction. Now the Japanese, during WW 2 and even now were mostly Buddhists. Their relationship to their Emperor, their Country, their Families was hugely focused. One might use the word fanatical. There was no end to their sacrifice, without question, for their homeland. It was not just the “Divine Wind” of the Kamikaze. It was in the foot soldier on Guadalcanal who threw himself into the bullets of U.S. Marines, and these Keiten drivers. Their Blind Faith in their place was so great, death meant nothing if it helped. Today Muslims are not welcome in Japan.
The strength of faith is everywhere. Just driving a slow car on a freeway is filled with faith. No religion has existed without it’s presence and abuse. Saluting the flag and singing the national anthem, is part of developing national faith.
But all things in life must be in balance or they will spin out of control and crash. The same can be said of faith. Just look at the cool-aide which was given by the right Reverend Jones. Every day, in every way, people are becoming aware of a chilling effect when someone crys, “ ALLAH AKBAR”. The human who yells that his God is Great”, is also saying yours is not. His is a cry of deviance and challenge. It is a bad example of blind faith.
Whether it is the Communist Chinese charging the lines of our Soldiers in Korea, or the men who fell with Custer in the 7th Cavalry, or the soldiers and sailor of any war who have faced the fanatical charge of their enemy, there is but one solution. It is either them or us. You do not reason with Blind Faith. The Koran demands Blind Faith, if you are a Muslim. There is no middle ground. There are so few who question the Koran, from within, that they are not a source of assistance. The Non-Muslim world can no longer put up with this Blind Faith and expect to survive. The Non-Muslim world cannot question a Muslim’s faith. The non-Muslim world cannot undue 1,300 + years of ingrained theocracy and brain washing. The Muslin will not assimilate and will not co-exist if andwhen they have power. The non-Muslim world has no alternative. Strategically the Muslim has made the choice. Tactically the Muslim may have made it too soon. Good day Winston wherever you are.
PROTEST: Fly the Betsy Ross flag. It is the one flag where all the States supported the Constitution. . Rooster Bradford gives up all rights to this article and seeks no compensation for its use. 2016 WC 735


(OR: How smart is a smart bomb?)
Let us answer the second question first. There is no such thing as a smart bomb. They do not have brains and cannot think. No bomb has an IQ or common sense. Not any. What they do have is a computer to adjust flight path. That’s all. Brains do tell the computer what to do. The programmer’s brains are located in some secure place. How do those brains know where to send the bomb to kill an ISIS leader? It is not on an Ouija Board, nor is it ghosts from the past. It is not a successful hunch.
Now, let us answer the first question. How do we pin point ISIS leaders to drop a bomb in their lap? Intelligence is the game. How does the intelligence game get the information? Bribery is the answer. The bribe is seldom reveled, but this last time a slip of the lip sank the ship. The amount stated was 5 million for this latest hit. Now 5 mill will cause all kinds of problems for the recipient. It can be worse than waterboarding. . Yes, that is as simple as it is. We pony up 5 million and someone will take the bait and tell us where Mr. ISIS the leader is bent over in prayer.
Every time one of our “smart” bombs kills someone, over there, millions of dollars were paid. This dirty little secret is classified Hillary. Our government will not tell us. The secrecy is just like the billions of dollars the Federal Government obtains by fining Banks and large corporations for some transgression of a regulation. Try to find out how much the Feds obtain by fines and you run into a bricked off doorway. The same hiding the facts, is true with intelligence. Our people give away millions without anyone checking the result. This former intelligence officers knows. If you thought information was given, because of some patriotic fervor, or disgruntled next in command , you would be wrong, most of the time. It is money. Try to find out how much and in what manner, and you are on the other side of that bricked off doorway. Somebody in Osama’s compound was paid handsomely for the information leading to the raid and his death.
Please do not get all emotional about war. Since man began to accumulate things he has been at war against those who want to take his stuff and versa visa. We let egg heads lead us most of the time and we are the subject of their mistakes. Just yesterday there was a news article that said Calif. State Pension Funds were going to buy 25 % of struggling Desert Sunlight Investment Holdings.(Solar Panels). My God. 25% is not control, but worse yet, all Solar alternative energy plans are failing. Bye Bye pension funds and no one will be held responsible. Oh! sure the windmill generates electricity, when all its moving parts are working, and the solar panels work when the sun is out and they are not covered with dust, haze or clouds, but none of them produce enough to even begin to take care of our needs. Point is try to find out how much the Government has spent to get these alternative energy plants working and continue to work. Impossible for us to know and they cover up more support by moving pension funds into the black hole.
Our government hides its excesses from the voters. Waste is the second name of Government and those in charge do not want you to know how much of your money they throw away.
PROTEST: Fly the Betsy Ross flag. It is the one flag where all the States supported the Constitution.
Wc: 609
Rooster Bradford gives up all rights to this article and seeks no compensation for its use. 2016


(OR: Poison Ivy does not a good Garland make.)
Please take a moment to listen to a long time trial attorney, Rooster, discuss Justice Merrick Garland. It is not what you might hear from the media. His appointment is politics as usual, where the left works to have the GOP swing in the evening wind.
Garland is not a Constitutional conservative. Not even close to Scalia . Garland is a DC insider, having grown up in one of the worst cities in America, Chicago. The latter has been run by corrupt labor and democratic leaders for so long, they do not even recognize their rule produces more murders every year that many countries in the world. Certainly his home town did not endow him with strong Constitutional feelings. His IQ appears to be high and he has applied himself to obtain good grades. Clearly he did not buck the system. He went along with it which is important. It has to do with what he does not have an abundance of, common sense. It can be fairly stated he is not a Daniel Boone for the Constitution. Had he been at the Alamo he would have been a hindrance.
His first job was to serve as an intern/clerk to Justice William J. Brennan a progressive liberal who was himself a turn coat. Brennan pretended to be conservative and was appointed by President Eisenhower. As soon as he was appointed he showed his true colors and failed to support the Constitution way too many time. He too was from Harvard, the school of proven Constitutional deviants. You might recall Obama obtained his law degree there as well. Ok, this was not good training for a young clerk, if your hope is to have a stanch defender of our freedoms and liberties in the Constitution. Harvard produces people who believe the Constitution is a living document. That means you can interpret it the way you want rather than the way words are commonly understood.
More over a good observer of the human face, sees in him an opportunist who seeks fame and security in Governmental arenas, especially in DC. His eyes dart about too quickly, his smile is insincere most of the public time. His hair is too neat. There is something about a man’s face who has forsaken personal resolve and courage for the security and false fame of a judgeship. Being called “Judge” is no substitute for strength and resolve. In this respect his lack of common sense is etched in each line on his face.
Obama believes, because M. Garland has been up for consideration before, and because he sits on the DC Appellate court many of the DC crowd will not think badly of him. This includes many Senators. Obama is using Garland to defeat the Senate leadership. Obama has little common sense and his forward vision is faulty. The fact that Garland would allow himself to be used, is a loud statement of his own turn/coat qualities, and his true loyalty to the progressive cause.
See the appointment for what it is, a political stab in the dark. Never forget what the progressives did to the GOP nominee Bork, and the slime they threw at Justice Thomas during his nomination. Rooster still believes the witnesses brought against Thomas were liars and probably bought with favors. No one had the courage to prosecute them for perjury.
PROTEST: Fly the Betsy Ross flag. It is the one flag where all the States supported the Constitution.
Wc: 571
Rooster Bradford gives up all rights to this article and seeks no compensation for its use. 2016


(OR: Don’t count your chickens before they hatch.)
If you watch CNN or CBS or read any of the Left leaning papers and mags, you hear or see something like, “ THE DEATH OF THE GOP. How Trump is Tearing apart the party of Lincoln”. This was on the cover of ”The Week Magazine” with a picture of a coffin filled with an Elephant and a down cast Lincoln with hand on the casket. Just happened to come out on top of the Nancy Reagan Memorial.
Now you would think that common sense folks would not announce the death of a living breathing object like a political party. Of course they don’t have CS. History should have told them that to do so is folly. They do not read history. Common sense folks would not, but those with a disabled common sense would because they cannot put up with reality. They need Alice in Wonderland just to survive. Everything the G.O.P represents, such as a strong work ethic, scares the hell out of the dreamers. “Work, you mean actually take care of myself and my family, Oh, My God (Ups excuse me.) Oh, My Goodness what am I to do. I know, I will predict the GOPs death. Ahhhh!!, now, I feel so much better.” Yep, that is how it goes down at the Lu Lu farm. In reality people are coming out of the wood work to vote for him. As Christy said, it’s a movement. So it is.
These things we know about both parties. The insiders do not want to be on the outside. This is why Bernie is doing so well against the most entrenched establishment in the world of establishments. His followers want to break down the walls.. The same is true of the Grand Ole Party. The outsides want someone to fill all the trenches up so the establishment will have to leave the field of battle. The outsiders do not want a compromiser. Compromisers give up our rights. They want a non-compromiser who will make the other son of a B, give up his. They do not want someone who will cave to Mexico, to China, to the Middle East or to anyone for that matter. They want someone to stand tall, and when he claps his hands thunder can be heard dancing over the establishment. They seem to believe Trump is the Knight on the great White Horse who has come to kiss sleeping beauty.
Trump is well on his way to wrapping it up. When Rubio loses in Florida he will opt out. Kassic is already dead in the water. The only contender is T. Cruz, but only Trump seems to know where sleeping beauty sleeps. Trump’s New York carnival salesman style has left the political wizards gasping for air. So it shall be.
The question we all need to worry about, is whether Trump will take advice from good common sense folks. Rooster believes he will. He always has, but he decides who has the common sense. His success in business has not been just due to his style, but his willingness to listen and read and understand. Remember he is the only one who was curious enough to hire people to explore Obama’s background. The fact that Sheriff Joe, who himself went to Hawaii with two investigators to make the search, was early to back Trump’s play speaks volumes. Trump is the only one who will expose Obama for the fraud he is. Rooster’s guess is that he will appoint a special task force (out of the FBI) to find out all there is to know and then present it to the public. That’s all. That will do it. Obama’s carefully nurtured legacy will fall, as it should. If it is necessary, Trump could, after he has appointed a true constitutionalist to the Supreme Court, use his executive power to declare everything Obama signed null and void, because of his fraud. Let the leftists supporters try to undue that.
Just one caveat, Rooster is not one of his advisors.
PROTEST: Fly the Betsy Ross flag. It is the one flag where all the States supported the Constitution.
Wc: 672
Rooster Bradford gives up all rights to this article and seeks no compensation for its use. 2016


(OR: Millenniums are dumbing down.)
Many have worried for some time that sufficiently educated millenniums are dumbing down. Wisdom is being lost. Just recently Rooster told a young man and women, in their 20s, that a certain place was like Shangri-La. They simply looked at him, waiting for an explanation. They had no idea what the word meant. Rooster then did a small poll of some other millenniums and found only one of 10 had any idea what the word Shangri-La meant. The pity is Shangri-La is lost.
To quickly get you all aboard this thought train, or train of thought, Shangri-La is a fictional place of great magic and wonder where age was not a factor and life was good. It was coined by a man named Hilton in his book, “ Lost Horizon”. Since his book, from the 30s, the word has been used and understood…. until now. The Millenniums have lost it. Not because someone took it or hide it. It is because they do not read.
The reasons are several. One is the liberal methods of education. Yes, that same bunch who decided cursive writing was not to be taught. That is just part of the answer. The primary reason is the false god of electronics. Today’s young people do not read, books, magazines, newspapers etc. They devote their time to Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and watch movies and gather together to laugh and joke about the Academy Awards. They actually believe racial prejudice closes black actors out, while they watched a black moderator in a country lead by a black president. They may visit news sources like CNN or FOX or collectors like Reddit. What they get are headlines and by-lines. Since these two words are from news- papers the Millennium isn’t really sure what you mean when you say, “By-line”. If they have some particular project they go to their search engine on their software of choice and read that. If they have an interest in some particular project they have the skills to use electronics to work on the problem. What they have lost by not reading is the horizon, and the historical knowledge it takes to view it. It is wisdom.
Recently Rooster received a note from his paper delivery man. This man thanked Rooster for taking two papers. He lamented that in his 30 years of delivering papers there has been a 50 percent drop in subscriptions. The young do not read news papers. As the population ages wisdom is being lost. Newspapers, regardless of their political bent, must fill space and most of the news is printed someplace in it. Rooster’s reading habits have him looking for the little articles and relating them to the rest of the news. There is a treasure trove of information in the 4 corners (if you understand) of a paper. The broader the read the more wisdom you obtain. The more books you read the greater in depth your thinking. There is a strange and good correlation between reading and thinking. Watching and thinking, is a very poor substitute.
There will come a time, assuming civilization lasts that long, that the young will crave to read again and again and again. Why? Because out of their ash heap they will seek wisdom as the only solution to free themselves from the restraints they have allowed. Had they wisdom they would not allow it to happen in the first place.

PROTEST: Fly the Betsy Ross flag. It is the one flag where all the States supported the Constitution.
Wc: 569
Rooster Bradford gives up all rights to this article and seeks no compensation for its use. 2016


(OR; Liberals hide their true purpose, always.)

When Obama unilaterally lifted the Cuban embargo, and by executive order opened that Communist sink hole to American money, most of us could not figure out why? What was the reason he did such a dictatorial thing. Of course the fact that he is a communist sympathizer, and liberal doctrinaire certainly made some sense of it. But there had to be some other reason. Was it to help Russia? No, Russia was really out of the Cuban picture. They really do not want to further support a failure. Was it to honor a pledge he made? No he never made the pledge to open Cuba. Was it simply to help a dismal failure of socialism, which was always washing up on Americans shores? Maybe. Certainly Cuba’s failure had to be and is an embarrassment to his call for a Socialistic America. Was it just a silly part of his desire to do big things before he leaves office? No, this just does not fit. It has too many loose ends to fit into his legacy. Was it simply being a human being by helping the miserable life most Cubans live?. No, he has never shown such sympathy anyplace else so why start with a socialist failure?
Why then did President Obama open up Cuba to our wealth? What something in the news today that might help? Anything there give you a hint? It’s there.
Obama’ is going to keep one of his pledges come hell or high water. That pledge, which he has yet to keep, is still very much in every ones ears. It is now his last year and he has to get it done.
He is planning on closing GITMO by executive order. Right now he has reduced the population, by moving out 10 Yemans, down to less than 100. He is doing this by transferring the inmates to American Prisons. He is doing that right now and will continue to do so until the last part of his term. His justification for using executive orders is because Congress will not help him. In other words he is going to ignore the opposition of Congress.
But why did he cozy up to Cuba first? Of course. Now it is clear. Not only will he remove all the prisoners from GITMO, he will destroy the American possession in the process. Thus if the GOP wins they will not be able to reopen it. How will he do that? Simple. First, he will remove all the inmates. Second, He will just remove all our people and let Cuba move in. If there is no one in GITMO to keep trespassers out, guess how long it will take for them to move in. Maybe a day. He could not easily do this for a Cuba we continued to Sanction, but he can get away with it if we are friendly to the Cuban socialist government. Once Cuba is back in possession it will play hell getting it back.
Rooster is not privy to any inside information. He is just using common sense. All this kissy face now makes sense. Let’s see.
PROTEST: Fly the Betsy Ross flag. It is the one flag where all the States supported the Constitution.
Wc: 521
Rooster Bradford gives up all rights to this article and seeks no compensation for its use. 2016


(OR: One for the money, two for the show & away we go.)

First, an overview of Democrat happenings. Without question the Democrat party is now a Socialist party. This leaves a lot of Democrats, in name only, looking for a home. Their loss of the Progressive cover is the result of allowing our Schools to teach socialist doctrine in many disguises. Such as crying and wringing hands about head shots in Soccer, to curtailing free speech (two days ago United Airlines kicked off a women passenger who called Hillary a bitch.), with political correctness. It has been going on for some 40 years and the new clueless are now of voting age. Without critical analysis they want free candy and they want everyone to be nice. Neither exist. Fortunately, the hard core of these people probably constitutes no more than 1/3 of the total number voting. That is one heck of a bunch.
Second, the Grand Old Party folks are beside themselves, sort of. The thinkers understand they have to choose a “damn the torpedoes type of guy” , if they are to keep the Constitution and its guaranteed freedoms. The non-thinkers want a compromiser to let them keep what they have. Since the 60s the GOP has mostly been run by those who give in. A constitutionalist cannot compromise with a socialist. Those foolish people who would give away the kitchen sink to keep the kitchen, put up McCain and Romney. Now times are different. It is no longer GOP Progressive and Democrat Progressive it is now Socialist vs Constitutionalist. The GOP choice really comes down to Trump or Cruz. It is a tough choice. Trump is his own man and apparently a thinking conservative. Cruz is clearly a Constitutional Conservative with proven credentials. The other candidates come in various colors of compromise. J. Bush is gone after spending 11 million. Rubio has a track record of compromise. Too bad and that’s it.
What to do? What to do? Trump has to get specific enough that he does not scare folks. Hollow rhetoric like Obama will not work in the GOP long haul. For example spell out what he hopes to do when we are rid of Obama care. If he comes up with another government run plan he is toast. If he wants to keep conservatives he has to adopt a private enterprise system that will be competitive and works. Tell the voters he is going to kick out the Department of Education and send the curriculum to the PTAs where it belongs. Tell the voters he is mad as hell about our Countries Enemies and we are not going to take it anymore. Tell everyone he is going to undue any treaty or agreement in trade that does not protect American business first. We do not need tariffs, but we do need a level playing field and that can be done with standards. That’s more or less it. Without the detail he is stoppable.
Cruz has to preach the sermon. He has to sell himself as a Knight Templar protecting the Constitution. He needs to shout to high heaven. He must also be specific and pound the table every time he repeats the specific. Take his tie off and roll up his sleeves and pull no punches. He has already been pretty good on details. Now he must show his difference to Trump. He has to make himself, Mr. Specific and toot the big horn that Trump is not. This campaign is not one of compromise.
Both must stay off each others backs.
Right now true conservative thinkers (about 1/3 of those who vote.) like Cruz’s specifics, but they also like the potential Trump seems to offer. If Trump would be conservative specific the waters would part. If Cruz throws off his towel and charges out punching for his specifics, the water would part for him. As Abbott and Costello used to argue, “Whose on first.”
PROTEST: Fly the Betsy Ross flag. It is the one flag where all the States supported the Constitution.
Wc: 631
Rooster Bradford gives up all rights to this article and seeks no compensation for its use. 2015


(OR: Antonin Scalia, a giant among Jurists.)
Nino, to his close friends and family. A piano player of considerable skill. A father of 9 children and 28 or so grand kids. Most of all a man of great common sense and loyalty to his common sense principals. The media writers try to describe him with labels that diminish his view of the Constitution. That will not happen here. His common sense told him the Constitution was drawn by brilliant men, who meant what they said. Like all brilliant men they were not perfect but their English was clear and concise. He knew with all his heart that if the Constitution was to be amended,( as it often has been) it should be changed only by the manner it set forth. It should never be changed by reading into it something that is not there, or believing it is a Living Document . Change should only come with difficulty and by a super majority. Never a majority and especially never a minority.
Scalia was to the Constitution what the Knights Templar were to the Holy Grail. His drinking cup was the Constitution and he stood over it above all the other members of the court. He would have defended it to his death, and maybe he did.
Here follows what the second strongest conservative member of the court said of him.
“Justice Scalia was a good man: a wonderful husband who loved his wife and his family, a man of strong faith, a towering intellect, a legal giant, and a dear, dear friend. In every respect In every case, he gave it his all to get the broad principles and the small details right. Virginia and I are deeply saddened by his sudden and untimely death. Our prayers and love go out to Maureen and the Sclaia Family. It is hard to imagine the Court without my friend. I will miss him beyond all measure.” Justice Clarence Thomas

The last sentence says more than you might know. To Thomas and every other member of that court Nino was better than them, and they knew it. From a lawyer who spent time as a judge, and scribe in an Appellate court, Rooster knows full well what Nino meant to the court. His loss leaves a much bigger hole than any of the others ever will. He was solid as a rock and as tall as the mountains it came from. It is hard to visualize the networking that goes on in such a place, but it does and every personality has his or her influence. The court has been evenly balanced with Kennedy the waffle vote. The leader who held the conservatives to their post is gone. Great things will be written about him.
President Obama will never nominate anyone who can be approved. If you think for one moment he has any common sense, then you need a strong adult beverage. If you believe all people of black heritage think alike then you forgot that Clarence Thomas also has the same heritage. If you made that mistake then you need an even stronger drink. The vacancy of Scalia is so huge, no moderate, progressive, or undecided will ever fit.
All lovers of the Constitution, all you Knights in Common Sense Armor, must demand no one be appointed until an equally endowed President can do it. Then you must rise and demand the new appointee be as principled as Nino. That means the new Justice must be better than any of the existing Justices. Most importantly he or she must also be a lovable human being. Not impossible but difficult. Goodbye, Nino and God bless you my man.
PROTEST: Fly the Betsy Ross flag. It is the one flag where all the States supported the Constitution.
Wc: 603
Rooster Bradford gives up all rights to this article and seeks no compensation for its use. 2016


(OR: What’s with all the sermons, Mr. Obama?)
On February 3, Obama gave a speech at a Muslim Mosque in Baltimore. The next day February 4, 2016 he gave a different speech to a collection of legislators and staff at the Washington D.C. National Prayer Breakfast in celebration of Christianity.
Now why do you suppose he did that, Martha? His church going and his true beliefs are very twisted to say the least. He has publically said he does not attend church on a regular basis, so as not to cause difficulties. When he has gone, in the D.C. area, he has selected a variety of Christian churches, and mostly they are Baptist and the majority of them have mostly black congregations. We understand that any time the President attends anything it is expensive and disrupts normal life. Obviously there are security reasons. However his religious conduct is beyond reality. His approach to Islam convinces this writer that his core love is Islam. He calls himself a Christian, yet he does not grieve or even talk about the many Christians who daily are killed by Muslims around the world. When he speaks the word Jesus, it is with a slight hesitation, as if he is uncomfortable with it. In his own book he tells us the most beautiful sound to him is the Muslim call to prayers.
During Obamas speech at the Mosque he repeatedly talked of hate-full speech against Islam and how everyone should know Islam is an American Religion and must be accepted. He is wrong and on purpose. Islam is not a Religion. It is not like any other religion in its beliefs. It is most of all a government with its own law. Its religion simply is the glue to obtain blind faith. It is the same as if Communism had its own God. As communism is considered an enemy of a constitutional government, so to is Islam. Shiri law is not compatible. On this issue Obama has all the indications of blind faith for Islam. It appears to hide it with a Christian robe. Since he is a kaleidoscope of lies we probably will never know.
So can we speculate why he goes to a Mosque one day and to a Christian gathering the next? Why the rush to the pulpit? Together both events are simply his continuing campaign to champion Islam. Remember he refuses to use Islam as a cause of terrorism. To him the terror bent Muslim as just some sort of mentally imbalanced person. They never are one who is motivated by blind faith. His imbalance is clearly seen in his 2015 National Prayer Breakfast, where he condemned the Crusades as evil and full of terror, when that is contrary to history. Lest you forget, the reason for the Crusades was because Islam continued killing Christians in Constantinople and caused mayhem for any Christians going to the holy lands. Had they been peaceful and held out their hand to visitors to the holy places and left the remains of the Roman Empire alone, there never would have been one crusade, let alone 9 of them. Obama denies this, if he knows it.
The conclusion is that he went to the Mosque first, so as not to offend any Muslims. Politically he had to go to the Prayer event. Politically he set up the Mosque visit. He is either a fake, or mentally deficient. Clearly he is not a man of principals. Clearly his sermon on the mound is unbelievable.

PROTEST: Fly the Betsy Ross flag. It is the one flag where all the States supported the Constitution.
Wc: 509
Rooster Bradford gives up all rights to this article and seeks no compensation for its use. 2015