Farm Subsidies are gifts (Webster defines Subsidies as a “gift or grant of money.”)
from the Government to Farms to grow, or to not grow, depending on the product.
Farm Subsidies are really governmental purchase of votes for the politicians of the
area. Yep that is what “Pork Barrel” means.
Over $600 billion dollars are now spent annually by the Federal Government for
farm subsidies
Where subsidies are given to grow, the result is overproduction, because the
farmers want to plant to get the gift. This overproduction has bad world-wide
implications that are just now being understood. For example you ship a lot of grain
to a third world country. Does this act of generosity motivate the people of that
place to cure their problems? You know the answer. It is no.
Where subsidies are given to not grow, the result is a complete disruption in supply
and demand and a irrational interference with free enterprise.
We have had a continual drift to large farming companies and have suffered a loss
of the small farmer. Why? Because in a large operation subsidies are profitable
and in a small one the gifts will not carry the overhead. Do away with subsidies and
you will create an atmosphere where the small farmer, can compete.
Besides Wisdom knows governmental gifts always corrupt, always.

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