(OR: Obama gave away the Ice Cream in China.)
One of the greatest frauds being committed on United States Citizens is China’s selling inferior products. We still think of “American Standards”, but we are receiving Chinese junk. The inferiority is so great that it is fraudulent. Of course Obama did not even have this on his list when he sat down in an oriental purple what-ever, last week. Rooster wants you to join him in demanding “American Made”. If none, complain and call a spade a spade.
Anyone who has traded in Asia, knows the reputation of the national Chinese. They are shrewd business dealers. They are in a habit of getting blood out of a turnip. We are the turnip. Obviously Obama has never done business with them, because they got to him on this visit, in a big way. He got nothing.
Any casual reader of the news has read repeated situations where Chinese buy an existing company with a good reputation. It is not just in our Country. What they do next is use the good reputation, to sell junk at high prices. They deliver inferior products and pocket the difference. Sometimes they do the same thing by buying, not just one company, but several of the suppliers for a product. They then low ball the price and force out of business any they have not bought. This conduct produces cheap products both in quality and durability . For too long American people, have had bad leaders with no international business skills. They have allowed this fraud to go on. When was the last time you heard an American leader demand we buy American. Never. When was the last time you heard any American leader demand that foreign products meet American Standards? Never. When was the last time an American Leader made a demand that we set high standards to which foreign producers must meet. Never.
Here is a great example. Today, if there is an American Company that makes an electric icecream maker with all parts made in America, Rooster cannot find them. In the past White Mountain Products used to make one that would last 15 years or so. They made them to American high standards set by industry. Not today. The former company’s name is just one owned by the conglomerate, Jarden Corporation. This investment group is riding on past reputations, to milk every dollar they can.. The dollar profit is the goal, and to hell with American reputation or consumer satisfaction. Behind them is the Chinese cheap product aiding the fraud. The present White Mountain Ice Cream maker with the Chinese electric motor and housing is a piece of trash. The old reputation of 15 years life is used to sell, but they deliver 1 or two years of use. That is called fraud. Rooster found one where a small local company “ Mountain Feed and Farm Supply”, advertised the same machine as “American Made”. Rooster asked them if it was in fact all made in the U.S. This small company then called White/Jarden and was told that it was made in China. The sales people had mislead this small company. To its credit it immediately removed the “American Made” label when they learned the truth. Today if you try to find any smallish electric motor made in the U.S. you had better go to EBay and buy an old one. At least the motors we used to make can be rebuilt. The Chinese pieces of junk cannot. Rooster also gave up on Chinese Popcorn makers and finally found an old U.S. made one on EBay. It was cheaper than the Chinese Junks and works great.
Jarden Corporation would comply with high American Standards if there were any left. Our Government needs to set Standards, not tariffs. This is what Obama should have demanded on his China trip, instead of lowering himself to wear a purple jump suit—— made in China.
PROTEST: FLY THE BETSY ROSS FLAG. It is the one flag where all the States supported the Constitution.
Wc 558
Rooster Bradford, gives up all rights to this article and seeks no compensation for its use. 2014.