(OR:   The greedy always eat their benefactors. )


What is the real significance of 61 percent of the voters, in Greece, voting not to
tighten their belts and “Knuckle down Winsocki”?  (From the 1941 Broadway showBest Foot Forward”)   Well for Greece it means 61 % of the people are brain dead or silly, and want to be hurt.  It cannot mean anything else.  It also means, as Rooster has always said, any given population is roughly divided into threes.  One third are common sense disabled, 1/3 are in the middle swinging from side to side, and 1/3 are ruled by common sense.  In this case most of Greece’s middle voted for the blind and greedy, and a few voted for Common sense.  The Yes vote was 39 Percent.  Just based on demographic data the vote was predictable, and the socialist leaders knew it.

What, however, does it mean on the world stage?   The Greece vote confirms that liberals suffer commonsencelessness (sic).  Their ability to see the future is flawed, big time.   The present Greece government is as liberal as they come and do not forget they were voted in, at a time austerity was turning the Greece economy around and things were looking up.  This referendum simply allows the present government to say,”See we have to vote this way because the people want it”.  Just a cover, and a lie, the mantra of liberalism.

Most important, Greece chaos is a good example, of the problem with Socialism in all its forms.   Think of socialism as a cancer where one type of cell eats good cells. .   Cancers only cure is massive doses of anti-cancer treatment, which can take many forms.  Most are very painful to peace and tranquility.   Socialism is the taking from one group to please another group.  The problem is the pleasing time only lasts as long as the victims put up with it.   You can never expect those getting free stuff to pass a law taking away their free stuff.  Just does not work.  There ain’t no free lunch, but to a bona fide liberal they either do not see it, or deny it.   Ok, let us look at the big picture.   Greece is just another present day example of the failure of Socialism.  The U.S. is now a Socialist country so you can expect the same routine.  Are there other current, on- going examples?  Oh!!  yes there are.   How about Cuba which is right next door.  Castro’s promises of free stuff failed, from the git-go.  The economic collapse has been complete, except for the collection of 1950s cars.  Now Cuba’s economy will be repaired, somewhat, by an overflow from a new star in the socialist galaxy……. us.   Look at Argentina.  It is a combination of socialism and dictator, which is normal.   The present dictator is the only one with a motive to kill a prosecutor who challenged her.   Look at Venezuela.  Since Chavez came into power by giving free stuff to the greedy, that country has been in an economic collapse.   Only its oil reserves have kept it from hitting total bottom. Political opposition is smashed.  With a few exceptions most of South American countries are in one phase or another of socialism with strong and weak dictators.  As you look across the globe this same show is repeated over and over again.  Historically the greatest example of this failure was and is the Soviet Union. Its pure socialism collapsed and was replaced by a lesser form, but again with a dictator. One day he too will vanish and Russia’s bumpy road will continue.

Common sense folks understand that there should be a fair and equitable balance between the haves and the have-nots.   What they do not get is the chaos they cause by allowing Haveanots keys to the treasury.  It seems fair and equal but it is not.   Many great thinkers have talked about this.  Democracies always fail because they allow the Havenots to vote themselves a key.  In a Constitutional Republic a citizen is born equal, but he or she does not grow up that way.  For peace to prevail a system of government must be devised which prevents the taking, provides care of the helpless, and rewards hard work and good deeds.   This system will necessarily have to restrict the vote of the brain dead, greedy, and silly.

PROTEST:  FLY THE BETSY ROSS FLAG.  It is the one flag where all the States supported the Constitution.

Wc  697

Rooster Bradford, gives up all rights to this article and seeks no compensation for its use.  2015


(OR: Obama gave away the Ice Cream in China.)

One of the greatest frauds being committed on United States Citizens is China’s selling inferior products.  We still think of  “American Standards”, but  we are receiving Chinese junk.  The inferiority is so great that it is fraudulent.   Of course Obama did not even have this on his list when he sat down in an oriental purple what-ever, last week.  Rooster wants you to join him in demanding  “American Made”.  If none, complain and call a spade a spade.

Anyone who has traded in Asia, knows the reputation of the national Chinese. They are shrewd business dealers. They are in a habit of getting blood out of a turnip.  We are the turnip.  Obviously Obama has never done business with them, because they got to him on this visit, in a big way.  He got nothing.

Any casual reader of the news has read repeated situations where Chinese buy an existing company with a good reputation. It is not just in our Country.  What they do next is use the good reputation, to sell junk at high prices.  They deliver inferior products and pocket the difference.  Sometimes they do the same thing by buying, not just one company, but several of the suppliers for a product. They then low ball the price and force out of business any they have not bought.   This conduct produces cheap products both in quality and durability .   For too long American people,  have had bad leaders with no international business skills. They have allowed this fraud to go on.   When was the last time you heard an American leader demand we buy American.   Never.   When was the last time you heard any American leader demand that foreign products meet American Standards?  Never. When was the last time an American Leader made a demand that we set high standards to which foreign producers must meet.  Never.

Here is a great example.  Today, if there is an American Company that makes an electric icecream maker with all parts made in America,  Rooster cannot find them.    In the past White Mountain Products used to make one that would last 15 years or so.  They made them to American high standards set by industry.   Not today.  The former company’s name is just one owned by the conglomerate, Jarden Corporation.  This investment group is riding on past reputations, to milk every dollar they can..  The dollar profit is the goal, and to hell with American reputation or consumer satisfaction.   Behind them is the Chinese cheap product aiding the fraud.   The present White Mountain Ice Cream maker with the Chinese electric motor and housing is a piece of trash.   The old reputation of 15 years life is used to sell, but they deliver 1 or two years of use.  That is called fraud.   Rooster found one where a small local company “ Mountain Feed and Farm Supply”, advertised the same machine as “American Made”.  Rooster asked them if it was in fact all made in the U.S.  This small company then called White/Jarden and was told that it was made in China.  The sales people had mislead this small company. To its credit it immediately removed the “American Made” label when they learned the truth.    Today if you try to find any smallish electric motor made in the U.S.  you had better go to EBay and buy an old one.   At least the motors we used to make can be rebuilt.   The Chinese pieces of junk cannot. Rooster also gave up on Chinese Popcorn makers and finally found an old U.S. made one on EBay.  It was cheaper than the Chinese Junks and works great.

Jarden Corporation would comply with high American Standards if there were any left.  Our Government needs to set Standards, not tariffs. This is what Obama should have demanded on his China trip, instead of lowering himself to wear a purple jump suit—— made in China.

PROTEST:  FLY THE BETSY ROSS FLAG.  It is the one flag where all the States supported the Constitution.

Wc 558

Rooster Bradford, gives up all rights to this article and seeks no compensation for its use.  2014.


(Or:  A vote, like a sword, can save your way of life.)

In these last two days Rooster wants to impress upon you the importance of your vote.  Do not waste one drop of it.  Do what you can to make certain others around you vote, unless of course they are brain dead.  In that case forget them, because there are plenty of that kind who will vote.

Always, in every democratic society,  approximately 1/3 of the people are in fact brain dead. They do not think beyond their navel, and have little concept of who is who in the political world which surrounds them.   They vote as they are programed.  They cannot even tell you if Washington D.C. is a State or not.  They probably will take offense if you suggest the government gives too much for too little.  Why?  Because most of them depend on the Government for sustenance.   They fear change not for good reasons, but simply because it threatens their tomorrow.

Most of the 1/3 believe Government is Mom. They know enough that voting Democrat means Mom will be ok and no spankings will happen. Sugar and spice and everything nice.  This 1/3 is the group who says Obama is doing a good job.  No thought just mindless adoration for someone to care for them.   When Obama’s approval rating falls to 1/3 this is the group who steadfastly supports him no matter what.  Why? Because they do not think about “What”.

This is why you your vote is so important.  Common sense people who think about politics are already down 1/3 from the get-go.  When you and yours vote think about that.   One/third have already voted against your hopes.

Good Luck.   Vote.

PROTEST:  FLY THE BETSY ROSS FLAG.  It is the one flag where all the States supported the Constitution.

Wc 274

Rooster Bradford, gives up all rights to this article and seeks no compensation for its use.  2014.


(Or: Beam me up Scotty, no intelligence gathering here. )


Webster says, a”terrorists” is one who uses scary stuff to frighten  you into submission and/or subjugation.  Of course Rooster simplified it a bit, but hope you see the ambiguity. What is scary stuff and who is scared, and what is subjugation?  What if the stuff is not immediately scary, or you don’t scare easy, or the bad guy  is waiting  to subjugate you later.   For example;

Football player Hussein, (whatever his name), this weekend past, got down in the End Zone and prayed to Allah.  You know, down on knees, rear end to the sky  and banging head on ground.  If you saw it you should have spilled your drink all over your nice shirt.  Not because he prayed.  Because he did it knowing how the Progressives  came down on Tim Tebow.  Remember Tim?  He was the quarterback for the Broncos who expressed his Protestant religion, by knelling, and bowing.   Since that uproar such an act is now called Tebowing.  Also there is the Tebow Rule. It forbids a player putting a religious messages on the black stuff they paint under their eyes.  The furor was bad enough to establish these stupid rules.  Catholics seem to get away with crossing themselves.  Somehow progressives are not bright enough to know all prayers when they see them. Maybe they give Catholics and Muslims a pass.  The point is Hussein acted as a “ terrorist”, as defined. . He was probably coached to do it.  His handlers knew a Muslim prayer would test the media, and its failure would do damage to another Western institution.   Of course some of you might say it was spontaneous.  So was the collapse of the twin towers.   The Referees’ were on top of their game and knew the rules against Tebowing and the Tebow Rule.  They found Hussein was un-sportsman like and penalized the team 15 yards.   In the light of media distortion, and fear of Islam, the next day the league said the Refs. were in error and apologized.  Sure, the four guys on the field were just dummies.  Muslim terror worked didn’t it.  The League and the Media subjugated themselves before Allah.   The conservative approach would have avoided this cave in.  Conservatives respect religious acts and there would be no Tebow rule ET cet. Conservatives say if you want to pray on the field it is ok so long as you do not disrupt the play.  But pro-agressives (No, Martha it is spelled correctly),  having warped common sense,  blunder into this type of error all the time.  Progressives attack peaceful Christianity but run scared from Islam.

The Hussein prayer incident does focus us on the question of who is and who is not a “terrorist”.  Let us limit our view to the Islamic world since it is the source of most terrorists today.  You know!  They are the ones who Hijack planes, cut off body parts, and blow themselves up in crowded places.  When a progressive defines a terrorist,, one can almost hear Peggy Lee sing,  “IS THAT ALL THERE IS?’  Forget the progressive narrow definition of terrorist. They have already caved in fear of Islam.  You see a Muslim’s bomb explosion is just the tip of the terror iceberg.   Hussein’s praying on the field, is in the same class as the Muslim who comes into a free country and steals as much welfare as he can and produces as many children as he can.  They are part of the huge bottom part of the Iceberg. You should be scared knowing that the entire Iceberg is moving to establish Sharia law and destroy that which is not. There is a nautical saying  that; “If you can easily see the tip of the iceberg you are too close”.   So it is here.   Every Muslim who follows the Koran, is driven to convert or kill the infidel.   Rooster has often used the legal term, “Aider and Abettor” to describe all the so called peaceful Muslims.  Of the millions of Muslims there is only a tiny weenie number who want to redefine the Koran, into a book of peace.   These reformers are not relevant.  All  Koran believing Muslims laud the activists who are busy making bombs and sharpening knives to cut off a part or two.

The point is you cannot limit the term “Terrorist” to those who put TNT in their shorts or shoes and try to kill non-believers.  The word must include all those who help and support them.   In most religious and philosophical works, one will read or hear this phrase.   “KNOW THY ENEMY”   Knowing your enemy is a tool for self- preservation. Common sense recognizes the world has many people who want to take from you, or take you.  To defend yourself you must study and become very familiar with the enemy.  You must know them better than you know your mother.   In the real world this maxim is the core of intelligence gathering.  Rooster worked in this field for years and knows intelligence must spend little time on friends, but loads of time on those we fear. Intelligence gatherers know it is not just the robots who hijack a vessel, or set an explosive pack amongst Boston runners.  It is not just the Major who betrays the trust of his fellow military and kills a bunch.   Your enemy is the entire Iceberg.  It is the movers and shakers and handlers as well as the robots.  The Koran is their commander in chief.  It is Islam which must be destroyed, or converted.  It is the hundreds of years of their brutality to infidels.  It is the Imams, the Minarets, the costumes they wear and the women they enslave.  It is every bit and piece of Islam that is your enemy.  Know them and you will know your enemy.  Never forget you are the infidel and their Koran demands your conversion, or….. bang/slice  you are dead.

PROTEST:  FLY THE BETSY ROSS FLAG.  It is the one flag where all the States supported the Constitution.

Wc 976

Rooster Bradford, gives up all rights to this article and seeks no compensation for its use.  2014.


(Or:  If you can’t out number’em, out think’em)


Everyone agrees, “We live in an imperfect world”. Having said that, disagreement begins to abound.    Still we can find near unanimous agreement that, “ Absolute power corrupts absolutely”. A few other well accepted common sense things have broad acceptance.  For example, “You cannot get blood out of a turnip.”  or “You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink.”   After that it becomes more difficult to discuss such subjects, because we begin to realize that a good 1/3 of every society cannot or will not think beyond lunch.  Most of this 1/3 have CSD (common sense deficiency).  Those common sense concepts that are beat into their heads will be accepted, but not because they thought it out.  Only the repetition by those they follow may work.  Everything else is difficult.  Having CSD creates insecurity.  Those with it hide behind closed doors, under  addiction, or behind a façade.   Obama has the latter two.  He smokes and hides it.  His false front is his smile,  ready hand shake, and his story telling.  Most importantly is his ability to say what makes him feel good even  if it is a lie.  However the point of this article is not Obama.

The point is, how can we preserve freedom and liberty understanding that 1/3 or so of the population will not be able to think correctly on serious subjects. They will tend to give up freedom for security.    Those who struggled to get our Constitution accepted (it took years) dealt with this problem.   To get support they had to come up with the first 10 amendments to additionally limit the Federal Governments power.   Without these restrictions on government, the Constitution would never have been accepted.  Actually the first 9 amendments are specific checks on Governmental power.  The last, or 10th was a wrap up, “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States or to the people.”

Ok, the founders understood the insecure would trade freedom for bread and a warm blanket.  They did not understand the coming of socialism and communism with the bread and blankets they carry.  They did not see the intensity of the evil ones using those afflicted with CSD.   Fortunately we have the game book of these evil ones.   Actually it is many books and pamphlets which they have created to convert others to their thinking.  In them they lay out their wish list or bucket list.   From these publications  we know what  they believe is  necessary to take freedom and liberty and substitute absolute power.

If we thinkers ever have the opportunity, we must take the progressive wish list and undo it, with amendments to the Constitution.  We could add to what the founders did.  A second “Bill of Rights” could prohibit the things progressives need to accumulate power.   We simply take the things they think are important, and prohibit the Federal government from doing them.   For example the following proposed amendments would do the trick.

The Federal government is prohibited from controlling healthcare. Any assistance to healthcare is reserved to the States and charity.

The Federal Government is prohibited from using poverty as a reason to control any aspect of its limited jurisdiction. .

There can be no Federal Debt carried over from one year to the next.

The second amendment does mean that every citizen, other than a felon, or one judicially declared mental unstable, has the right to own and carry in public a weapon, such as a gun.

The Federal Government is prohibited from providing welfare.  All welfare shall be totally controlled by the individual State and local community.

Education is reserved to the individual State and the Federal Government is prohibited from directing or conducting education except in its service schools, and that necessary for its employees to carry out their functions.

Religion is a set of beliefs in the hereafter, and the Federal Government has the specific duty to not interfere in its free practice anywhere, except where necessary to preserve the peace.

The Federal government is prohibited from doing anything which might cause preference of a race, gender, or age. (This is to stop dividing the population.)

The Federal Government has an absolute duty to control immigration, and prevent the breach of our borders by anyone.

To send American troops into combat or the threat of combat, outside the territory of the U.S. will require Congressional approval of both houses.

The above 10 could be added to the constitution as a single amendment.   It should be labeled the Second Bill of Rights.  Each part is so important we cannot allow a divide and conquer campaign to defeat it.

It is possible.    If we suffer a terrible chaos, we thinkers might be able to control the future using the old “Change” slogan.  Obama did and look at the millions of glassy eyed zombies he got to follow him.


PROTEST:  FLY THE BETSY ROSS FLAG.  It is the one flag where all the States supported the Constitution.

Wc 943

Rooster Bradford, gives up all rights to this article and seeks no compensation for its use.  2014.



Syndicators Limited. 6500 Casitas Pass Road, Ventura, CA 93001                            The      All rights to the article are released, Use it freely.  Proof read by Spel Chex.   Rooster Bradford,  is a former lawyer, politician and radio show host of “The Rooster Crows”

His most recent book, “It is S.A.D.” can be obtained from  Amazon-Kindle.

Web page:    HYPERLINK “”


(Or:   Bar food is not free)

The Progressive war cry “Wealth must be redistributed”, is not true. In fact it is so obviously un- true, it must knowingly be made to mislead. The Rooster has discussed this issue from other points of view, but the falseness of this war cry must be addressed and exposed.

The truth is in the obvious facts.   The average human being, in an affluent society, lives only about 75 years.  That is peanuts in the life of mankind and certainly in a society.   No one has ever taken his or her wealth with them.  It is all left right here in River City.   The odds are it will be left to heirs who will spend it on themselves and Society.   The overwhelming facts are that the heirs, with a very few exceptions, will simply live off the wealth until it is dispersed.   Regarding the exceptions, their numbers are very small.  Even if they take the wealth and double it, the odds of the next generation creating another such exception is extremely rare.  Unearned wealth promotes laziness and lack of industry, because the need to make a profit is gone.   The lack of motive is private wealth’s cancer.

A very few of the wealthy will,  during their life time, understand this,  and try to have their wealth do good things for a period of time beyond their lives. The donor of hundreds of community libraries, Andrew Carnegie, comes to mind.  The wise ones will create trusts, endowment funds, etc., but these depositories of wealth are not controlled by the wealth makers.  They are controlled by those living off of them and so in time will disappear.  They will either be downsized, dissolved, or merged.   The point is no one has figured out how to have his or her hologram continue dancing without paying the electric bill.  Without the profit seeker in charge, the electric bill will get all out of shape and not be paid. The hologram will just fade away.

The above is provable beyond a reasonable doubt. Well not the part about the hologram.  So how is it the liberals cry, “Redistribute wealth” continues to be held up as a truth?   It is a corner stone of progressive agendas.   The explanation is the criers are not interested in waiting two or three generations for the wealth to be naturally redistributed.  They want to take it NOW, for their benefit.  They do not want to let nature take its course for the benefit of others.  It is sad to know they can blame Global warming on you, but cannot take blame for wanting to take your wealth NOW.    You see what they want, is instant gratification, NOW.   It is difficult to see any difference between their creating a law to take it, and a man holding a gun in your ribs to take it.   The progressive and the gun tote’n thief both, want your wealth, without working for it, and they want it NOW.  These onerous laws are the very reason so many Citizens try to protect their wealth in foreign places.  These bad laws simply create more bad laws, like the Foreign Accounts Tax Compliance Act. (FACTA) where the progressives use legislative guns to force foreigners to identify your accounts in their countries.

There is no natural law which supports this progressive corner stone.   It fails the litmus test of reality.  So how is it the Progressive who lives next door or just down the street can support such a lie?   Ignorance, greed, and common sense deficiency are explanations.   It is also a lack of courage to face the fact that it is theft.   They paint it pretty colors and put on fancy clothes and call it compassion, but it is not.  It is still what it is, a lie.  Making a law to steal does not change the character of the act.  The only rational justification for paying taxes is to receive consideration for the money paid out.  When the taking far exceeds the needs, the Government becomes the worst type of criminal syndicate.


PROTEST:  FLY THE BETSY ROSS FLAG.  It is the one flag where all the States supported the Constitution. Wc 675  Rooster Bradford, gives up all rights to this article and seeks no compensation for its use. June 2014.


Syndicators Limited. 6500 Casitas Pass Road, Ventura, CA 93001 The                     All rights to the article are released, Use it freely.  Proof read by Spel Chex.   Rooster Bradford  is a former lawyer, politician and radio show host of “The Rooster Crows”

His most recent book,  “It is S.A.D.” can be obtained from  Amazon-Kindle.

Web page:    HYPERLINK “”


First we must understand progressives  are generally common sense deficient.  This disability allows them to make destructive decisions, not worry about it  and  tell lies to  “getter done” .   Second, this destruction  of the  California’s Judicial System is not about the existence of courts , judges and attorneys. They still exist.  We are talking about the substance and social value of the system.

Let’s take a look at the typical California Court System as it existed up to the 60s. The destructive  work of progressives started  then.  At that time  the trial courts were of three types.   Justice courts, for very small places.  Municipal courts and Superior Courts, co-existed in  bigger places.    Each court was allotted certain business based on the amount of the controversy, or the nature of the crime.   The wages paid in the Justice courts and the Municipal courts were much less than those paid for the Superior Court.  Each Trial court generally had one bailiff and one clerk.  Court Reporters were on call.  The bailiffs were generally older or disabled Marshalls or Sheriffs.  The overhead was low.   In those times Judges were appointed, as they are now, by Governors and the latter tended to pick buddies and people with the same philosophy.   Back in those days there were Republican and Democrat Governors,  but they did not live on different sides of the moon.   Appointments were more or less even on both sides, and most of those appointed  believed in the Constitution.  They worshipped the Rule of law. It  was sacred.

In the 60s the body of lawyers, called the Bar, consisted of men and women who went to a few very good law schools across the nation.   There were no fly-by-night law schools. The Bar, unlike the Medical profession, did not have a system of internship.  What it did have was a system of Pro-bono work that new Lawyers were encouraged to perform. This acted as a hands on training system. This meant a new attorney would spend time defending folks, and advising folks for free.  This acted as an internship.  A typical graduate of USC law school could spend time on the Federal and State indigent panels representing folks and donate time at Legal Aids giving free legal advice.  It was great experience .  Law students then received a good schooling on the rule of law, the duties they owed to  Judges and the Courts, and what the Constitution and Republic was all about.

The first progressive torpedo was to destroy pro bono work, first in the Criminal field, by creating a  Public Defender.  None had existed for 100s of years.  This was the end to the ad-hoc internship. The progressive’s whine was that the poor were not being treated fairly.  Heard that before?  The Public Defender office simply became bureaucrats, more interested in their vacations and retirement than the Bar.   The poor suffered.   Worst of all the progressives put no limits on who the Public Defender could defend.  Anyone, rich or not, could and can  get their advise at your expense.   This means, of course, that the Bureaucrats, doing  what they do best, increased their power,   More clients, has meant they can demand more taxpayer’s dollars., and have a bigger empire.  The progressives also created Legal aid organizations paid for by you which took over the pro bono civil work performed by the young lawyers.

The second bomb was to demand more law schools so the poor would be better represented.   What was then created were law schools hell bend on getting good ratings based on how many of  their students passed the bar exam.  To hell with ethics, the Constitution and the rule of law.  These test schools sprouted like wild grass after a spring rain.

As a result we had too many lawyers and not enough business. Pro bono was destroyed and the average lawyer sometimes made minimum wage.  This made them hungry.   Taxpayers also had pushed on them such things as the Federal Program of Legal aid for the poor.  Like Acorn it became a hotbed of liberals destroying such things as land lord and tenant relationships.  They even passed out hand books on how to screw a landlady.  The cure,  the progressives said, (who now dominated the Trial Lawyers clubs),  was to allow advertizing.   Up to this time the rule was, (had been for 100s of years),  that a lawyer could not advertize, not even in the yellow pages. Why not?  Advertizing creates fraud and bad ethics in what is supposed to be a profession guided  by ethics.  So progressives opened the doors and you have what you have today……Big Business in TV adds etc trying to find litigants.  Never existed before the early 60s.   A part of this was to allow class actions, to spread greed and bad conduct.  Back then when a lawyer died, the firm could not use his or her name.  It was a misrepresentation and was not allowed.   Progressives  have allowed the dead lawyers name to stay on the door. Being star crazy, they love false facades.

What happened was that all the self control  of lawyers and judges  was whipped away.   Demanding ethics  disappeared, only to exist in a few honorable members, who kept and keep their mouths shut.  Professionalism died.

Now we have lottery litigation as well as lawsuits, designed to obtain millions of dollars from companies, to put in trust waiting for lawyers to  find clients to share some of the ill gotten gain.   It is Ill gotten, because it really is extortion.   Tobacco and Asbestos come to mine as good examples.

If you want to find proof take a look at the Court rooms themselves.  Shadows of their former glory.   Progressives got rid of Justice Courts, mostly, and all of the Municipal courts, so now we just have one Superior Court staffed by much higher paid people, using much more of tax payers money to keep it going.   With the break down of the rule of law and Ethics, the courts became dangerous places.   In all significant California Superior courts, you now have to go through a Metal Detector manned by high paid peace officers. Worse you are suspect even in the court room where several law enforcement types will even stand close to any attorney who dares to challenge the Judge or system.  Their conduct is threatening  and closes many mouths.  Progressives can not stand criticism.  No longer can the attorney, no matter how well respected, just walk in the back rooms and chit chat with staff and the Judge.  Now those areas are like bunkers and protected by the highest security.   No longer do the clerks take court documents over the counter.  Now, after the metal detector, and maybe a pat down to make certain you have no weapon, the clerks all hide behind bullet proof glass, afraid to be friendly.

The worst part is that with all the Recent leftist Governors the appointment of evenly balanced thinking judges has not happened in years.    Now each appointee is a left political activists.  There are a few exceptions but they keep quite and hide their true feelings.

Yes Progressives have really brought progress.   They, as they always do, throw down 100s of years of trial and error,  and adopt only error.   They have destroyed our judicial system in California and other States. That is just one part of our Republic.  They want to destroy it all.




Rooster Bradford, gives up all rights to this article and seeks no compensation for its use.


Syndicators Limited. 6500 Casitas Pass Road, Ventura, CA 93001 The

All rights to the article are released, Use it freely.

Rooster Bradford  is a former lawyer Constitutional expert , politician and radio show host of “The Rooster Crows”   He is

the author of several books and articles.  You can obtain his most recent book,  “It is S.A.D.” from  Amazon-Kindle.

His web page, is “The Rooster “

socialism—a different take





Syndicators Limited. 6500 Casitas Pass Road, Ventura, CA 93001 The

All rights to the article are released, Use it freely.


Rooster Bradford  is a former lawyer, politician and radio show host of “The Rooster Crows”   He is the author of several books and articles.  You can obtain his most recent book,  “It is S.A.D.” from  Amazon-Kindle.    His web page, is “The Rooster “ 

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++                SOCIALISM—A DIFFERENT TAKE

(Or:  Taking by Law replaces the gun.)

            America, is now a Socialist Country. The Stars and Strips no longer represents a Country of States United together for their mutual benefit.  It now represents a suppressive Government which will steal as much as it thinks it can.   At this moment,  most productive subjects (formally called loyal hardworking Citizens.)   are now making preperations to protect their assets and income.  Protect from  what you ask?   From stealing of course, of course, of course.  If we had a way to calculate how much money, assets etc are now leaving  USA for places where the Governments will be friendly, or at least not steal as much, or an official can be bought off, it would stagger your reality.  History tells us it has happened to every country that becomes socialistic.  America is no different.   The subjects who are trapped here will do the best they can…… by not playing by the rules.  The non producers, stupidly wring their hands in anticipation, of the good times.  Their failed or immature, common sense can not warn them, that what they are doing will destroy the good.   The producers, will not produce.  They will not be subjects or slaves.   Lenin, lately of Communist fame,  clearly stated and believed  that for Communism/Socialism to succeed it needed world domination so money and people had no place to flee.   His weak to non existent common sense, did not warn him that even if Communism controlled the world,  it would go  broke, because the producers will not toil in communist fields and factories.  Oh yes they will cooperate to an extent, but only for subsistence.   A few will join the bureaucracy and enjoy the corruption.  Today, in California, a large number of businesses leave for other States,  not so socialistic.  In California  small contractors have no work, and larger contractors survive off of government projects only.  As socialism gains strength in numbers, it loses value and wealth by the billions.   Say it over and over again until you believe it.    “Producers will not become slaves of  non producers”  The more welfare a Government provides, the less income it has to give.   Catch 22.  (Please obtain this 1961 book by Joseph Heller. In it he clearly demonstrates how producers will survive bureaucracy, one way or another, none of which are good for the future of the bureaucracy.)

            The root problem with socialism is that it is, (everyone agrees, socialism  taxes the wealthy to give to the poor.)  a thief.   Simply said it is,   “stealing from those  who have money, to give to those who do not”.   It takes by creating a law to do so and is little different from stealing by false pretenses, or embezzlement?  In either there is no force or immediate fear.   In either the person who has the value does not want to give it up.  The false pretender and the Embezzler always feel they were entitled.  What is the difference?  Are those,  who make  a law to take some ones property,  immune from the concept that they are thieves?   Logic says no.  Our Revolution is living proof.   You must understand, that it is not  taking which makes the crime.   It is the lack of consent.   America has millions who do not consent.

             One of the cornerstones of the Constitution’s Bill of Rights was its demand that Government  not take ones property, without  fair compensation, or at all.  Let the Rooster show you, amendment by amendment.

            1- The people clearly told the government it could not take their guns.  Guns     is property you know.      (2ND Amendment),

            2- They said Government could not take their land for the military in peace       or war,  without compensation.  (Third Amendment);

            3-  The people demanded,  they  be secure in their houses, papers, and       effects (Property to you at college.) against unreasonable seizures.  (Translation of “unreasonable:   Without compensation or a warrant from a   Judge.) Fourth amendment;   

            4- The Bill of Rights  goes on to say that no citizen can  be deprived of life,             liberty, or P R O P E R T Y, with out just compensation.  (Last time the       Rooster checked,  money was property.) Fifth Amendment;

            5-  The founders even considered Fines and Bails,  as something the             government could abuse.  They  said  the government could not steal from us   by  establishing excessive fines or bails.  Eighth Amendment.

            These Amendments (Bill of Rights) were necessary  before the citizens would agree to create the Federal Government. Their fear was great and accurate.     Read all the grievances stated in the Declaration of Independence.  Same stuff simply said differently.  The point is King George  (The British Federal Government.) was, in the eyes of the Colonists, stealing from them by taxation.  They wanted no more of that. 

            Even before the Bill of Rights, the drafters of the Constitution were not asleep to the danger.    They did not even grant the power of individual taxation to the Government.  It was reserved to the States.   They did give it power to tax imports and such, but not incomes and not people.  Contrary to what Chief Justice Roberts said, on the Health Care law, there is no general power of taxation given to the  Federal Government.  If the Rooster is wrong, then please explain the 16th amendment (1913) which, for the first time, granted to the Federal Government the power to tax incomes.   Of course no such power existed before.  Never has there been a grant to the Federal Government to tax individuals, except in the minds of the have not’s and their handlers.   Maybe this abuse will cause the next revolution .  It caused the first.   As a Nation, we have been there and done that, and history does repeat itself, because there are too many stupid people.

            As added proof, out of the past come the thundering hoof beats of the great “Declaration of Independence”.   It said the people were going to Revolt,  “For (King George’s) imposing taxes on us without our consent.”  The people have never consented to individual taxation, by the Federal Government.

            In Summation, the logic can not be challenged.   Property is owned by Govenments, and individuals (Alone or in groups, like Corporations) . Taking property of non consenting individuals, to give to others is stealing.   There is no power in the Constitution to do this, just as there is no power in an employee to embezzle you money.   Even saying we have given the Government the power to tax incomes, no where did we grant the power to take it and redistribute it.  In short, it is all about consent.  If the Government takes from the non consenting public then the productive population will take from it.  The Rooster does not consent.          Rooster Bradford gives up all rights to the above article.    Dated:  November 10, 2012




what our founders missed










Syndicators Limited. 6500 Casitas Pass Road, Ventura, CA 93001 The


All rights to the article are released, Use it freely.  Nov. 27, 2012




Rooster Bradford  is a former lawyer, politician and radio show host of “The Rooster Crows”   He is the author of several books and articles.  You can obtain his most recent book,  “It is S.A.D.” from  Amazon-Kindle.    His web page, is  








(Or: Population explosions hurt.)




        Conservatives 6, Socialist 7, game over.  The times is a changing and not for the better.  As we enter the era of governmental  theft and abuse,  we will also feel  the natural reaction of the citizens to protect themselves.  It is becoming,  us verses them. It is very sad to see a country of laws deteriorate into one of  executive order and mandate, but that is what Socialism is,  and that is where we are.


            Every thinking Conservative has tried to come up with an answer as to what happened to the God Fearing, Law Abiding, Patriotic Bunch.  Why did they lose? 


            The Rooster has the answer.   First, remember the Bush years.   That’s when we, the thinkers, began to understand why we were losing the  argument.   What was the argument? ….Constitution and law, over Government planning and instruction.   (socialism/communism.) The difference for you is whether or not you are a participating citizen, or merely a subject.   What is the root cause, to explain why  logic and common sense  lost  to  a afoolish majority? 


            The root is, what the founders could not have seen and did not foresee.  The answer is found in population excess.  Let’s analysis this a bit.  In  1776  and before ,  until the first part of the 1900s, the American population was small but growing.   In 1776 the population was about 2.400,000,   98 percent of which came from British Isles and Northern Europe.          In 1940 we had added 130,000,000 million.   By 2010 we had added 306,000,000 million, and they came from all over the globe.  Yes  many of the new people  came from different cultures, but they came for  freedom and opportunities, the founders had set up.  No other place in the world attracted such a mass of people.  The first generation of immigrants generally hold fast to those freedoms and opportunities, but their children and their children drift away.   Why?


            It is a dumbing down effect which in turn is caused by increased population .  A good example is to view a  mob in action.  Take a Soccer game that goes ballistic, or wild demonstration  for free stuff, or suffering a disaster like in Katrina.  The mob mentality does not function with intelligence, common sense, and deliberation.   Emotion rules the day.  The same thing is happening with our huge population.   Especially this is true in the large metropolitan places where people are crowded together, and thinking is low on the list of fun things to do.   We know that crowed animals will eat each other.  We are animals too.   Back in 1776 most of the brain dead never made it across the pond.   They stayed home.  The people who came were mostly thinkers and risk takers. As time went on  dimmer wits were born here  and  stayed, and their kind found it easier to get across the pond for the goodies..  The Rooster is not alone in this thought.   At Stanford University researchers recently said the following;


                        Human intelligence (let the Rooster add that they really


                        should have said common sense.) started to decline when


                         civilization made life easier and allowed dimmer individuals


                        to survive and pass on their genes.


            Gerald Crabtree of that group told “The Independent (U.K.) that human beings reached their intellectual peak 2 to 6 thousand years ago, when life was so harsh that individualistic bad judgment (common sense sic.) generally led to death.


            The Rooster agrees and adds that in the early populating of the Americas, we had the same thing going on.   The dimmer ones and their offspring did not come on the leaky sail boats of the day.  Oh there were some exceptions where Europe wanted to get rid of Criminals and the British cleared out the Scots, but those were mostly take charge types, not dependents.  The result was that thinkers  (those with good IQ and common sense) dominated the Constitutional Convention.


            Still the Founders could not have foreseen what we are discussing.   Had they, they would have taken steps to see to it that voters would,  like  drivers  of cars,  prove they can think and have enough common sense to come in out of the rain.     A certified voter should be able to tell you ,  the founders founded a Republic, (Not a democracy);  that the Constitution has three main parts, and describe what they are and do;  that equality has to be earned  and etc, then they can vote.  If they can not be a thinking citizen, (like people under 18,  felons, or the insane) they can not vote.  The founders did not see the problem and therefore did not build  a check and balance, to keep Government protected from the dim ones.   In fact they left the question of voting to the States, most of which restricted voting.   Since then voting restrictions have drifted away and voting given to , (How can I say it?) the unappreciative.  In the last election those non thinkers, those pathetic selfish, self interested dimwits demonstrated they outnumber the thinkers. 


            Gentle-folks start your Engines.  This is going to be a long ride.




Rooster Bradford, gives up all rights to this article and seeks no compensation for its use.


November 8, 2012


the clift




Syndicators Limited. 6500 Casitas Pass Road, Ventura, CA 93001 The

All rights to the article are released, Use it freely.  Nov. 27, 2012


Rooster Bradford  is a former lawyer, politician and radio show host of “The Rooster Crows”   He is the author of several books and articles.  You can obtain his most recent book,  “It is S.A.D.” from  Amazon-Kindle.    His web page, is  




(Or: The Ostrich syndrome.)


            The Rooster is not addressing a Cleft or a Cliff, but a Clift.   This is the place or situation that even the Mad Hatter could rage about.  It is not fiction.    It is reality. It is the financial abyss  Amer—ika’s poor people look down upon. Trillions of dollars owed and trillions we  watch spill over.   Thinkers can not even imagine that much money.   What is so sad and  funny, at the same time, is that the identical people who created it are now dumbfounded about what to do about it.  Their head is in the sand while their most intelligent part is not.  They wring their hands and pontificate up and down their isles.   They talk about the Clift as if it was an animal we had to cage, or a spell being cast.   [All except Obama, of course.  His hopes are much more sinister.]  Thinkers remember Macbeth, but even they may have trouble remembering the weird Sisters—the three Witches—who stirred the witches brew in the dark cave and recited the following.


                        First Witch:           Thrice the brinded cat, hath mew’d

                        Second Witch:       Thrice and once, the hedge-pig, whin’d.

                        Third Witch            Harpier (part women and part Bird.)

                                                            cries:—Tis time!! Tis time!!


                        Then, the three  say in unison,

                        “Double, double toil and trouble, fire burn and caldron bubble” and the spell is cast.


            Yes,  maybe this is a spell that has been cast on these characters who are so fat and sassy about running our ship  of state……….onto a stormy reef.

            Idiots!! Do you not hear the siren sounds?   Can you not see in your own mirror?  What is malfunctioning in your heads that you can not see the consequences of your inaction?  Obviously their sense is not common.  In fact their sense is warped and more dangerous than that of a mass killer.  All agree a mass killer must be mentally unstable.  Why can’t we agree that politicians who refuse to address the Clift are equally unstable.    A mass killers destruction  is measured in small numbers.   The Idiots destruction measures in  millions of hapless souls.   Which is the real MASS?

            The solution is math…..Simple math.   2 plus 2 must equal 4.  Get it?   We can not spend what we do not have without stealing it from someone.   Stop the theft and destruction.  Use your grammar school math,  clowns.   Make it balance, now.  Not 10 years from now.  Now.

            Your friendly Warlock, the Rooster.

Word count 404

Rooster Bradford, gives up all rights to this article and seeks no compensation for its use.

November 8, 2012